7 research outputs found

    Deconstructing Javanese Batik Motif: When Traditional Heritage Meets Computation

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    The paper discusses some aspects of Iterated Function System while referring to some interesting point of view into Indonesian traditional batik. The deconstruction is delivered in our recognition of the Collage Theorem to find the affine transform of the iterated function system that attracts the iteration of drawing the dots into the complex motif of – or at least, having high similarity to – batik patterns. We employ and revisit the well-known Chaos Game to reconstruct after having some basic motifs is deconstructed. The reconstruction of the complex pattern opens a quest of creativity broadening the computationally generated batik exploiting its self-similarity properties. A challenge to meet the modern computational generative art with the traditional batik designs is expected to yield synergistically interesting results aesthetically. The paper concludes with two arrows of our further endeavors in this field, be it enriching our understanding of how human cognition has created such beautiful patterns and designs traditionally since ancient civilizations in our anthropological perspective while in the other hand providing us tool to the empowerment of batik as generative aesthetics by employment of computation. \u

    From Sobolev Inequality to Doubling

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    In various analytical contexts, it is proved that a weak Sobolev inequality implies a doubling property for the underlying measure

    Probability and Fourier duality for affine iterated function systems

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    Let dd be a positive integer, and let μ\mu be a finite measure on \br^d. In this paper we ask when it is possible to find a subset Λ\Lambda in \br^d such that the corresponding complex exponential functions eλe_\lambda indexed by Λ\Lambda are orthogonal and total in L2(μ)L^2(\mu). If this happens, we say that (μ,Λ)(\mu, \Lambda) is a spectral pair. This is a Fourier duality, and the xx-variable for the L2(μ)L^2(\mu)-functions is one side in the duality, while the points in Λ\Lambda is the other. Stated this way, the framework is too wide, and we shall restrict attention to measures μ\mu which come with an intrinsic scaling symmetry built in and specified by a finite and prescribed system of contractive affine mappings in \br^d; an affine iterated function system (IFS). This setting allows us to generate candidates for spectral pairs in such a way that the sets on both sides of the Fourier duality are generated by suitably chosen affine IFSs. For a given affine setup, we spell out the appropriate duality conditions that the two dual IFS-systems must have. Our condition is stated in terms of certain complex Hadamard matrices. Our main results give two ways of building higher dimensional spectral pairs from combinatorial algebra and spectral theory applied to lower dimensional systems

    Applications of Automata and Graphs: Labeling-Operators in Hilbert Space I

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    We show that certain representations of graphs by operators on Hilbert space have uses in signal processing and in symbolic dynamics. Our main result is that graphs built on automata have fractal characteristics. We make this precise with the use of Representation Theory and of Spectral Theory of a certain family of Hecke operators. Let G be a directed graph. We begin by building the graph groupoid G induced by G, and representations of G. Our main application is to the groupoids defined from automata. By assigning weights to the edges of a fixed graph G, we give conditions for G to acquire fractal-like properties, and hence we can have fractaloids or G-fractals. Our standing assumption on G is that it is locally finite and connected, and our labeling of G is determined by the "out-degrees of vertices". From our labeling, we arrive at a family of Hecke-type operators whose spectrum is computed. As applications, we are able to build representations by operators on Hilbert spaces (including the Hecke operators); and we further show that automata built on a finite alphabet generate fractaloids. Our Hecke-type operators, or labeling operators, come from an amalgamated free probability construction, and we compute the corresponding amalgamated free moments. We show that the free moments are completely determined by certain scalar-valued functions.Comment: 69 page