4 research outputs found


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    Pada tugasakhiriniakanmelakukanpengujianalatpengukuranuntukmengetahuikeadaankualitasudara pada suatu wilayah. Alat pengukurkualitasudaraberfungsiuntuk monitoring lingkungan. Alat monitoring pengukurinitersebutmenggunakanjaringanwireless sensor network. Sebagaialat monitoring yang akanmembaca dan mengambil data dari node-node sensor yang ada pada monitoring wireless sensor network tersebut. Alat monitoring menggunakan parameter-parameter kualitasudaraberupakarbonmonoksida (CO), karbondioksida (CO2), Hidrokarbon (HC), PartikulatDebu dan SuhuKelembaban. Informasipengukurkualitasudarabisadapatdilihatmelaluiaplikasi android dan website yang tersambungdarialat monitoring. Denganmenggunakanconfusion matrixsebagaialatukuruntukmenghitungseberapatingkatkeberhasilanalat monitoring tersebut.Dalammenentukantugasakhirinidiharapkandapatmengetahuikinerjaalat monitoring sebagaialatpengukur. Dan dapat juga membantumasyarakat agar dapatmengetahuikadarkualitasudara pada lingkungansekitarsecara real time

    Wireless Sensor Networks for Oceanographic Monitoring: A Systematic Review

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    Monitoring of the marine environment has come to be a field of scientific interest in the last ten years. The instruments used in this work have ranged from small-scale sensor networks to complex observation systems. Among small-scale networks, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a highly attractive solution in that they are easy to deploy, operate and dismantle and are relatively inexpensive. The aim of this paper is to identify, appraise, select and synthesize all high quality research evidence relevant to the use of WSNs in oceanographic monitoring. The literature is systematically reviewed to offer an overview of the present state of this field of study and identify the principal resources that have been used to implement networks of this kind. Finally, this article details the challenges and difficulties that have to be overcome if these networks are to be successfully deployed

    Maximum set covers based energy conservation scheme in wireless sensor networks

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    U ovom se radu predlaže učinkovita shema za očuvanje energije u bežičnim mrežama osjetila (senzora) rješavanjem problema maksimalnog broja skupova podataka. Najprije se uvodi distributivni mehanizam za prikupljališta u svrhu pronalaženja najviše K putanja do svakog osjetila. Tada se uvodi algoritam nazvan MDP-MSC za rješavanje problema maksimalnog broja skupova prikupljenih podataka. Koristeći prikupljene podatke o putanji u prvom koraku, predloženi algoritam dijeli sve čvorove u maksimalno mogući broj razdvojenih skupova prikupljenih podataka, a čvorovi u svakom skupu pokrivaju sve ciljeve, osiguravajući povezanost mreže. Kod konstruiranja skupa podataka, ključna ideja predloženog algoritma je izbor čvora pridruženog skupu ako ima minimalnu udaljenost do čvorova koji su već u skupu. Simulacija je obavljena i u usporedbi s Greedy-MSC i HA-MDS predloženim algoritmom broj skupova prikupljenih podataka je porastao za 13 % odnosno 21 %.In this paper, an efficient scheme is proposed for energy conservation in wireless sensor networks through solving the maximum set covers problem. First, a distributed mechanism is introduced for the sinks to find at most K paths to each sensor. Then, an algorithm named as MDP-MSC is presented for the maximum set covers problem. Making use of the collected path information in the first step, the proposed algorithm partitions all nodes into possibly maximum disjointed set covers, and the nodes in each set cover have all targets covered, ensuring the network connectivity. When constructing a set cover, the key idea of the proposed algorithm is to select a node joining into the set if it has the minimum distance to the nodes which are already in the set. Simulation is done and compared with Greedy-MSC and HA-MDS, the proposed algorithm has the number of set covers increased by 13 % and 21 %, respectively