4,269 research outputs found

    Maritime Commerce in Greater Philadelphia: Assessing Industry Trends and Growth Opportunities for Delaware River Ports

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    Maritime Commerce in Greater Philadelphia: Assessing Industry Trends and Growth Opportunities for Delaware River Ports is an evaluation of existing port conditions along the Delaware River and market-driven opportunities for expansion. The report includes an economic impact analysis, Delaware River port descriptions, global trends, and recommended strategies for ports growth. Key findings include:Region-wide port activity generates 69millionintaxrevenuesforstategovernmentsacrossGreaterPhiladelphiaandmorethan69 million in tax revenues for state governments across Greater Philadelphia and more than 11 million in Philadelphia Wage Tax revenues.Each on-site port job supports two jobs from port activity and employee spending. Total regional port-related employment is 12,000+ jobs.Delaware River ports import nearly 1/2 of the nation's cocoa beans, almost 1/3 of the bananas, and a 1/4 of all fruit and nuts.Growing maritime commerce in Greater Philadelphia will require collaboration among Delaware River ports to leverage existing strengths and strategically invest in regional infrastructure improvements

    Application of a mathematical model for container transport flow of goods: from the far east to Serbia

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    Container transport represents a key component of intermodal transport and a substantial contribution to the rapidly growing international trade. The container trade should be optimal to provide a suitable resource utilisation and profitability to key operators, providing them an easy and relatively cheap access to international markets. Numerous algorithms have been generated to provide an efficient solution to optimisation problems in container trade. This paper analyses the supply-chain network focusing on container import from the Far East to Serbia through selected Mediterranean ports (Koper, Rijeka, Bar, Thessaloniki and Constanta). An optimisation mathematical model was developed, minimising the transit time and transportation costs of container imports to Serbia, by means of using various liner shipping services on the deep-short sea and truck-rail-barge inland transport networks from selected ports. By using the bi-objective model for container flows from the Far East through Mediterranean ports, the optimal path for container import to Serbia has been determined. Certain groups of customers require the lowest freight rates, while others give priority to a faster delivery

    Application of a mathematical model for container transport flow of goods: from the far east to Serbia

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    Container transport represents a key component of intermodal transport and a substantial contribution to the rapidly growing international trade. The container trade should be optimal to provide a suitable resource utilisation and profitability to key operators, providing them an easy and relatively cheap access to international markets. Numerous algorithms have been generated to provide an efficient solution to optimisation problems in container trade. This paper analyses the supply-chain network focusing on container import from the Far East to Serbia through selected Mediterranean ports (Koper, Rijeka, Bar, Thessaloniki and Constanta). An optimisation mathematical model was developed, minimising the transit time and transportation costs of container imports to Serbia, by means of using various liner shipping services on the deep-short sea and truck-rail-barge inland transport networks from selected ports. By using the bi-objective model for container flows from the Far East through Mediterranean ports, the optimal path for container import to Serbia has been determined. Certain groups of customers require the lowest freight rates, while others give priority to a faster delivery

    A review of multi-objective optimization of container flow using sea and land legs together

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    Intermodalni transport je sistem koji podrazumeva prevoz 'od vrata do vrata' pod odgovornošću jednog prevoznika tj. operatora intermodalnog transporta, uz učešće najmanje dva vida transporta (u prevozu tereta bez promene tovarno manipulativne jedinice). Kontejnerski transport je glavna komponenta intermodalnog transporta i međunarodne trgovine. Kontejnerski transportni tok bi trebalo da bude optimalan kako bi se osiguralo pravilno korišćenje resursa i kako bi se omogućila profitabilnost korisnika. Razni višekriterijumski evolucioni algoritmi su razvijeni da efikasno reše probleme optimizacije u kontejnerskom transportu. Ovaj rad predstavlja kratak pregled problema optimizacije u intermodalnom transportu posmatrajući jedan transportni lanac u kome se transport kontejnera obavlja morem i kopnom uzimajući u obzir tri najčešće razmatrana optimizaciona kriterijuma (transportni troškovi, tranzitno vreme i emisija ugljen-dioksida).Intermodal freight transportation refers to a multi-modal chain of container-transportation services which usually links the initial shipper to the final consignee of the container (door-to-door service) and takes place over long distances. Container transportation is a major component of intermodal transportation and international commerce. Container flow should be optimal to ensure proper resource utilization and profitability to players. Various multi-objective evolutionary algorithms have been developed to efficiently solve optimization problems in container flows. This paper presents a short review of optimization problems in intermodal transport using sea and land legs together regarding three mostly observed objectives (transport cost, transit time and CO2 emissions)

    A review of multi-objective optimization of container flow using sea and land legs together

