2,940 research outputs found

    Learning to Learn to Disambiguate: Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Word Sense Disambiguation

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    The success of deep learning methods hinges on the availability of large training datasets annotated for the task of interest. In contrast to human intelligence, these methods lack versatility and struggle to learn and adapt quickly to new tasks, where labeled data is scarce. Meta-learning aims to solve this problem by training a model on a large number of few-shot tasks, with an objective to learn new tasks quickly from a small number of examples. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning framework for few-shot word sense disambiguation (WSD), where the goal is to learn to disambiguate unseen words from only a few labeled instances. Meta-learning approaches have so far been typically tested in an NN-way, KK-shot classification setting where each task has NN classes with KK examples per class. Owing to its nature, WSD deviates from this controlled setup and requires the models to handle a large number of highly unbalanced classes. We extend several popular meta-learning approaches to this scenario, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses in this new challenging setting.Comment: Added additional experiment

    Using a Probabilistic Class-Based Lexicon for Lexical Ambiguity Resolution

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    This paper presents the use of probabilistic class-based lexica for disambiguation in target-word selection. Our method employs minimal but precise contextual information for disambiguation. That is, only information provided by the target-verb, enriched by the condensed information of a probabilistic class-based lexicon, is used. Induction of classes and fine-tuning to verbal arguments is done in an unsupervised manner by EM-based clustering techniques. The method shows promising results in an evaluation on real-world translations.Comment: 7 pages, uses colacl.st

    Sentence similarity-based source context modelling in PBSMT

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    Target phrase selection, a crucial component of the state-of-the-art phrase-based statistical machine translation (PBSMT) model, plays a key role in generating accurate translation hypotheses. Inspired by context-rich word-sense disambiguation techniques, machine translation (MT) researchers have successfully integrated various types of source language context into the PBSMT model to improve target phrase selection. Among the various types of lexical and syntactic features, lexical syntactic descriptions in the form of supertags that preserve long-range word-to-word dependencies in a sentence have proven to be effective. These rich contextual features are able to disambiguate a source phrase, on the basis of the local syntactic behaviour of that phrase. In addition to local contextual information, global contextual information such as the grammatical structure of a sentence, sentence length and n-gram word sequences could provide additional important information to enhance this phrase-sense disambiguation. In this work, we explore various sentence similarity features by measuring similarity between a source sentence to be translated with the source-side of the bilingual training sentences and integrate them directly into the PBSMT model. We performed experiments on an English-to-Chinese translation task by applying sentence-similarity features both individually, and collaboratively with supertag-based features. We evaluate the performance of our approach and report a statistically significant relative improvement of 5.25% BLEU score when adding a sentence-similarity feature together with a supertag-based feature

    Similarity-Based Models of Word Cooccurrence Probabilities

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    In many applications of natural language processing (NLP) it is necessary to determine the likelihood of a given word combination. For example, a speech recognizer may need to determine which of the two word combinations ``eat a peach'' and ``eat a beach'' is more likely. Statistical NLP methods determine the likelihood of a word combination from its frequency in a training corpus. However, the nature of language is such that many word combinations are infrequent and do not occur in any given corpus. In this work we propose a method for estimating the probability of such previously unseen word combinations using available information on ``most similar'' words. We describe probabilistic word association models based on distributional word similarity, and apply them to two tasks, language modeling and pseudo-word disambiguation. In the language modeling task, a similarity-based model is used to improve probability estimates for unseen bigrams in a back-off language model. The similarity-based method yields a 20% perplexity improvement in the prediction of unseen bigrams and statistically significant reductions in speech-recognition error. We also compare four similarity-based estimation methods against back-off and maximum-likelihood estimation methods on a pseudo-word sense disambiguation task in which we controlled for both unigram and bigram frequency to avoid giving too much weight to easy-to-disambiguate high-frequency configurations. The similarity-based methods perform up to 40% better on this particular task.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Knowledge Representation and WordNets

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    Knowledge itself is a representation of “real facts”. Knowledge is a logical model that presents facts from “the real world” witch can be expressed in a formal language. Representation means the construction of a model of some part of reality. Knowledge representation is contingent to both cognitive science and artificial intelligence. In cognitive science it expresses the way people store and process the information. In the AI field the goal is to store knowledge in such way that permits intelligent programs to represent information as nearly as possible to human intelligence. Knowledge Representation is referred to the formal representation of knowledge intended to be processed and stored by computers and to draw conclusions from this knowledge. Examples of applications are expert systems, machine translation systems, computer-aided maintenance systems and information retrieval systems (including database front-ends).knowledge, representation, ai models, databases, cams

    Morphological Disambiguation by Voting Constraints

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    We present a constraint-based morphological disambiguation system in which individual constraints vote on matching morphological parses, and disambiguation of all the tokens in a sentence is performed at the end by selecting parses that receive the highest votes. This constraint application paradigm makes the outcome of the disambiguation independent of the rule sequence, and hence relieves the rule developer from worrying about potentially conflicting rule sequencing. Our results for disambiguating Turkish indicate that using about 500 constraint rules and some additional simple statistics, we can attain a recall of 95-96% and a precision of 94-95% with about 1.01 parses per token. Our system is implemented in Prolog and we are currently investigating an efficient implementation based on finite state transducers.Comment: 8 pages, Latex source. To appear in Proceedings of ACL/EACL'97 Compressed postscript also available as ftp://ftp.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/pub/ko/acl97.ps.
