3 research outputs found

    Système de contrôle du matériel basé sur SMS "Une approche omniprésente"

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    International audienceThe goal of this paper intended to develop a compact SMS (Short Message Service) based automated hardware controlling system. This is a low cost and ubiquitous automated System. It can be divided into three major parts, namely (1) Hardware controlling device, (2) Server connected with a Wireless Modem and (3) SMS Receiver and Controller of the system. At first Hardware controlling device attached with a server. Server programmer will be started by user and continuously running in the server machine. A GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) interface also attached with our server. The user will send an SMS containing the information of hardware controlling. This SMS will be received at the GSM modem attached with the server, then processed by the server and related instruction will be generated for hardware controlling system attached with the server through parallel port. The instruction will be sent to different circuits, which are specially designed for specific events for example main power switch, door lock system attached to the emergency exit or water pump etc.L'objectif de ce document était de développer un système de contrôle matériel automatisé basé sur SMS (Short Message Service). Il s'agit d'un système automatisé peu coûteux et omniprésent. Il peut être divisé en trois parties principales, à savoir (1) périphérique de contrôle du matériel, (2) serveur connecté à un modem sans fil et (3) récepteur et contrôleur SMS du système. Au premier dispositif de contrôle matériel connecté à un serveur. Le programmeur de serveur sera lancé par l'utilisateur et fonctionnera continuellement sur la machine du serveur. Une interface GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) est également connectée à notre serveur. L'utilisateur enverra un SMS contenant les informations de contrôle du matériel. Ce SMS sera reçu sur le modem GSM connecté au serveur, puis traité par le serveur et des instructions connexes seront générées pour le système de contrôle matériel connecté au serveur via un port parallèle. Les instructions seront envoyées à différents circuits spécialement conçus pour des événements spécifiques, par exemple un interrupteur principal, un système de verrouillage de porte relié à la sortie de secours ou une pompe à eau, etc

    A holonic approach to the integration of automated systems

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    During several years building and residential automation was thought as a good test bed for integration methods applied to automated systems. A reason for that is the large response time of these systems and the fact that they assemble a set of very well known sub-systems (HVAC, security, elevators, etc.). Even recent innovations in residential environments are based on components based on solid and scalable technology. On the other hand the degree of integration did not improve as much as expected. In this paper we investigate this problem, first from a practical point of view, that is, based on the design and implementation difficulties that designers and vendors face everyday, and second from a technical and methodological point of view, which means finding a new control architecture that could lead to real flexible and integrated systems. Frame architectures could provide a better and modern approach relying on a heterarchic arrangement of sensors and actuators. Some years ago part of the authors proposed a similar architecture based on a generic element called integron. Now we revisit the same point with a new version of the same element focusing on the arrangement of the whole system and on the information flow instead of just distributing the control. We claim that such approach is more efficient. Also it will better fit the requirements in a heterogeneous environment such as residential automation

    Remote-Controlled Home Automation Systems with Different Network Technologies

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    This paper describes an investigation into the potential for remote controlled operation of home automation systems. It considers problems with their implementation, discusses possible solutions through various network technologies and indicates how to optimize the use of such systems. The home is an eternal, heterogeneous, distributed computing environment, which certainly requires a careful study before developing any suitable Home Automation System (HAS) that will accomplish its requirements. Nevertheless the latest attempts at introducing Home Automation Systems in actual homes for all kinds of users are starting to be successful thanks to the continuous standardization process that is lowering the prices and making devices more useful and easier to use for the end user. Even so several important issues are always to be handled strictly before developing and installing a Home Automation System; factors like security, reliability, usefulness, robustness and price are critical to determine if the final product will accomplish the expected requirements