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    Intermodalni transport je sistem koji podrazumeva prevoz 'od vrata do vrata' pod odgovornošću jednog prevoznika tj. operatora intermodalnog transporta, uz učešće najmanje dva vida transporta (u prevozu tereta bez promene tovarno manipulativne jedinice). Kontejnerski transport je glavna komponenta intermodalnog transporta i međunarodne trgovine. Kontejnerski transportni tok bi trebalo da bude optimalan kako bi se osiguralo pravilno korišćenje resursa i kako bi se omogućila profitabilnost korisnika. Razni višekriterijumski evolucioni algoritmi su razvijeni da efikasno reše probleme optimizacije u kontejnerskom transportu. Ovaj rad predstavlja kratak pregled problema optimizacije u intermodalnom transportu posmatrajući jedan transportni lanac u kome se transport kontejnera obavlja morem i kopnom uzimajući u obzir tri najčešće razmatrana optimizaciona kriterijuma (transportni troškovi, tranzitno vreme i emisija ugljen-dioksida).Intermodal freight transportation refers to a multi-modal chain of container-transportation services which usually links the initial shipper to the final consignee of the container (door-to-door service) and takes place over long distances. Container transportation is a major component of intermodal transportation and international commerce. Container flow should be optimal to ensure proper resource utilization and profitability to players. Various multi-objective evolutionary algorithms have been developed to efficiently solve optimization problems in container flows. This paper presents a short review of optimization problems in intermodal transport using sea and land legs together regarding three mostly observed objectives (transport cost, transit time and CO2 emissions)

    Greening Supply Chains: Impact on Cost and Design

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    The consideration of environmental issues has emerged as a topic of critical importance for today’s globalized supply chains. The purpose of this paper is to develop a strategic-tactical decision-support methodology to assist managers in evaluating the impact of environmental issues, related to transportation emissions, on the transport geography of a region. Specifically we provide a tool that addresses: (i) supply chain network design, including port of entry and transportation mode, and (ii) decisions on leasing vs. outsourcing of transportation and distribution centers. The applicability of the proposed methodology is examined through the development of a sustainable supply chain network in the South-Eastern Europe region. The results indicate that in most cases outsourcing distribution centers to Third Party Logistics operators improves both the cost and the environmental performance of a company. In all cases outsourcing of transportation operations minimizes the amount of CO2 and PM emissions generated, while leasing minimizes costs.carbon footprint;supply chain design;supply chain sustainability

    Heuristic Path-Enumeration Approach for Container Trip Generation and Assignment

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    A commonly ignored key ingredient in large-scale container network assignment is an impedance-driven geovisualization of optimal routes. In this study, we propose linear optimization models for both trip generation and trip assignment using dynamic programming on a GIS platform, which includes maps and data that are used to develop and generate trips. The proposed models are applied to intermodal railroad routes mostly in the United States. Dendritic optimal networks are figures visually depicting all optimal branches for the network

    Optimizing multiple truck trips in a cooperative environment through MILP and Game Theory

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    Today, the challenge of economy regarding freight transport is to generate flows of goods extremely fast, handling information in short times, optimizing decisions, and reducing the percentage of vehicles that circulate empty over the total amount of transportation means, with benefits to roads congestion and the environment, besides economy. Logistic operators need to pose attention on suitable planning methods in order to reduce their costs, fuel consumption and emissions, as well as to gain economy of scale. To ensure the maximum efficacy, planning should be also based on cooperation between the involved subjects. Collaboration in logistics is an effective approach for business to obtain a competitive edge. In a successful collaboration, parties involved from suppliers, customers, and even competitors perform a coordinated effort to realize the potential benefit of collaboration, including reduced costs, decreased lead times, and improved asset utilization and service level. In addition to these benefit, having a broader supply chain perspective enables firms to make better-informed decisions on strategic issues. The first aim of the present Thesis is to propose a planning approach based on mathematical programming techniques to improve the efficiency of road services of a single carrier combining multiple trips in a port environment (specifically, import, export and inland trips). In this way, in the same route, more than two transportation services can be realized with the same vehicle thus significantly reducing the number of total empty movements. Time windows constraints related to companies and terminal opening hours as well as to ship departures are considered in the problem formulation. Moreover, driving hours restrictions and trips deadlines are taken into account, together with goods compatibility for matching different trips. The second goal of the Thesis is to define innovative planning methods and optimization schemes of logistic networks in which several carriers are present and the decisional actors operate in a cooperative scenario in which they share a portion of their demand. The proposed approaches are characterized by the adoption both of Game Theory methods and of new original methods of profits distribution

    Assessing the eco-efficiency benefits of empty container repositioning strategies via dry ports

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    Trade imbalances and global disturbances generate mismatches in the supply and demand of empty containers (ECs) that elevate the need for empty container repositioning (ECR). This research investigated dry ports as a potential means to minimize EC movements, and thus reduce costs and emissions. We assessed the environmental and economic effects of two ECR strategies via dry ports—street turns and extended free temporary storage—considering different scenarios of collaboration between shipping lines with different levels of container substitution. A multiparadigm simulation combined agent-based and discrete-event modelling to represent flows and estimate kilometers travelled, CO2 emissions, and costs resulting from combinations of ECR strategies and scenarios. Full ownership container substitution combined with extended free temporary storage at the dry port (FTDP) most improved ECR metrics, despite implementation challenges. Our results may be instrumental in increasing shipping lines’ collaboration while reducing environmental impacts in up to 32 % of the inland ECR emissions

    Bangladesh and Regional Connectivity : Best Practices from Global Experiences

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    South Asia, economic integration, Bangladesh, transport costs