43,490 research outputs found

    Speech Recognition by Machine, A Review

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    This paper presents a brief survey on Automatic Speech Recognition and discusses the major themes and advances made in the past 60 years of research, so as to provide a technological perspective and an appreciation of the fundamental progress that has been accomplished in this important area of speech communication. After years of research and development the accuracy of automatic speech recognition remains one of the important research challenges (e.g., variations of the context, speakers, and environment).The design of Speech Recognition system requires careful attentions to the following issues: Definition of various types of speech classes, speech representation, feature extraction techniques, speech classifiers, database and performance evaluation. The problems that are existing in ASR and the various techniques to solve these problems constructed by various research workers have been presented in a chronological order. Hence authors hope that this work shall be a contribution in the area of speech recognition. The objective of this review paper is to summarize and compare some of the well known methods used in various stages of speech recognition system and identify research topic and applications which are at the forefront of this exciting and challenging field.Comment: 25 pages IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS December 2009, ISSN 1947 5500, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    Joint Modeling of Event Sequence and Time Series with Attentional Twin Recurrent Neural Networks

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    A variety of real-world processes (over networks) produce sequences of data whose complex temporal dynamics need to be studied. More especially, the event timestamps can carry important information about the underlying network dynamics, which otherwise are not available from the time-series evenly sampled from continuous signals. Moreover, in most complex processes, event sequences and evenly-sampled times series data can interact with each other, which renders joint modeling of those two sources of data necessary. To tackle the above problems, in this paper, we utilize the rich framework of (temporal) point processes to model event data and timely update its intensity function by the synergic twin Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). In the proposed architecture, the intensity function is synergistically modulated by one RNN with asynchronous events as input and another RNN with time series as input. Furthermore, to enhance the interpretability of the model, the attention mechanism for the neural point process is introduced. The whole model with event type and timestamp prediction output layers can be trained end-to-end and allows a black-box treatment for modeling the intensity. We substantiate the superiority of our model in synthetic data and three real-world benchmark datasets.Comment: 14 page

    Doctor AI: Predicting Clinical Events via Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Leveraging large historical data in electronic health record (EHR), we developed Doctor AI, a generic predictive model that covers observed medical conditions and medication uses. Doctor AI is a temporal model using recurrent neural networks (RNN) and was developed and applied to longitudinal time stamped EHR data from 260K patients over 8 years. Encounter records (e.g. diagnosis codes, medication codes or procedure codes) were input to RNN to predict (all) the diagnosis and medication categories for a subsequent visit. Doctor AI assesses the history of patients to make multilabel predictions (one label for each diagnosis or medication category). Based on separate blind test set evaluation, Doctor AI can perform differential diagnosis with up to 79% recall@30, significantly higher than several baselines. Moreover, we demonstrate great generalizability of Doctor AI by adapting the resulting models from one institution to another without losing substantial accuracy.Comment: Presented at 2016 Machine Learning and Healthcare Conference (MLHC 2016), Los Angeles, C

    Forecasting Individualized Disease Trajectories using Interpretable Deep Learning

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    Disease progression models are instrumental in predicting individual-level health trajectories and understanding disease dynamics. Existing models are capable of providing either accurate predictions of patients prognoses or clinically interpretable representations of disease pathophysiology, but not both. In this paper, we develop the phased attentive state space (PASS) model of disease progression, a deep probabilistic model that captures complex representations for disease progression while maintaining clinical interpretability. Unlike Markovian state space models which assume memoryless dynamics, PASS uses an attention mechanism to induce "memoryful" state transitions, whereby repeatedly updated attention weights are used to focus on past state realizations that best predict future states. This gives rise to complex, non-stationary state dynamics that remain interpretable through the generated attention weights, which designate the relationships between the realized state variables for individual patients. PASS uses phased LSTM units (with time gates controlled by parametrized oscillations) to generate the attention weights in continuous time, which enables handling irregularly-sampled and potentially missing medical observations. Experiments on data from a realworld cohort of patients show that PASS successfully balances the tradeoff between accuracy and interpretability: it demonstrates superior predictive accuracy and learns insightful individual-level representations of disease progression

    An Empirical Study of Discriminative Sequence Labeling Models for Vietnamese Text Processing

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    This paper presents an empirical study of two widely-used sequence prediction models, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs), on two fundamental tasks for Vietnamese text processing, including part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition. We show that a strong lower bound for labeling accuracy can be obtained by relying only on simple word-based features with minimal hand-crafted feature engineering, of 90.65\% and 86.03\% performance scores on the standard test sets for the two tasks respectively. In particular, we demonstrate empirically the surprising efficiency of word embeddings in both of the two tasks, with both of the two models. We point out that the state-of-the-art LSTMs model does not always outperform significantly the traditional CRFs model, especially on moderate-sized data sets. Finally, we give some suggestions and discussions for efficient use of sequence labeling models in practical applications.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE) 201

