8 research outputs found

    Specification-Centered Robustness

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    In addition to being correct, a system should be robust, that is, it should behave reasonably even after receiving unexpected inputs. In this paper, we summarize two formal notions of robustness that we have introduced previously for reactive systems. One of the notions is based on assigning costs for failures on a user-provided notion of incorrect transitions in a specification. Here, we define a system to be robust if a finite number of incorrect inputs does not lead to an infinite number of incorrect outputs. We also give a more refined notion of robustness that aims to minimize the ratio of output failures to input failures. The second notion is aimed at liveness. In contrast to the previous notion, it has no concept of recovery from an error. Instead, it compares the ratio of the number of liveness constraints that the system violates to the number of liveness constraints that the environment violates

    A General Framework for Architecture Composability

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    Architectures depict design principles: paradigms that can be understood by all, allow thinking on a higher plane and avoiding low-level mistakes. They provide means for ensuring correctness by construction by enforcing global properties characterizing the coordination between components. An architecture can be considered as an operator A that, applied to a set of components B, builds a composite component A(B) meeting a characteristic property Φ. Architecture composability is a basic and common problem faced by system designers. In this paper, we propose a formal and general framework for architecture composability based on an associative, commutative and idempotent architecture composition operator ⊕. The main result is that if two architectures A1 and A2 enforce respectively safety properties Φ1 and Φ2 , the architecture A1 ⊕ A2 enforces the property Φ1 ∧ Φ2 , that is both properties are preserved by architecture composition. We also establish preservation of liveness properties by architecture composition. The presented results are illustrated by a running example and a case study

    Detection of Feature Interactions in Automotive Active Safety Features

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    With the introduction of software into cars, many functions are now realized with reduced cost, weight and energy. The development of these software systems is done in a distributed manner independently by suppliers, following the traditional approach of the automotive industry, while the car maker takes care of the integration. However, the integration can lead to unexpected and unintended interactions among software systems, a phenomena regarded as feature interaction. This dissertation addresses the problem of the automatic detection of feature interactions for automotive active safety features. Active safety features control the vehicle's motion control systems independently from the driver's request, with the intention of increasing passengers' safety (e.g., by applying hard braking in the case of an identified imminent collision), but their unintended interactions could instead endanger the passengers (e.g., simultaneous throttle increase and sharp narrow steering, causing the vehicle to roll over). My method decomposes the problem into three parts: (I) creation of a definition of feature interactions based on the set of actuators and domain expert knowledge; (II) translation of automotive active safety features designed using a subset of Matlab's Stateflow into the input language of the model checker SMV; (III) analysis using model checking at design time to detect a representation of all feature interactions based on partitioning the counterexamples into equivalence classes. The key novel characteristic of my work is exploiting domain-specific information about the feature interaction problem and the structure of the model to produce a method that finds a representation of all different feature interactions for automotive active safety features at design time. My method is validated by a case study with the set of non-proprietary automotive feature design models I created. The method generates a set of counterexamples that represent the whole set of feature interactions in the case study.By showing only a set of representative feature interaction cases, the information is concise and useful for feature designers. Moreover, by generating these results from feature models designed in Matlab's Stateflow translated into SMV models, the feature designers can trace the counterexamples generated by SMV and understand the results in terms of the Stateflow model. I believe that my results and techniques will have relevance to the solution of the feature interaction problem in other cyber-physical systems, and have a direct impact in assessing the safety of automotive systems

    Conflict-tolerant features

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    We consider systems composed of a base system with multiple “features” or “controllers”, each of which independently advise the system on how to react to input events so as to conform to their individual specifications. We propose a methodology for developing such systems in a way that guarantees the “maximal ” use of each feature. The methodology is based on the notion of “conflict-tolerant” features that are designed to continue offering advice even when their advice has been overridden in the past. We give a simple priority-based composition scheme for such features, which ensures that each feature is maximally utilized. We also provide a formal framework for specifying, verifying, and synthesizing such features. In particular we obtain a compositional technique for verifying systems developed in this framework

    Conflict-Tolerant Specifications in Temporal Logic

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    A framework based on the notion of conflict-tolerance was proposed in [1] as a methodology for developing and reasoning about systems that are composed of multiple independent features. In [1] the authors use annotated transition systems to specify conflict-tolerant features. In this paper we propose a way of specifying conflict-tolerant features in Temporal Logic, which is a specification language widely used in practice. We call our logic Conflict-Tolerant LTL or CT-LTL. We provide an algorithm for verifying whether a given feature implementation meets a specification given in our logic. The paper concludes by providing a constructive procedure for synthesising a finite-state feature implementation from a given CT-LTL specification

    Conflict-Tolerant Real-Time Features

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    This paper addresses the problem of detecting and resolving conflicts due to timing constraints imposed by features in real-time systems. We consider systems composed of a base system with multiple features or controllers, each of which independently advise the system on how to react to input events so as to conform to their individual specifications. We propose a methodology for developing such systems in a modular manner based on the notion of conflict tolerant features that are designed to continue offering advice even when their advice has been overridden in the past. We give a simple priority based scheme for composing such features. This guarantees the maximal use of each feature. We provide a formal framework for specifying such features, and a compositional technique for verifying systems developed in this framework

    Supervisory Control for Real-Time Systems Based on Conflict-Tolerant Controllers

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    This paper addresses the problem of detecting and resolving conflicts due to timing constraints imposed by features in real-time and hybrid systems. We consider systems composed of a base system with multiple features or controllers, each of which independently advise the system on how to react to input events so as to conform to their individual specifications. We propose a methodology for developing such systems in a modular manner based on the notion of conflict-tolerant features that are designed to continue offering advice even when their advice has been overridden in the past. We give a simple priority-based scheme forcomposing such features. This guarantees the maximal use of each feature. We provide a formal framework for specifying such features, and a compositional technique for verifying systems developed in this framework