15 research outputs found

    Optimal locally repairable codes of distance 33 and 44 via cyclic codes

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    Like classical block codes, a locally repairable code also obeys the Singleton-type bound (we call a locally repairable code {\it optimal} if it achieves the Singleton-type bound). In the breakthrough work of \cite{TB14}, several classes of optimal locally repairable codes were constructed via subcodes of Reed-Solomon codes. Thus, the lengths of the codes given in \cite{TB14} are upper bounded by the code alphabet size qq. Recently, it was proved through extension of construction in \cite{TB14} that length of qq-ary optimal locally repairable codes can be q+1q+1 in \cite{JMX17}. Surprisingly, \cite{BHHMV16} presented a few examples of qq-ary optimal locally repairable codes of small distance and locality with code length achieving roughly q2q^2. Very recently, it was further shown in \cite{LMX17} that there exist qq-ary optimal locally repairable codes with length bigger than q+1q+1 and distance propositional to nn. Thus, it becomes an interesting and challenging problem to construct new families of qq-ary optimal locally repairable codes of length bigger than q+1q+1. In this paper, we construct a class of optimal locally repairable codes of distance 33 and 44 with unbounded length (i.e., length of the codes is independent of the code alphabet size). Our technique is through cyclic codes with particular generator and parity-check polynomials that are carefully chosen

    Locally recoverable codes from automorphism groups of function fields of genus g≥1g \geq 1

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    A Locally Recoverable Code is a code such that the value of any single coordinate of a codeword can be recovered from the values of a small subset of other coordinates. When we have δ\delta non overlapping subsets of cardinality rir_i that can be used to recover the missing coordinate we say that a linear code C\mathcal{C} with length nn, dimension kk, minimum distance dd has (r1,…,rδ)(r_1,\ldots, r_\delta)-locality and denote it by [n,k,d;r1,r2,…,rδ].[n, k, d; r_1, r_2,\dots, r_\delta]. In this paper we provide a new upper bound for the minimum distance of these codes. Working with a finite number of subgroups of cardinality ri+1r_i+1 of the automorphism group of a function field F∣Fq\mathcal{F}| \mathbb{F}_q of genus g≥1g \geq 1, we propose a construction of [n,k,d;r1,r2,…,rδ][n, k, d; r_1, r_2,\dots, r_\delta]-codes and apply the results to some well known families of function fields