6 research outputs found

    ZIPMAPS: Zoom-in-bestimmte-Bereiche Texturen

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    In this technical report, we propose a method for rendering highly detailed close-up views of arbitrary textured surfaces. To augment the texture map locally with high-resolution information, we describe how to automatically, seamlessly merge unregistered images of different scales. Our hierarchical texture representation can easily be rendered in real-time, enabling zooming into specific texture regions to almost arbitrary magnification. Our method is useful wherever close-up renderings of specific regions shall be possible, without the need for excessively large texture maps.Wir prĂ€sentieren eine neue Methode um sehr detailierte Ansichten von beliebig texturierten OberflĂ€chen zu generieren. Wir beschreiben wie man automatisch und ohne sichtbare NĂ€hte unregistrierte Bilder unterschiedlicher Skalen miteinander kombiniert um lokal hochaufgelöste Detailinformationen hinzuzufĂŒgen. Unsere hierarchische TexturreprĂ€sentation kann sehr einfach und in Echtzeit gerendert werden und erlaubt somit den Zoom in bestimmte Textureregionen mit nahezu beliebiger VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung. Unsere Methode ist immer dann sinnvoll, wenn VergrĂ¶ĂŸerungen entsprechender Bereiche notwendig sind, ohne dass man entsprechend große Texturen speichern möchte

    Generalized Fiducial Inference on Differentiable Manifolds

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    We introduce a novel approach to inference on parameters that take values in a Riemannian manifold embedded in a Euclidean space. Parameter spaces of this form are ubiquitous across many fields, including chemistry, physics, computer graphics, and geology. This new approach uses generalized fiducial inference to obtain a posterior-like distribution on the manifold, without needing to know a parameterization that maps the constrained space to an unconstrained Euclidean space. The proposed methodology, called the constrained generalized fiducial distribution (CGFD), is obtained by using mathematical tools from Riemannian geometry. A Bernstein-von Mises-type result for the CGFD, which provides intuition for how the desirable asymptotic qualities of the unconstrained generalized fiducial distribution are inherited by the CGFD, is provided. To demonstrate the practical use of the CGFD, we provide three proof-of-concept examples: inference for data from a multivariate normal density with the mean parameters on a sphere, a linear logspline density estimation problem, and a reimagined approach to the AR(1) model, all of which exhibit desirable coverages via simulation. We discuss two Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for the exploration of these constrained parameter spaces and adapt them for the CGFD.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Variational Texture Synthesis with Sparsity and Spectrum Constraints

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a new approach for texture synthesis. We propose a unified framework that both imposes first order statistical constraints on the use of atoms from an adaptive dictionary, as well as second order constraints on pixel values. This is achieved thanks to a variational approach, the minimization of which yields local extrema, each one being a possible texture synthesis. On the one hand, the adaptive dictionary is created using a sparse image representation rationale, and a global constraint is imposed on the maximal number of use of each atom from this dictionary. On the other hand, a constraint on second order pixel statistics is achieved through the power spectrum of images. An advantage of the proposed method is its ability to truly synthesize textures, without verbatim copy of small pieces from the exemplar. In an extensive experimental section, we show that the resulting synthesis achieves state of the art results, both for structured and small scale textures

    Fehlerkaschierte Bildbasierte Darstellungsverfahren

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    Creating photo-realistic images has been one of the major goals in computer graphics since its early days. Instead of modeling the complexity of nature with standard modeling tools, image-based approaches aim at exploiting real-world footage directly,as they are photo-realistic by definition. A drawback of these approaches has always been that the composition or combination of different sources is a non-trivial task, often resulting in annoying visible artifacts. In this thesis we focus on different techniques to diminish visible artifacts when combining multiple images in a common image domain. The results are either novel images, when dealing with the composition task of multiple images, or novel video sequences rendered in real-time, when dealing with video footage from multiple cameras.Fotorealismus ist seit jeher eines der großen Ziele in der Computergrafik. Anstatt die KomplexitĂ€t der Natur mit standardisierten Modellierungswerkzeugen nachzubauen, gehen bildbasierte AnsĂ€tze den umgekehrten Weg und verwenden reale Bildaufnahmen zur Modellierung, da diese bereits per Definition fotorealistisch sind. Ein Nachteil dieser Variante ist jedoch, dass die Komposition oder Kombination mehrerer Quellbilder eine nichttriviale Aufgabe darstellt und hĂ€ufig unangenehm auffallende Artefakte im erzeugten Bild nach sich zieht. In dieser Dissertation werden verschiedene AnsĂ€tze verfolgt, um Artefakte zu verhindern oder abzuschwĂ€chen, welche durch die Komposition oder Kombination mehrerer Bilder in einer gemeinsamen BilddomĂ€ne entstehen. Im Ergebnis liefern die vorgestellten Verfahren neue Bilder oder neue Ansichten einer Bildsammlung oder Videosequenz, je nachdem, ob die jeweilige Aufgabe die Komposition mehrerer Bilder ist oder die Kombination mehrerer Videos verschiedener Kameras darstellt

    Constrained Texture Synthesis via Energy Minimization

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    This paper describes CMS (constrained minimization synthesis), a fast, robust texture synthesis algorithm that creates output textures while satisfying constraints. We show that constrained texture synthesis can be posed in a principled way as an energy minimization problem that requires balancing two measures of quality: constraint satisfaction and texture seamlessness. We then present an efficient algorithm for finding good solutions to this problem using an adaptation of graphcut energy minimization. CMS is particularly well suited to detail synthesis, the process of adding high-resolution detail to low-resolution images. It also supports the full image analogies framework, while providing superior image quality and performance. CMS is easily extended to handle multiple constraints on a single output, thus enabling novel applications that combine both user-specified and imagebased control. Index Terms — texture synthesis, detail synthesis, superresolution, image analogies I