925,913 research outputs found

    Ghost Condensate Busting

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    Applying the Thomas-Fermi approximation to renormalizable field theories, we construct ghost condensation models that are free of the instabilities associated with violations of the null-energy condition.Comment: 9 pages, minor corrections, a reference added, the discussion on consistency of the Thomas-Fermi approximation expanded, to appear in JCA

    Constraints on Gravitation from Causality and Quantum Consistency

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    We examine the role of consistency with causality and quantum mechanics in determining the properties of gravitation. We begin by examining two different classes of interacting theories of massless spin 2 particles -- gravitons. One involves coupling the graviton with the lowest number of derivatives to matter, the other involves coupling the graviton with higher derivatives to matter, making use of the linearized Riemann tensor. The first class requires an infinite tower of terms for consistency, which is known to lead uniquely to general relativity. The second class only requires a finite number of terms for consistency, which appears as another class of theories of massless spin 2. We recap the causal consistency of general relativity and show how this fails in the second class for the special case of coupling to photons, exploiting related calculations in the literature. In a companion paper [1] this result is generalized to a much broader set of theories. Then, as a causal modification of general relativity, we add light scalar particles and recap the generic violation of universal free-fall they introduce and its quantum resolution. This leads to a discussion of a special type of scalar-tensor theory; the F(R)F(\mathcal{R}) models. We show that, unlike general relativity, these models do not possess the requisite counterterms to be consistent quantum effective field theories. Together this helps to remove some of the central assumptions made in deriving general relativity.Comment: 6 pages in double column format. V2: Updated towards published versio

    Observational Signatures and Non-Gaussianities of General Single Field Inflation

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    We perform a general study of primordial scalar non-Gaussianities in single field inflationary models in Einstein gravity. We consider models where the inflaton Lagrangian is an arbitrary function of the scalar field and its first derivative, and the sound speed is arbitrary. We find that under reasonable assumptions, the non-Gaussianity is completely determined by 5 parameters. In special limits of the parameter space, one finds distinctive ``shapes'' of the non-Gaussianity. In models with a small sound speed, several of these shapes would become potentially observable in the near future. Different limits of our formulae recover various previously known results.Comment: 53 pages, 5 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP version; v4, numerical coefficients corrected in Appendix B, discussion on consistency condition revise

    Observational Signatures and Non-Gaussianities of General Single Field Inflation

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    We perform a general study of primordial scalar non-Gaussianities in single field inflationary models in Einstein gravity. We consider models where the inflaton Lagrangian is an arbitrary function of the scalar field and its first derivative, and the sound speed is arbitrary. We find that under reasonable assumptions, the non-Gaussianity is completely determined by 5 parameters. In special limits of the parameter space, one finds distinctive ``shapes'' of the non-Gaussianity. In models with a small sound speed, several of these shapes would become potentially observable in the near future. Different limits of our formulae recover various previously known results.Comment: 53 pages, 5 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP version; v4, numerical coefficients corrected in Appendix B, discussion on consistency condition revise

    Oddness from Rigidness

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    We revisit the problem of constructing type IIA orientifolds on T^6/(Z2 x Z2) which admit (non)-factorisable lattices. More concretely, we consider a (Z2 x Z2') orientifold with torsion, where D6-branes wrap rigid 3-cycles. We derive the model building rules and consistency conditions in the case where the compactification lattice is non-factorisable. We show that in this class of configurations, (semi) realistic models with an odd number of families can be easily constructed, in contrast to compactifications where the D6-branes wrap non-rigid cycles. We also show that an odd number of families can be obtained in the factorisable case, without the need of tilted tori. We illustrate the discussion by presenting three family Pati-Salam models with no chiral exotics in both factorisable and non-factorisable toroidal compactifications.Comment: 20 page

    The Bose Metal: gauge field fluctuations and scaling for field tuned quantum phase transitions

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    In this paper, we extend our previous discussion of the Bose metal to the field tuned case. We point out that the recent observation of the metallic state as an intermediate phase between the superconductor and the insulator in the field tuned experiments on MoGe films is in perfect consistency with the Bose metal scenario. We establish a connection between general dissipation models and gauge field fluctuations and apply this to a discussion of scaling across the quantum phase boundaries of the Bose metallic state. Interestingly, we find that the Bose metal scenario implies a possible {\em two} parameter scaling for resistivity across the Bose metal-insulator transition, which is remarkably consistent with the MoGe data. Scaling at the superconductor-metal transition is also proposed, and a phenomenolgical model for the metallic state is discussed. The effective action of the Bose metal state is described and its low energy excitation spectrum is found to be ω∝k3\omega \propto k^{3}.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Deformation Quantization of Nambu Mechanics

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    Phase Space is the framework best suited for quantizing superintegrable systems--systems with more conserved quantities than degrees of freedom. In this quantization method, the symmetry algebras of the hamiltonian invariants are preserved most naturally, as illustrated on nonlinear σ\sigma-models, specifically for Chiral Models and de Sitter NN-spheres. Classically, the dynamics of superintegrable models such as these is automatically also described by Nambu Brackets involving the extra symmetry invariants of them. The phase-space quantization worked out then leads to the quantization of the corresponding Nambu Brackets, validating Nambu's original proposal, despite excessive fears of inconsistency which have arisen over the years. This is a pedagogical talk based on hep-th/0205063 and hep-th/0212267, stressing points of interpretation and care needed in appreciating the consistency of Quantum Nambu Brackets in phase space. For a parallel discussion in Hilbert space, see T Curtright's contribution in these Proceedings [hep-th 0303088].Comment: Invited talk by the first author at the Coral Gables Conference (C02/12/11.2), Ft Lauderdale, Dec 2002. 14p, LateX2e, aipproc, amsfont
