4 research outputs found

    Context-Dependent Acoustic Modeling without Explicit Phone Clustering

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    Phoneme-based acoustic modeling of large vocabulary automatic speech recognition takes advantage of phoneme context. The large number of context-dependent (CD) phonemes and their highly varying statistics require tying or smoothing to enable robust training. Usually, Classification and Regression Trees are used for phonetic clustering, which is standard in Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based systems. However, this solution introduces a secondary training objective and does not allow for end-to-end training. In this work, we address a direct phonetic context modeling for the hybrid Deep Neural Network (DNN)/HMM, that does not build on any phone clustering algorithm for the determination of the HMM state inventory. By performing different decompositions of the joint probability of the center phoneme state and its left and right contexts, we obtain a factorized network consisting of different components, trained jointly. Moreover, the representation of the phonetic context for the network relies on phoneme embeddings. The recognition accuracy of our proposed models on the Switchboard task is comparable and outperforms slightly the hybrid model using the standard state-tying decision trees.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 202

    Equivalence of Segmental and Neural Transducer Modeling: A Proof of Concept

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    With the advent of direct models in automatic speech recognition (ASR), the formerly prevalent frame-wise acoustic modeling based on hidden Markov models (HMM) diversified into a number of modeling architectures like encoder-decoder attention models, transducer models and segmental models (direct HMM). While transducer models stay with a frame-level model definition, segmental models are defined on the level of label segments directly. While (soft-)attention-based models avoid explicit alignment, transducer and segmental approach internally do model alignment, either by segment hypotheses or, more implicitly, by emitting so-called blank symbols. In this work, we prove that the widely used class of RNN-Transducer models and segmental models (direct HMM) are equivalent and therefore show equal modeling power. It is shown that blank probabilities translate into segment length probabilities and vice versa. In addition, we provide initial experiments investigating decoding and beam-pruning, comparing time-synchronous and label-/segment-synchronous search strategies and their properties using the same underlying model.Comment: accepted at Interspeech202