78 research outputs found

    Exploring Time-Sensitive Variational Bayesian Inference LDA for Social Media Data

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    There is considerable interest among both researchers and the mass public in understanding the topics of discussion on social media as they occur over time. Scholars have thoroughly analysed sampling-based topic modelling approaches for various text corpora including social media; however, another LDA topic modelling implementation—Variational Bayesian (VB)—has not been well studied, despite its known efficiency and its adaptability to the volume and dynamics of social media data. In this paper, we examine the performance of the VB-based topic modelling approach for producing coherent topics, and further, we extend the VB approach by proposing a novel time-sensitive Variational Bayesian implementation, denoted as TVB. Our newly proposed TVB approach incorporates time so as to increase the quality of the generated topics. Using a Twitter dataset covering 8 events, our empirical results show that the coherence of the topics in our TVB model is improved by the integration of time. In particular, through a user study, we find that our TVB approach generates less mixed topics than state-of-the-art topic modelling approaches. Moreover, our proposed TVB approach can more accurately estimate topical trends, making it particularly suitable to assist end-users in tracking emerging topics on social media

    Dating Texts without Explicit Temporal Cues

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    This paper tackles temporal resolution of documents, such as determining when a document is about or when it was written, based only on its text. We apply techniques from information retrieval that predict dates via language models over a discretized timeline. Unlike most previous works, we rely {\it solely} on temporal cues implicit in the text. We consider both document-likelihood and divergence based techniques and several smoothing methods for both of them. Our best model predicts the mid-point of individuals' lives with a median of 22 and mean error of 36 years for Wikipedia biographies from 3800 B.C. to the present day. We also show that this approach works well when training on such biographies and predicting dates both for non-biographical Wikipedia pages about specific years (500 B.C. to 2010 A.D.) and for publication dates of short stories (1798 to 2008). Together, our work shows that, even in absence of temporal extraction resources, it is possible to achieve remarkable temporal locality across a diverse set of texts

    A unifying representation for a class of dependent random measures

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    We present a general construction for dependent random measures based on thinning Poisson processes on an augmented space. The framework is not restricted to dependent versions of a specific nonparametric model, but can be applied to all models that can be represented using completely random measures. Several existing dependent random measures can be seen as specific cases of this framework. Interesting properties of the resulting measures are derived and the efficacy of the framework is demonstrated by constructing a covariate-dependent latent feature model and topic model that obtain superior predictive performance
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