382 research outputs found

    Rotation symmetric Boolean functions---count and cryptographic properties

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    The article of record as published may be located at http://dx.doi.org/ symmetric (RotS) Boolean functions have been used as components of different cryptosystems. This class of Boolean functions are invariant under circular translation of indices. Using Burnsideメs lemma it can be seen that the number of n-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions is 2gn, where gn = 1 nPt|n (t) 2n t , and (.) is the Euler phi-function. In this paper, we find the number of short and long cycles of elements in Fn2 having fixed weight, under the RotS action. As a consequence we obtain the number of homogeneous RotS functions having algebraic degree w. Our results make the search space of RotS functions much reduced and we successfully analyzed important cryptographic properties of such functions by executing computer programs. We study RotS bent functions up to 10 variables and observe (experimentally) that there is no homogeneous rotation symmetric bent function having degree > 2. Further, we studied the RotS functions on 5, 6, 7 variables by computer search for correlation immunity and propagation characteristics and found some functions with very good cryptographic properties which were not known earlier

    On the Immunity of Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions Against Fast Algebraic Attacks

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    In this paper, it is shown that an nn-variable rotation symmetric Boolean function ff with nn even but not a power of 2 admits a rotation symmetric function gg of degree at most en/3e\leq n/3 such that the product gfgf has degree at most ne1n-e-1

    On the Algebraic Immunity - Resiliency trade-off, implications for Goldreich\u27s Pseudorandom Generator

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    Goldreich\u27s pseudorandom generator is a well-known building block for many theoretical cryptographic constructions from multi-party computation to indistinguishability obfuscation. Its unique efficiency comes from the use of random local functions: each bit of the output is computed by applying some fixed public nn-variable Boolean function ff to a random public size-nn tuple of distinct input bits. The characteristics that a Boolean function ff must have to ensure pseudorandomness is a puzzling issue. It has been studied in several works and particularly by Applebaum and Lovett (STOC 2016) who showed that resiliency and algebraic immunity are key parameters in this purpose. In this paper, we propose the first study on Boolean functions that reach together maximal algebraic immunity and high resiliency. 1) We assess the possible consequences of the asymptotic existence of such optimal functions. We show how they allow to build functions reaching all possible algebraic immunity-resiliency trade-offs (respecting the algebraic immunity and Siegenthaler bounds). We provide a new bound on the minimal number of variables~nn, and thus on the minimal locality, necessary to ensure a secure Goldreich\u27s pseudorandom generator. Our results come with a granularity level depending on the strength of our assumptions, from none to the conjectured asymptotic existence of optimal functions. 2) We extensively analyze the possible existence and the properties of such optimal functions. Our results show two different trends. On the one hand, we were able to show some impossibility results concerning existing families of Boolean functions that are known to be optimal with respect to their algebraic immunity, starting by the promising XOR-MAJ functions. We show that they do not reach optimality and could be beaten by optimal functions if our conjecture is verified. On the other hand, we prove the existence of optimal functions in low number of variables by experimentally exhibiting some of them up to 1212 variables. This directly provides better candidates for Goldreich\u27s pseudorandom generator than the existing XOR-MAJ candidates for polynomial stretches from 22 to 66

    Constructions of Almost Optimal Resilient Boolean Functions on Large Even Number of Variables

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    In this paper, a technique on constructing nonlinear resilient Boolean functions is described. By using several sets of disjoint spectra functions on a small number of variables, an almost optimal resilient function on a large even number of variables can be constructed. It is shown that given any mm, one can construct infinitely many nn-variable (nn even), mm-resilient functions with nonlinearity >2n12n/2>2^{n-1}-2^{n/2}. A large class of highly nonlinear resilient functions which were not known are obtained. Then one method to optimize the degree of the constructed functions is proposed. Last, an improved version of the main construction is given.Comment: 14 pages, 2 table

    Modifying Boolean Functions to Ensure Maximum Algebraic Immunity

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    The algebraic immunity of cryptographic Boolean functions is studied in this paper. Proper modifications of functions achieving maximum algebraic immunity are proved, in order to yield new functions of also maximum algebraic immunity. It is shown that the derived results apply to known classes of functions. Moreover, two new efficient algorithms to produce functions of guaranteed maximum algebraic immunity are developed, which further extend and generalize known constructions of functions with maximum algebraic immunity

    1-Resilient Boolean Functions on Even Variables with Almost Perfect Algebraic Immunity

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    Several factors (e.g., balancedness, good correlation immunity) are considered as important properties of Boolean functions for using in cryptographic primitives. A Boolean function is perfect algebraic immune if it is with perfect immunity against algebraic and fast algebraic attacks. There is an increasing interest in construction of Boolean function that is perfect algebraic immune combined with other characteristics, like resiliency. A resilient function is a balanced correlation-immune function. This paper uses bivariate representation of Boolean function and theory of finite field to construct a generalized and new class of Boolean functions on even variables by extending the Carlet-Feng functions. We show that the functions generated by this construction support cryptographic properties of 1-resiliency and (sub)optimal algebraic immunity and further propose the sufficient condition of achieving optimal algebraic immunity. Compared experimentally with Carlet-Feng functions and the functions constructed by the method of first-order concatenation existing in the literature on even (from 6 to 16) variables, these functions have better immunity against fast algebraic attacks. Implementation results also show that they are almost perfect algebraic immune functions