3,682 research outputs found

    Continual Learning in Medical Image Analysis: A Comprehensive Review of Recent Advancements and Future Prospects

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    Medical imaging analysis has witnessed remarkable advancements even surpassing human-level performance in recent years, driven by the rapid development of advanced deep-learning algorithms. However, when the inference dataset slightly differs from what the model has seen during one-time training, the model performance is greatly compromised. The situation requires restarting the training process using both the old and the new data which is computationally costly, does not align with the human learning process, and imposes storage constraints and privacy concerns. Alternatively, continual learning has emerged as a crucial approach for developing unified and sustainable deep models to deal with new classes, tasks, and the drifting nature of data in non-stationary environments for various application areas. Continual learning techniques enable models to adapt and accumulate knowledge over time, which is essential for maintaining performance on evolving datasets and novel tasks. This systematic review paper provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in continual learning techniques applied to medical imaging analysis. We present an extensive survey of existing research, covering topics including catastrophic forgetting, data drifts, stability, and plasticity requirements. Further, an in-depth discussion of key components of a continual learning framework such as continual learning scenarios, techniques, evaluation schemes, and metrics is provided. Continual learning techniques encompass various categories, including rehearsal, regularization, architectural, and hybrid strategies. We assess the popularity and applicability of continual learning categories in various medical sub-fields like radiology and histopathology..

    Data efficient deep learning for medical image analysis: A survey

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    The rapid evolution of deep learning has significantly advanced the field of medical image analysis. However, despite these achievements, the further enhancement of deep learning models for medical image analysis faces a significant challenge due to the scarcity of large, well-annotated datasets. To address this issue, recent years have witnessed a growing emphasis on the development of data-efficient deep learning methods. This paper conducts a thorough review of data-efficient deep learning methods for medical image analysis. To this end, we categorize these methods based on the level of supervision they rely on, encompassing categories such as no supervision, inexact supervision, incomplete supervision, inaccurate supervision, and only limited supervision. We further divide these categories into finer subcategories. For example, we categorize inexact supervision into multiple instance learning and learning with weak annotations. Similarly, we categorize incomplete supervision into semi-supervised learning, active learning, and domain-adaptive learning and so on. Furthermore, we systematically summarize commonly used datasets for data efficient deep learning in medical image analysis and investigate future research directions to conclude this survey.Comment: Under Revie

    Deep learning for unsupervised domain adaptation in medical imaging: Recent advancements and future perspectives

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    Deep learning has demonstrated remarkable performance across various tasks in medical imaging. However, these approaches primarily focus on supervised learning, assuming that the training and testing data are drawn from the same distribution. Unfortunately, this assumption may not always hold true in practice. To address these issues, unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) techniques have been developed to transfer knowledge from a labeled domain to a related but unlabeled domain. In recent years, significant advancements have been made in UDA, resulting in a wide range of methodologies, including feature alignment, image translation, self-supervision, and disentangled representation methods, among others. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive literature review of recent deep UDA approaches in medical imaging from a technical perspective. Specifically, we categorize current UDA research in medical imaging into six groups and further divide them into finer subcategories based on the different tasks they perform. We also discuss the respective datasets used in the studies to assess the divergence between the different domains. Finally, we discuss emerging areas and provide insights and discussions on future research directions to conclude this survey.Comment: Under Revie

    NEVIS'22: A Stream of 100 Tasks Sampled from 30 Years of Computer Vision Research

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    We introduce the Never Ending VIsual-classification Stream (NEVIS'22), a benchmark consisting of a stream of over 100 visual classification tasks, sorted chronologically and extracted from papers sampled uniformly from computer vision proceedings spanning the last three decades. The resulting stream reflects what the research community thought was meaningful at any point in time. Despite being limited to classification, the resulting stream has a rich diversity of tasks from OCR, to texture analysis, crowd counting, scene recognition, and so forth. The diversity is also reflected in the wide range of dataset sizes, spanning over four orders of magnitude. Overall, NEVIS'22 poses an unprecedented challenge for current sequential learning approaches due to the scale and diversity of tasks, yet with a low entry barrier as it is limited to a single modality and each task is a classical supervised learning problem. Moreover, we provide a reference implementation including strong baselines and a simple evaluation protocol to compare methods in terms of their trade-off between accuracy and compute. We hope that NEVIS'22 can be useful to researchers working on continual learning, meta-learning, AutoML and more generally sequential learning, and help these communities join forces towards more robust and efficient models that efficiently adapt to a never ending stream of data. Implementations have been made available at https://github.com/deepmind/dm_nevis

    A Continual Learning Approach for Cross-Domain White Blood Cell Classification

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    Accurate classification of white blood cells in peripheral blood is essential for diagnosing hematological diseases. Due to constantly evolving clinical settings, data sources, and disease classifications, it is necessary to update machine learning classification models regularly for practical real-world use. Such models significantly benefit from sequentially learning from incoming data streams without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. However, models can suffer from catastrophic forgetting, causing a drop in performance on previous tasks when fine-tuned on new data. Here, we propose a rehearsal-based continual learning approach for class incremental and domain incremental scenarios in white blood cell classification. To choose representative samples from previous tasks, we employ exemplar set selection based on the model's predictions. This involves selecting the most confident samples and the most challenging samples identified through uncertainty estimation of the model. We thoroughly evaluated our proposed approach on three white blood cell classification datasets that differ in color, resolution, and class composition, including scenarios where new domains or new classes are introduced to the model with every task. We also test a long class incremental experiment with both new domains and new classes. Our results demonstrate that our approach outperforms established baselines in continual learning, including existing iCaRL and EWC methods for classifying white blood cells in cross-domain environments.Comment: Accepted for publication at workshop on Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer (DART) in International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023

    Applications of Sequential Learning for Medical Image Classification

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    Purpose: The aim of this work is to develop a neural network training framework for continual training of small amounts of medical imaging data and create heuristics to assess training in the absence of a hold-out validation or test set. Materials and Methods: We formulated a retrospective sequential learning approach that would train and consistently update a model on mini-batches of medical images over time. We address problems that impede sequential learning such as overfitting, catastrophic forgetting, and concept drift through PyTorch convolutional neural networks (CNN) and publicly available Medical MNIST and NIH Chest X-Ray imaging datasets. We begin by comparing two methods for a sequentially trained CNN with and without base pre-training. We then transition to two methods of unique training and validation data recruitment to estimate full information extraction without overfitting. Lastly, we consider an example of real-life data that shows how our approach would see mainstream research implementation. Results: For the first experiment, both approaches successfully reach a ~95% accuracy threshold, although the short pre-training step enables sequential accuracy to plateau in fewer steps. The second experiment comparing two methods showed better performance with the second method which crosses the ~90% accuracy threshold much sooner. The final experiment showed a slight advantage with a pre-training step that allows the CNN to cross ~60% threshold much sooner than without pre-training. Conclusion: We have displayed sequential learning as a serviceable multi-classification technique statistically comparable to traditional CNNs that can acquire data in small increments feasible for clinically realistic scenarios
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