151,868 research outputs found

    DAPPER: Scaling Dynamic Author Persona Topic Model to Billion Word Corpora

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    Extracting common narratives from multi-author dynamic text corpora requires complex models, such as the Dynamic Author Persona (DAP) topic model. However, such models are complex and can struggle to scale to large corpora, often because of challenging non-conjugate terms. To overcome such challenges, in this paper we adapt new ideas in approximate inference to the DAP model, resulting in the DAP Performed Exceedingly Rapidly (DAPPER) topic model. Specifically, we develop Conjugate-Computation Variational Inference (CVI) based variational Expectation-Maximization (EM) for learning the model, yielding fast, closed form updates for each document, replacing iterative optimization in earlier work. Our results show significant improvements in model fit and training time without needing to compromise the model's temporal structure or the application of Regularized Variation Inference (RVI). We demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of the DAPPER model by extracting health journeys from the CaringBridge corpus --- a collection of 9 million journals written by 200,000 authors during health crises.Comment: Published in IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2018, Singapor

    When can Multi-Site Datasets be Pooled for Regression? Hypothesis Tests, â„“2\ell_2-consistency and Neuroscience Applications

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    Many studies in biomedical and health sciences involve small sample sizes due to logistic or financial constraints. Often, identifying weak (but scientifically interesting) associations between a set of predictors and a response necessitates pooling datasets from multiple diverse labs or groups. While there is a rich literature in statistical machine learning to address distributional shifts and inference in multi-site datasets, it is less clear when{\it when} such pooling is guaranteed to help (and when it does not) -- independent of the inference algorithms we use. In this paper, we present a hypothesis test to answer this question, both for classical and high dimensional linear regression. We precisely identify regimes where pooling datasets across multiple sites is sensible, and how such policy decisions can be made via simple checks executable on each site before any data transfer ever happens. With a focus on Alzheimer's disease studies, we present empirical results showing that in regimes suggested by our analysis, pooling a local dataset with data from an international study improves power.Comment: 34th International Conference on Machine Learnin

    CheXbreak: Misclassification Identification for Deep Learning Models Interpreting Chest X-rays

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    A major obstacle to the integration of deep learning models for chest x-ray interpretation into clinical settings is the lack of understanding of their failure modes. In this work, we first investigate whether there are patient subgroups that chest x-ray models are likely to misclassify. We find that patient age and the radiographic finding of lung lesion, pneumothorax or support devices are statistically relevant features for predicting misclassification for some chest x-ray models. Second, we develop misclassification predictors on chest x-ray models using their outputs and clinical features. We find that our best performing misclassification identifier achieves an AUROC close to 0.9 for most diseases. Third, employing our misclassification identifiers, we develop a corrective algorithm to selectively flip model predictions that have high likelihood of misclassification at inference time. We observe F1 improvement on the prediction of Consolidation (0.008 [95% CI 0.005, 0.010]) and Edema (0.003, [95% CI 0.001, 0.006]). By carrying out our investigation on ten distinct and high-performing chest x-ray models, we are able to derive insights across model architectures and offer a generalizable framework applicable to other medical imaging tasks.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Machine Learning for Health Care, 2021. In ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (ACM-CHIL) Workshop 202

    Enabling Counterfactual Survival Analysis with Balanced Representations

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    Balanced representation learning methods have been applied successfully to counterfactual inference from observational data. However, approaches that account for survival outcomes are relatively limited. Survival data are frequently encountered across diverse medical applications, i.e., drug development, risk profiling, and clinical trials, and such data are also relevant in fields like manufacturing (e.g., for equipment monitoring). When the outcome of interest is a time-to-event, special precautions for handling censored events need to be taken, as ignoring censored outcomes may lead to biased estimates. We propose a theoretically grounded unified framework for counterfactual inference applicable to survival outcomes. Further, we formulate a nonparametric hazard ratio metric for evaluating average and individualized treatment effects. Experimental results on real-world and semi-synthetic datasets, the latter of which we introduce, demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms competitive alternatives in both survival-outcome prediction and treatment-effect estimation.Comment: Accepted at ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (ACM CHIL 2021). Code at https://github.com/paidamoyo/counterfactual_survival_analysi

    Integrating Physiological Time Series and Clinical Notes with Deep Learning for Improved ICU Mortality Prediction

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    Intensive Care Unit Electronic Health Records (ICU EHRs) store multimodal data about patients including clinical notes, sparse and irregularly sampled physiological time series, lab results, and more. To date, most methods designed to learn predictive models from ICU EHR data have focused on a single modality. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed interpolation-prediction deep learning architecture(Shukla and Marlin 2019) as a basis for exploring how physiological time series data and clinical notes can be integrated into a unified mortality prediction model. We study both early and late fusion approaches and demonstrate how the relative predictive value of clinical text and physiological data change over time. Our results show that a late fusion approach can provide a statistically significant improvement in mortality prediction performance over using individual modalities in isolation.Comment: Presented at ACM Conference on Health, Inference and Learning (Workshop Track), 202

    Generative Adversarial Networks for Failure Prediction

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    Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) is an emerging engineering discipline which is concerned with the analysis and prediction of equipment health and performance. One of the key challenges in PHM is to accurately predict impending failures in the equipment. In recent years, solutions for failure prediction have evolved from building complex physical models to the use of machine learning algorithms that leverage the data generated by the equipment. However, failure prediction problems pose a set of unique challenges that make direct application of traditional classification and prediction algorithms impractical. These challenges include the highly imbalanced training data, the extremely high cost of collecting more failure samples, and the complexity of the failure patterns. Traditional oversampling techniques will not be able to capture such complexity and accordingly result in overfitting the training data. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a novel algorithm for failure prediction using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN-FP). GAN-FP first utilizes two GAN networks to simultaneously generate training samples and build an inference network that can be used to predict failures for new samples. GAN-FP first adopts an infoGAN to generate realistic failure and non-failure samples, and initialize the weights of the first few layers of the inference network. The inference network is then tuned by optimizing a weighted loss objective using only real failure and non-failure samples. The inference network is further tuned using a second GAN whose purpose is to guarantee the consistency between the generated samples and corresponding labels. GAN-FP can be used for other imbalanced classification problems as well.Comment: ECML PKDD 2019 (The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2019

    DeepEnroll: Patient-Trial Matching with Deep Embedding and Entailment Prediction

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    Clinical trials are essential for drug development but often suffer from expensive, inaccurate and insufficient patient recruitment. The core problem of patient-trial matching is to find qualified patients for a trial, where patient information is stored in electronic health records (EHR) while trial eligibility criteria (EC) are described in text documents available on the web. How to represent longitudinal patient EHR? How to extract complex logical rules from EC? Most existing works rely on manual rule-based extraction, which is time consuming and inflexible for complex inference. To address these challenges, we proposed DeepEnroll, a cross-modal inference learning model to jointly encode enrollment criteria (text) and patients records (tabular data) into a shared latent space for matching inference. DeepEnroll applies a pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers(BERT) model to encode clinical trial information into sentence embedding. And uses a hierarchical embedding model to represent patient longitudinal EHR. In addition, DeepEnroll is augmented by a numerical information embedding and entailment module to reason over numerical information in both EC and EHR. These encoders are trained jointly to optimize patient-trial matching score. We evaluated DeepEnroll on the trial-patient matching task with demonstrated on real world datasets. DeepEnroll outperformed the best baseline by up to 12.4% in average F1.Comment: accepted by The World Wide Web Conference 202

    CheXseen: Unseen Disease Detection for Deep Learning Interpretation of Chest X-rays

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    We systematically evaluate the performance of deep learning models in the presence of diseases not labeled for or present during training. First, we evaluate whether deep learning models trained on a subset of diseases (seen diseases) can detect the presence of any one of a larger set of diseases. We find that models tend to falsely classify diseases outside of the subset (unseen diseases) as "no disease". Second, we evaluate whether models trained on seen diseases can detect seen diseases when co-occurring with diseases outside the subset (unseen diseases). We find that models are still able to detect seen diseases even when co-occurring with unseen diseases. Third, we evaluate whether feature representations learned by models may be used to detect the presence of unseen diseases given a small labeled set of unseen diseases. We find that the penultimate layer of the deep neural network provides useful features for unseen disease detection. Our results can inform the safe clinical deployment of deep learning models trained on a non-exhaustive set of disease classes.Comment: Accepted to ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (ACM-CHIL) Workshop 202

    Reading Industrial Inspection Sheets by Inferring Visual Relations

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    The traditional mode of recording faults in heavy factory equipment has been via hand marked inspection sheets, wherein a machine engineer manually marks the faulty machine regions on a paper outline of the machine. Over the years, millions of such inspection sheets have been recorded and the data within these sheets has remained inaccessible. However, with industries going digital and waking up to the potential value of fault data for machine health monitoring, there is an increased impetus towards digitization of these hand marked inspection records. To target this digitization, we propose a novel visual pipeline combining state of the art deep learning models, with domain knowledge and low level vision techniques, followed by inference of visual relationships. Our framework is robust to the presence of both static and non-static background in the document, variability in the machine template diagrams, unstructured shape of graphical objects to be identified and variability in the strokes of handwritten text. The proposed pipeline incorporates a capsule and spatial transformer network based classifier for accurate text reading, and a customized CTPN network for text detection in addition to hybrid techniques for arrow detection and dialogue cloud removal. We have tested our approach on a real world dataset of 50 inspection sheets for large containers and boilers. The results are visually appealing and the pipeline achieved an accuracy of 87.1% for text detection and 94.6% for text reading.Comment: Published in 3rd International Workshop on Robust Reading at Asian Conference on Computer Vision 201

    A large-scale Twitter dataset for drug safety applications mined from publicly existing resources

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    With the increase in popularity of deep learning models for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, in the field of Pharmacovigilance, more specifically for the identification of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), there is an inherent need for large-scale social-media datasets aimed at such tasks. With most researchers allocating large amounts of time to crawl Twitter or buying expensive pre-curated datasets, then manually annotating by humans, these approaches do not scale well as more and more data keeps flowing in Twitter. In this work we re-purpose a publicly available archived dataset of more than 9.4 billion Tweets with the objective of creating a very large dataset of drug usage-related tweets. Using existing manually curated datasets from the literature, we then validate our filtered tweets for relevance using machine learning methods, with the end result of a publicly available dataset of 1,181,993 million tweets for public use. We provide all code and detailed procedure on how to extract this dataset and the selected tweet ids for researchers to use.Comment: 8 tables, 2 figures, 7 pages, accepted after peer review as a workshop paper in ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL) 2020 https://www.chilconference.org/agenda
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