4,395 research outputs found

    Synthesizing Normalized Faces from Facial Identity Features

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    We present a method for synthesizing a frontal, neutral-expression image of a person's face given an input face photograph. This is achieved by learning to generate facial landmarks and textures from features extracted from a facial-recognition network. Unlike previous approaches, our encoding feature vector is largely invariant to lighting, pose, and facial expression. Exploiting this invariance, we train our decoder network using only frontal, neutral-expression photographs. Since these photographs are well aligned, we can decompose them into a sparse set of landmark points and aligned texture maps. The decoder then predicts landmarks and textures independently and combines them using a differentiable image warping operation. The resulting images can be used for a number of applications, such as analyzing facial attributes, exposure and white balance adjustment, or creating a 3-D avatar

    Reconstruction of 3D faces by shape estimation and texture interpolation

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    This paper aims to address the ill-posed problem of reconstructing 3D faces from single 2D face images. An extended Tikhonov regularization method is connected with the standard 3D morphable model in order to reconstruct the 3D face shapes from a small set of 2D facial points. Further, by interpolating the input 2D texture with the model texture and warping the interpolated texture to the reconstructed face shapes, 3D face reconstruction is achieved. For the texture warping, the 2D face deformation has been learned from the model texture using a set of facial landmarks. Our experimental results justify the robustness of the proposed approach with respect to the reconstruction of realistic 3D face shapes

    Subset Warping: Rubber Sheeting with Cuts

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    Image warping, often referred to as "rubber sheeting" represents the deformation of a domain image space into a range image space. In this paper, a technique is described which extends the definition of a rubber-sheet transformation to allow a polygonal region to be warped into one or more subsets of itself, where the subsets may be multiply connected. To do this, it constructs a set of "slits" in the domain image, which correspond to discontinuities in the range image, using a technique based on generalized Voronoi diagrams. The concept of medial axis is extended to describe inner and outer medial contours of a polygon. Polygonal regions are decomposed into annular subregions, and path homotopies are introduced to describe the annular subregions. These constructions motivate the definition of a ladder, which guides the construction of grid point pairs necessary to effect the warp itself
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