20 research outputs found

    Dialog act guided contextual adapter for personalized speech recognition

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    Personalization in multi-turn dialogs has been a long standing challenge for end-to-end automatic speech recognition (E2E ASR) models. Recent work on contextual adapters has tackled rare word recognition using user catalogs. This adaptation, however, does not incorporate an important cue, the dialog act, which is available in a multi-turn dialog scenario. In this work, we propose a dialog act guided contextual adapter network. Specifically, it leverages dialog acts to select the most relevant user catalogs and creates queries based on both -- the audio as well as the semantic relationship between the carrier phrase and user catalogs to better guide the contextual biasing. On industrial voice assistant datasets, our model outperforms both the baselines - dialog act encoder-only model, and the contextual adaptation, leading to the most improvement over the no-context model: 58% average relative word error rate reduction (WERR) in the multi-turn dialog scenario, in comparison to the prior-art contextual adapter, which has achieved 39% WERR over the no-context model.Comment: Accepted at ICASSP 202

    Contextualized Automatic Speech Recognition with Attention-Based Bias Phrase Boosted Beam Search

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    End-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) methods exhibit remarkable performance. However, since the performance of such methods is intrinsically linked to the context present in the training data, E2E-ASR methods do not perform as desired for unseen user contexts (e.g., technical terms, personal names, and playlists). Thus, E2E-ASR methods must be easily contextualized by the user or developer. This paper proposes an attention-based contextual biasing method that can be customized using an editable phrase list (referred to as a bias list). The proposed method can be trained effectively by combining a bias phrase index loss and special tokens to detect the bias phrases in the input speech data. In addition, to improve the contextualization performance during inference further, we propose a bias phrase boosted (BPB) beam search algorithm based on the bias phrase index probability. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method consistently improves the word error rate and the character error rate of the target phrases in the bias list on both the Librispeech-960 (English) and our in-house (Japanese) dataset, respectively.Comment: accepted by ICASSP2022

    SpellMapper: A non-autoregressive neural spellchecker for ASR customization with candidate retrieval based on n-gram mappings

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    Contextual spelling correction models are an alternative to shallow fusion to improve automatic speech recognition (ASR) quality given user vocabulary. To deal with large user vocabularies, most of these models include candidate retrieval mechanisms, usually based on minimum edit distance between fragments of ASR hypothesis and user phrases. However, the edit-distance approach is slow, non-trainable, and may have low recall as it relies only on common letters. We propose: 1) a novel algorithm for candidate retrieval, based on misspelled n-gram mappings, which gives up to 90% recall with just the top 10 candidates on Spoken Wikipedia; 2) a non-autoregressive neural model based on BERT architecture, where the initial transcript and ten candidates are combined into one input. The experiments on Spoken Wikipedia show 21.4% word error rate improvement compared to a baseline ASR system.Comment: Accepted by INTERSPEECH 202

    PROCTER: PROnunciation-aware ConTextual adaptER for personalized speech recognition in neural transducers

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    End-to-End (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems used in voice assistants often have difficulties recognizing infrequent words personalized to the user, such as names and places. Rare words often have non-trivial pronunciations, and in such cases, human knowledge in the form of a pronunciation lexicon can be useful. We propose a PROnunCiation-aware conTextual adaptER (PROCTER) that dynamically injects lexicon knowledge into an RNN-T model by adding a phonemic embedding along with a textual embedding. The experimental results show that the proposed PROCTER architecture outperforms the baseline RNN-T model by improving the word error rate (WER) by 44% and 57% when measured on personalized entities and personalized rare entities, respectively, while increasing the model size (number of trainable parameters) by only 1%. Furthermore, when evaluated in a zero-shot setting to recognize personalized device names, we observe 7% WER improvement with PROCTER, as compared to only 1% WER improvement with text-only contextual attentionComment: To appear in Proc. IEEE ICASS

    Can Contextual Biasing Remain Effective with Whisper and GPT-2?

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    End-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) and large language models, such as Whisper and GPT-2, have recently been scaled to use vast amounts of training data. Despite the large amount of training data, infrequent content words that occur in a particular task may still exhibit poor ASR performance, with contextual biasing a possible remedy. This paper investigates the effectiveness of neural contextual biasing for Whisper combined with GPT-2. Specifically, this paper proposes integrating an adapted tree-constrained pointer generator (TCPGen) component for Whisper and a dedicated training scheme to dynamically adjust the final output without modifying any Whisper model parameters. Experiments across three datasets show a considerable reduction in errors on biasing words with a biasing list of 1000 words. Contextual biasing was more effective when applied to domain-specific data and can boost the performance of Whisper and GPT-2 without losing their generality.Comment: To appear in Interspeech 202

    Contextual Biasing of Named-Entities with Large Language Models

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    This paper studies contextual biasing with Large Language Models (LLMs), where during second-pass rescoring additional contextual information is provided to a LLM to boost Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) performance. We propose to leverage prompts for a LLM without fine tuning during rescoring which incorporate a biasing list and few-shot examples to serve as additional information when calculating the score for the hypothesis. In addition to few-shot prompt learning, we propose multi-task training of the LLM to predict both the entity class and the next token. To improve the efficiency for contextual biasing and to avoid exceeding LLMs' maximum sequence lengths, we propose dynamic prompting, where we select the most likely class using the class tag prediction, and only use entities in this class as contexts for next token prediction. Word Error Rate (WER) evaluation is performed on i) an internal calling, messaging, and dictation dataset, and ii) the SLUE-Voxpopuli dataset. Results indicate that biasing lists and few-shot examples can achieve 17.8% and 9.6% relative improvement compared to first pass ASR, and that multi-task training and dynamic prompting can achieve 20.0% and 11.3% relative WER improvement, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Conference: ICASSP 202

    Streaming Speech-to-Confusion Network Speech Recognition

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    In interactive automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, low-latency requirements limit the amount of search space that can be explored during decoding, particularly in end-to-end neural ASR. In this paper, we present a novel streaming ASR architecture that outputs a confusion network while maintaining limited latency, as needed for interactive applications. We show that 1-best results of our model are on par with a comparable RNN-T system, while the richer hypothesis set allows second-pass rescoring to achieve 10-20\% lower word error rate on the LibriSpeech task. We also show that our model outperforms a strong RNN-T baseline on a far-field voice assistant task.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 202

    Phoneme-aware Encoding for Prefix-tree-based Contextual ASR

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    In speech recognition applications, it is important to recognize context-specific rare words, such as proper nouns. Tree-constrained Pointer Generator (TCPGen) has shown promise for this purpose, which efficiently biases such words with a prefix tree. While the original TCPGen relies on grapheme-based encoding, we propose extending it with phoneme-aware encoding to better recognize words of unusual pronunciations. As TCPGen handles biasing words as subword units, we propose obtaining subword-level phoneme-aware encoding by using alignment between phonemes and subwords. Furthermore, we propose injecting phoneme-level predictions from CTC into queries of TCPGen so that the model better interprets the phoneme-aware encodings. We conducted ASR experiments with TCPGen for RNN transducer. We observed that proposed phoneme-aware encoding outperformed ordinary grapheme-based encoding on both the English LibriSpeech and Japanese CSJ datasets, demonstrating the robustness of our approach across linguistically diverse languages.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP202