1 research outputs found

    Connection admission control for QoS guarantees in mobile networks

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    AbstractWith the fast deployment of wireless hand-heldterminals, multimedia applications are getting more and moresignificant for mobile networks. As a result, the QoS (Quality ofService) support for the multimedia in mobile networks hasbecome more and more important. The resource reservation isthe current scheme supporting QoS for Internet. However,reservation of resources and maintenance of QoS for the mobilehost as it moves form one area to another create a new set ofchallenges. It needs other mechanisms to help maintain QoS. Inthis paper, we propose to use combining MRSVP and CAC(connection admission control) to enforce QoS guarantees inMobile networks. Our CAC algorithm not only considers theconnection number in the current cell, but also takes thereservation flows of adjacent cells into account. And thesimulation results show that our algorithm does provide niceperformance for mobile networks6 Halama