6 research outputs found

    A Replacement Technique to Maximize Task Reuse in Reconfigurable Systems

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    Dynamically reconfigurable hardware is a promising technology that combines in the same device both the high performance and the flexibility that many recent applications demand. However, one of its main drawbacks is the reconfiguration overhead, which involves important delays in the task execution, usually in the order of hundreds of milliseconds, as well as high energy consumption. One of the most powerful ways to tackle this problem is configuration reuse, since reusing a task does not involve any reconfiguration overhead. In this paper we propose a configuration replacement policy for reconfigurable systems that maximizes task reuse in highly dynamic environments. We have integrated this policy in an external taskgraph execution manager that applies task prefetch by loading and executing the tasks as soon as possible (ASAP). However, we have also modified this ASAP technique in order to make the replacements more flexible, by taking into account the mobility of the tasks and delaying some of the reconfigurations. In addition, this replacement policy is a hybrid design-time/run-time approach, which performs the bulk of the computations at design time in order to save run-time computations. Our results illustrate that the proposed strategy outperforms other state-ofthe-art replacement policies in terms of reuse rates and achieves near-optimal reconfiguration overhead reductions. In addition, by performing the bulk of the computations at design time, we reduce the execution time of the replacement technique by 10 times with respect to an equivalent purely run-time one

    A Task-Graph Execution Manager for Reconfigurable Multi-tasking Systems

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    Reconfigurable hardware can be used to build multi tasking systems that dynamically adapt themselves to the requirements of the running applications. This is especially useful in embedded systems, since the available resources are very limited and the reconfigurable hardware can be reused for different applications. In these systems computations are frequently represented as task graphs that are executed taking into account their internal dependencies and the task schedule. The management of the task graph execution is critical for the system performance. In this regard, we have developed two dif erent versions, a software module and a hardware architecture, of a generic task-graph execution manager for reconfigurable multi-tasking systems. The second version reduces the run-time management overheads by almost two orders of magnitude. Hence it is especially suitable for systems with exigent timing constraints. Both versions include specific support to optimize the reconfiguration process

    A Configuration System Architecture Supporting Bit-Stream Compression for FPGAs

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    This paper presents an investigation and design of an enhanced on-chip configuration memory system that can reduce the time to (re)configure an FPGA. The proposed system accepts configuration data in a compressed form and performs decompression internally, The resulting FPCA can be (re)configured in time proportional to the size of the compressed bit-stream. The compression technique exploits the redundancy present in typical configuration data. An analysis of configurations corresponding to a set of benchmark circuits reveals that data that controls the same types of configurable elements have a common byte that occurs at a significantly higher frequency. This common byte is simply broadcast to all instances of that element. This step is followed by byte updates if required. The new configuration system has modest hardware requirements and was observed to reduce reconfiguration time for the benchmark set by two-thirds on average

    Implementaci贸n hardware de un controlador de memoria cache de reconfiguraciones en VHDL

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    Este proyecto presenta una implementaci贸n hardware de un controlador que gestiona de manera eficiente las reconfiguraciones que se realizan en tiempo de ejecuci贸n en un sistema que aplica cacheo de reconfiguraciones. Esta t茅cnica consiste en utilizar una memoria on-chip que sirve de cache entre la memoria de configuraci贸n del dispositivo reconfigurable y la memoria principal, donde se guardar谩n todas y cada una de las reconfiguraciones que se quieran cargar en el dispositivo. La eficiencia de la t茅cnica se puede mejorar particionando las configuraciones en bloques, y mapeando las configuraciones en diferentes memorias cache, en vez de en una sola. De este modo, dada una asignaci贸n de reconfiguraciones de tareas en diferentes memorias on-chip, el controlador hardware presentado gestiona la reconfiguraci贸n de las tareas de manera adecuada y eficiente. Los resultados experimentales que se presentan muestran que nuestro controlador realiza las operaciones necesarias en unos pocos cientos ciclos de reloj, mientras que su coste de implementaci贸n en t茅rminos de recursos hardware es muy asequible

    Configuration Caching and Swapping

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    Abstract. Speedups of coupled processor-FPGA systems over tradi-tional microprocessor systems are limited by the cost of hardware recon-figuration. In this paper we compare several new configuration caching algorithms that reduce the latency of reconfiguration. We also present a cache replacement strategy for a 3-level hierarchy. Using the techniques we present, total latency for loading the configurations is reduced, low-ering the configurable overhead.