    Anomaly Detection and Modeling in 802.11 Wireless Networks

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    IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks are getting more and more popular at university campuses, enterprises, shopping centers, airports and in so many other public places, providing Internet access to a large crowd openly and quickly. The wireless users are also getting more dependent on WiFi technology and therefore demanding more reliability and higher performance for this vital technology. However, due to unstable radio conditions, faulty equipment, and dynamic user behavior among other reasons, there are always unpredictable performance problems in a wireless covered area. Detection and prediction of such problems is of great significance to network managers if they are to alleviate the connectivity issues of the mobile users and provide a higher quality wireless service. This paper aims to improve the management of the 802.11 wireless networks by characterizing and modeling wireless usage patterns in a set of anomalous scenarios that can occur in such networks. We apply time-invariant (Gaussian Mixture Models) and time-variant (Hidden Markov Models) modeling approaches to a dataset generated from a large production network and describe how we use these models for anomaly detection. We then generate several common anomalies on a Testbed network and evaluate the proposed anomaly detection methodologies in a controlled environment. The experimental results of the Testbed show that HMM outperforms GMM and yields a higher anomaly detection ratio and a lower false alarm rate

    A Fast and Accurate Performance Analysis of Beaconless IEEE 802.15.4 Multi-Hop Networks

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    We develop an approximate analytical technique for evaluating the performance of multi-hop networks based on beaconless IEEE 802.15.4, a popular standard for wireless sensor networks. The network comprises sensor nodes, which generate measurement packets, relay nodes which only forward packets, and a data sink (base station). We consider a detailed stochastic process at each node, and analyse this process taking into account the interaction with neighboring nodes via certain time averaged unknown variables (e.g., channel sensing rates, collision probabilities, etc.). By coupling the analyses at various nodes, we obtain fixed point equations that can be solved numerically to obtain the unknown variables, thereby yielding approximations of time average performance measures, such as packet discard probabilities and average queueing delays. The model incorporates packet generation at the sensor nodes and queues at the sensor nodes and relay nodes. We demonstrate the accuracy of our model by an extensive comparison with simulations. As an additional assessment of the accuracy of the model, we utilize it in an algorithm for sensor network design with quality-of-service (QoS) objectives, and show that designs obtained using our model actually satisfy the QoS constraints (as validated by simulating the networks), and the predictions are accurate to well within 10% as compared to the simulation results.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1201.300

    An EM Algorithm for Continuous-time Bivariate Markov Chains

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    We study properties and parameter estimation of finite-state homogeneous continuous-time bivariate Markov chains. Only one of the two processes of the bivariate Markov chain is observable. The general form of the bivariate Markov chain studied here makes no assumptions on the structure of the generator of the chain, and hence, neither the underlying process nor the observable process is necessarily Markov. The bivariate Markov chain allows for simultaneous jumps of the underlying and observable processes. Furthermore, the inter-arrival time of observed events is phase-type. The bivariate Markov chain generalizes the batch Markovian arrival process as well as the Markov modulated Markov process. We develop an expectation-maximization (EM) procedure for estimating the generator of a bivariate Markov chain, and we demonstrate its performance. The procedure does not rely on any numerical integration or sampling scheme of the continuous-time bivariate Markov chain. The proposed EM algorithm is equally applicable to multivariate Markov chains

    Long-term Forecasting using Higher Order Tensor RNNs

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    We present Higher-Order Tensor RNN (HOT-RNN), a novel family of neural sequence architectures for multivariate forecasting in environments with nonlinear dynamics. Long-term forecasting in such systems is highly challenging, since there exist long-term temporal dependencies, higher-order correlations and sensitivity to error propagation. Our proposed recurrent architecture addresses these issues by learning the nonlinear dynamics directly using higher-order moments and higher-order state transition functions. Furthermore, we decompose the higher-order structure using the tensor-train decomposition to reduce the number of parameters while preserving the model performance. We theoretically establish the approximation guarantees and the variance bound for HOT-RNN for general sequence inputs. We also demonstrate 5% ~ 12% improvements for long-term prediction over general RNN and LSTM architectures on a range of simulated environments with nonlinear dynamics, as well on real-world time series data.Comment: 24 pages including appendix, updated JMLR versio

    Non-Markovian Control with Gated End-to-End Memory Policy Networks

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    Partially observable environments present an important open challenge in the domain of sequential control learning with delayed rewards. Despite numerous attempts during the two last decades, the majority of reinforcement learning algorithms and associated approximate models, applied to this context, still assume Markovian state transitions. In this paper, we explore the use of a recently proposed attention-based model, the Gated End-to-End Memory Network, for sequential control. We call the resulting model the Gated End-to-End Memory Policy Network. More precisely, we use a model-free value-based algorithm to learn policies for partially observed domains using this memory-enhanced neural network. This model is end-to-end learnable and it features unbounded memory. Indeed, because of its attention mechanism and associated non-parametric memory, the proposed model allows us to define an attention mechanism over the observation stream unlike recurrent models. We show encouraging results that illustrate the capability of our attention-based model in the context of the continuous-state non-stationary control problem of stock trading. We also present an OpenAI Gym environment for simulated stock exchange and explain its relevance as a benchmark for the field of non-Markovian decision process learning.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl
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