32,370 research outputs found

    Learning Correspondence Structures for Person Re-identification

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    This paper addresses the problem of handling spatial misalignments due to camera-view changes or human-pose variations in person re-identification. We first introduce a boosting-based approach to learn a correspondence structure which indicates the patch-wise matching probabilities between images from a target camera pair. The learned correspondence structure can not only capture the spatial correspondence pattern between cameras but also handle the viewpoint or human-pose variation in individual images. We further introduce a global constraint-based matching process. It integrates a global matching constraint over the learned correspondence structure to exclude cross-view misalignments during the image patch matching process, hence achieving a more reliable matching score between images. Finally, we also extend our approach by introducing a multi-structure scheme, which learns a set of local correspondence structures to capture the spatial correspondence sub-patterns between a camera pair, so as to handle the spatial misalignments between individual images in a more precise way. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2438-2453, 2017. The project page for this paper is available at http://min.sjtu.edu.cn/lwydemo/personReID.htm arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0624

    Learning Deep Context-aware Features over Body and Latent Parts for Person Re-identification

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    Person Re-identification (ReID) is to identify the same person across different cameras. It is a challenging task due to the large variations in person pose, occlusion, background clutter, etc How to extract powerful features is a fundamental problem in ReID and is still an open problem today. In this paper, we design a Multi-Scale Context-Aware Network (MSCAN) to learn powerful features over full body and body parts, which can well capture the local context knowledge by stacking multi-scale convolutions in each layer. Moreover, instead of using predefined rigid parts, we propose to learn and localize deformable pedestrian parts using Spatial Transformer Networks (STN) with novel spatial constraints. The learned body parts can release some difficulties, eg pose variations and background clutters, in part-based representation. Finally, we integrate the representation learning processes of full body and body parts into a unified framework for person ReID through multi-class person identification tasks. Extensive evaluations on current challenging large-scale person ReID datasets, including the image-based Market1501, CUHK03 and sequence-based MARS datasets, show that the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art results.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 201

    Divide and Fuse: A Re-ranking Approach for Person Re-identification

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    As re-ranking is a necessary procedure to boost person re-identification (re-ID) performance on large-scale datasets, the diversity of feature becomes crucial to person reID for its importance both on designing pedestrian descriptions and re-ranking based on feature fusion. However, in many circumstances, only one type of pedestrian feature is available. In this paper, we propose a "Divide and use" re-ranking framework for person re-ID. It exploits the diversity from different parts of a high-dimensional feature vector for fusion-based re-ranking, while no other features are accessible. Specifically, given an image, the extracted feature is divided into sub-features. Then the contextual information of each sub-feature is iteratively encoded into a new feature. Finally, the new features from the same image are fused into one vector for re-ranking. Experimental results on two person re-ID benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Especially, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on the Market-1501 dataset.Comment: Accepted by BMVC201
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