3 research outputs found

    Constant-Time Local Computation Algorithms

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    Local computation algorithms (LCAs) produce small parts of a single (possibly approximate) solution to a given search problem using time and space sublinear in the size of the input. In this work we present LCAs whose time complexity (and usually also space complexity) is independent of the input size. Specifically, we give (1) a (1 − ϵ)-approximation LCA to the maximum weight acyclic edge set, (2) LCAs for approximating multicut and integer multicommodity flow on trees, and (3) a local reduction of weighted matching to any unweighted matching LCA, such that the running time of the weighted matching LCA is d times (where d is the maximal degree) the running time of the unweighted matching LCA, (and therefore independent of the edge weight function)

    Constant-Time Local Computation Algorithms

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    Local computation algorithms (LCAs) produce small parts of a single (possibly approximate) solution to a given search problem using time and space sublinear in the size of the input. In this work we present LCAs whose time complexity (and usually also space complexity) is independent of the input size. Specifically, we give (1) a (1 − ϵ)-approximation LCA to the maximum weight acyclic edge set, (2) LCAs for approximating multicut and integer multicommodity flow on trees, and (3) a local reduction of weighted matching to any unweighted matching LCA, such that the running time of the weighted matching LCA is d times (where d is the maximal degree) the running time of the unweighted matching LCA, (and therefore independent of the edge weight function)