4 research outputs found

    Feature decay algorithms for fast deployment of accurate statistical machine translation systems

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    We use feature decay algorithms (FDA) for fast deployment of accurate statistical machine translation systems taking only about half a day for each translation direction. We develop parallel FDA for solving computational scalability problems caused by the abundance of training data for SMT models and LM models and still achieve SMT performance that is on par with using all of the training data or better. Parallel FDA runs separate FDA models on randomized subsets of the training data and combines the instance selections later. Parallel FDA can also be used for selecting the LM corpus based on the training set selected by parallel FDA. The high quality of the selected training data allows us to obtain very accurate translation outputs close to the top performing SMT systems. The relevancy of the selected LM corpus can reach up to 86% reduction in the number of OOV tokens and up to 74% reduction in the perplexity. We perform SMT experiments in all language pairs in the WMT13 translation task and obtain SMT performance close to the top systems using significantly less resources for training and development

    A Hybrid Accurate Alignment method for large Persian-English corpus construction based on statistical analysis and Lexicon/Persian Word net

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    A bilingual corpus is considered as a very important knowledge source and an inevitable requirement for many natural language processing (NLP) applications in which two languages are involved. For some languages such as Persian, lack of such resources is much more significant. Several applications, including statistical and example-based machine translation needs bilingual corpora, in which large amounts of texts from two different languages have been aligned at the sentence or phrase levels. In order to meet this requirement, this paper aims to propose an accurate and hybrid sentence alignment method for construction of an English-Persian parallel corpus. As the first step, the proposed method uses statistical length based analysis for filtering of candidates. Punctuation marks are used as a directing feature to reduce the complexity and increase the accuracy. Finally, the proposed method makes use of some lexical knowledge in order to produce the final output. . In the phase of lexical analysis, a bilingual dictionary as well as a Persian semantic net (denoted as FarsNet) is used to calculate the extended semantic similarity. Experiments showed the positive effect of expansion on synonym words by extended semantic similarity on the accuracy of the sentence alignment process. In the proposed matching scheme, a semantic load based approach (which considers the verb as the pivot and the main part of a sentence) was also used in order for increasing the accuracy. The results obtained from the experiments were promising and the generated parallel corpus can be used as an effective knowledge source by researchers who work on Persian language

    Context-Based Sentence Alignment in Parallel Corpora

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    Abstract. This paper presents a language-independent context-based sentence alignment technique given parallel corpora. We can view the problem of aligning sentences as finding translations of sentences chosen from different sources. Unlike current approaches which rely on pre-defined features and models, our algorithm employs features derived from the distributional properties of words and does not use any language dependent knowledge. We make use of the context of sentences and the notion of Zipfian word vectors which effectively models the distributional properties of words in a given sentence. We accept the context to be the frame in which the reasoning about sentence alignment is done. We evaluate the performance of our system based on two different measures: sentence alignment accuracy and sentence alignment coverage. We compare the performance of our system with commonly used sentence alignment systems and show that our system performs 1.2149 to 1.6022 times better in reducing the error rate in alignment accuracy and coverage for moderately sized corpora

    Context-Based Sentence Alignment in Parallel Corpora

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    .991 [1]. A more complex approach would lookat the neighboring sentence lengths as well. Our approach is based on this knowledge o