257,040 research outputs found

    RRescue: Ranking LLM Responses to Enhance Reasoning Over Context

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    Effectively using a given context is paramount for large language models. A context window can include task specifications, retrieved documents, previous conversations, and even model self-reflections, functioning similarly to episodic memory. While efforts are being made to expand the context window, studies indicate that LLMs do not use their context optimally for response generation. In this paper, we present a novel approach to optimize LLMs using ranking metrics, which teaches LLMs to rank a collection of contextually-grounded candidate responses. Rather than a traditional full ordering, we advocate for a partial ordering. This is because achieving consensus on the perfect order for system responses can be challenging. Our partial ordering is more robust, less sensitive to noise, and can be acquired through human labelers, heuristic functions, or model distillation. We test our system's improved contextual understanding using the latest benchmarks, including a new multi-document question answering dataset. We conduct ablation studies to understand crucial factors, such as how to gather candidate responses, determine their most suitable order, and balance supervised fine-tuning with ranking metrics. Our approach, named RRescue, suggests a promising avenue for enhancing LLMs' contextual understanding via response ranking

    Regression Compatible Listwise Objectives for Calibrated Ranking

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    As Learning-to-Rank (LTR) approaches primarily seek to improve ranking quality, their output scores are not scale-calibrated by design -- for example, adding a constant to the score of each item on the list will not affect the list ordering. This fundamentally limits LTR usage in score-sensitive applications. Though a simple multi-objective approach that combines a regression and a ranking objective can effectively learn scale-calibrated scores, we argue that the two objectives can be inherently conflicting, which makes the trade-off far from ideal for both of them. In this paper, we propose a novel regression compatible ranking (RCR) approach to achieve a better trade-off. The advantage of the proposed approach is that the regression and ranking components are well aligned which brings new opportunities for harmonious regression and ranking. Theoretically, we show that the two components share the same minimizer at global minima while the regression component ensures scale calibration. Empirically, we show that the proposed approach performs well on both regression and ranking metrics on several public LTR datasets, and significantly improves the Pareto frontiers in the context of multi-objective optimization. Furthermore, we evaluated the proposed approach on YouTube Search and found that it not only improved the ranking quality of the production pCTR model, but also brought gains to the click prediction accuracy

    Entity Linking for Queries by Searching Wikipedia Sentences

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    We present a simple yet effective approach for linking entities in queries. The key idea is to search sentences similar to a query from Wikipedia articles and directly use the human-annotated entities in the similar sentences as candidate entities for the query. Then, we employ a rich set of features, such as link-probability, context-matching, word embeddings, and relatedness among candidate entities as well as their related entities, to rank the candidates under a regression based framework. The advantages of our approach lie in two aspects, which contribute to the ranking process and final linking result. First, it can greatly reduce the number of candidate entities by filtering out irrelevant entities with the words in the query. Second, we can obtain the query sensitive prior probability in addition to the static link-probability derived from all Wikipedia articles. We conduct experiments on two benchmark datasets on entity linking for queries, namely the ERD14 dataset and the GERDAQ dataset. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art systems and yields 75.0% in F1 on the ERD14 dataset and 56.9% on the GERDAQ dataset

    Unsupervised Context-Sensitive Spelling Correction of English and Dutch Clinical Free-Text with Word and Character N-Gram Embeddings

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    We present an unsupervised context-sensitive spelling correction method for clinical free-text that uses word and character n-gram embeddings. Our method generates misspelling replacement candidates and ranks them according to their semantic fit, by calculating a weighted cosine similarity between the vectorized representation of a candidate and the misspelling context. To tune the parameters of this model, we generate self-induced spelling error corpora. We perform our experiments for two languages. For English, we greatly outperform off-the-shelf spelling correction tools on a manually annotated MIMIC-III test set, and counter the frequency bias of a noisy channel model, showing that neural embeddings can be successfully exploited to improve upon the state-of-the-art. For Dutch, we also outperform an off-the-shelf spelling correction tool on manually annotated clinical records from the Antwerp University Hospital, but can offer no empirical evidence that our method counters the frequency bias of a noisy channel model in this case as well. However, both our context-sensitive model and our implementation of the noisy channel model obtain high scores on the test set, establishing a state-of-the-art for Dutch clinical spelling correction with the noisy channel model.Comment: Appears in volume 7 of the CLIN Journal, http://www.clinjournal.org/biblio/volum
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