3 research outputs found

    Partial domination - the isolation number of a graph

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    We prove the following result: If GG be a connected graph on n≥6n \ge 6 vertices, then there exists a set of vertices DD with ∣D∣≤n3|D| \le \frac{n}{3} and such that V(G)∖N[D]V(G) \setminus N[D] is an independent set, where N[D]N[D] is the closed neighborhood of DD. Furthermore, the bound is sharp. This seems to be the first result in the direction of partial domination with constrained structure on the graph induced by the non-dominated vertices, which we further elaborate in this paper.Comment: 28 page

    Traceability of Connected Domination Critical Graphs

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    A dominating set in a graph GG is a set SS of vertices of GG such that every vertex outside SS is adjacent to a vertex in SS. A connected dominating set in GG is a dominating set SS such that the subgraph G[S]G[S] induced by SS is connected. The connected domination number of GG, γc(G)\gamma_c(G), is the minimum cardinality of a connected dominating set of GG. A graph GG is said to be kk-γc\gamma_{c}-critical if the connected domination number γc(G)\gamma_{c}(G) is equal to kk and γc(G+uv)<k\gamma_{c}(G + uv) < k for every pair of non-adjacent vertices uu and vv of GG. Let ζ\zeta be the number of cut-vertices of GG. It is known that if GG is a kk-γc\gamma_{c}-critical graph, then GG has at most k−2k - 2 cut-vertices, that is ζ≤k−2\zeta \le k - 2. In this paper, for k≥4k \ge 4 and 0≤ζ≤k−20 \le \zeta \le k - 2, we show that every kk-γc\gamma_{c}-critical graph with ζ\zeta cut-vertices has a hamiltonian path if and only if k−3≤ζ≤k−2k - 3 \le \zeta \le k - 2.Comment: 26 page


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    A set S of vertices in a graph G is a connected dominating set if every vertex not in S is adjacent to some vertex in S and the subgraph induced by S is connected. The connected domination number γc(G) is the minimum size of such a set. Let δ ∗ (G) = min{δ(G),δ(G)}, where G is the complement of G and δ(G) is the minimum vertex degree. We prove that when G and G are both connected, γc(G) + γc(G) ≤ δ ∗ (G) + 4 − (γc(G) − 3)(γc(G) − 3). As a corollary, γc(G) + γc(G) ≤ 3n 4 when δ ∗ (G) ≥ 3 and n ≥ 14, where G has n vertices. We also prove that γc(G) + γc(G) ≤ δ ∗ (G) + 2 when γc(G),γc(G) ≥ 4. This bound is sharp when δ ∗ (G) = 6, and equality can only hold when δ ∗ (G) = 6. Finally, we prove that γc(G)γc(G) ≤ 2n − 4 when n ≥ 7, with equality only for paths and cycles