369 research outputs found

    Countable dense homogeneous filters and the Menger covering property

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    In this note we present a ZFC construction of a non-meager filter which fails to be countable dense homogeneous. This answers a question of Hern\'andez-Guti\'errez and Hru\v{s}\'ak. The method of the proof also allows us to obtain a metrizable Baire topological group which is strongly locally homogeneous but not countable dense homogeneous.Comment: 8 page

    Menger's covering property and groupwise density

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    We establish a surprising connection between Menger's classical covering property and Blass's modern combinatorial notion of groupwise density. This connection implies a short proof of the groupwise density bound on the additivity number for Menger's property.Comment: Small update

    On critical cardinalities related to QQ-sets

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    In this note we collect some known information and prove new results about the small uncountable cardinal q0\mathfrak q_0. The cardinal q0\mathfrak q_0 is defined as the smallest cardinality A|A| of a subset ARA\subset \mathbb R which is not a QQ-set (a subspace ARA\subset\mathbb R is called a QQ-set if each subset BAB\subset A is of type FσF_\sigma in AA). We present a simple proof of a folklore fact that pq0min{b,non(N),log(c+)}\mathfrak p\le\mathfrak q_0\le\min\{\mathfrak b,\mathrm{non}(\mathcal N),\log(\mathfrak c^+)\}, and also establish the consistency of a number of strict inequalities between the cardinal q0\mathfrak q_0 and other standard small uncountable cardinals. This is done by combining some known forcing results. A new result of the paper is the consistency of p<lr<q0\mathfrak{p} < \mathfrak{lr} < \mathfrak{q}_0, where lr\mathfrak{lr} denotes the linear refinement number. Another new result is the upper bound q0non(I)\mathfrak q_0\le\mathrm{non}(\mathcal I) holding for any q0\mathfrak q_0-flexible cccc σ\sigma-ideal I\mathcal I on R\mathbb R.Comment: 8 page