1 research outputs found

    Constructions of Pure Asymmetric Quantum Alternant Codes Based on Subclasses of Alternant Codes

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    In this paper, we construct asymmetric quantum error-correcting codes(AQCs) based on subclasses of Alternant codes. Firstly, We propose a new subclass of Alternant codes which can attain the classical Gilbert-Varshamov bound to construct AQCs. It is shown that when dx=2d_x=2, ZZ-parts of the AQCs can attain the classical Gilbert-Varshamov bound. Then we construct AQCs based on a famous subclass of Alternant codes called Goppa codes. As an illustrative example, we get three [[55,6,19/4]],[[55,10,19/3]],[[55,15,19/2]][[55,6,19/4]],[[55,10,19/3]],[[55,15,19/2]] AQCs from the well known [55,16,19][55,16,19] binary Goppa code. At last, we get asymptotically good binary expansions of asymmetric quantum GRS codes, which are quantum generalizations of Retter's classical results. All the AQCs constructed in this paper are pure