975 research outputs found

    Investigating Tangible and Hybrid Interactions to Augment the Reading Experience

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    For thousands of years, we as humans have been passing knowledge and telling stories through tangibly rich methods, beginning with writing on walls and even-tually evolving to printed books of today. However, the introduction of digital documents has recently created a world that has traded tangible richness for digital convenience. This thesis demonstrates innovative, tangible interfaces to help de-velop a possible future where digital documents can incorporate tangible elements. Furthermore, during our research, we discovered a pattern amongst people, where a hybrid approach to documents is becoming adopted. This discovery led to the investigation of hybrid experiences and the development of a system in which users can seamlessly switch between the physical and digital worlds.Each chapter of this thesis investigates a function of reading and its method both physically and digitally. Firstly we investigate the act of turning a page, a simple yet integral task of reading a modern book. This chapter explores materials and methods of bringing a tangible page-turning experience to digital books, followed by a user study and evaluation. Following this, we explore the use of tangible materials for side of device interactions. For example, printed books have many, frequently hundreds of pages, often have their edges felt, ruffled and flicked. Sev-eral interactions can be invoked through page edges, which are entirely removed from digital books. We design, develop and evaluate a guitar string-based system as a metaphor for page edges on a digital device.Many of us in this modern age carry on our person a smartphone, pretty much at all times. Smartphones have given us the ability to retrieve and read books wherever and whenever we please. However, the majority of people still prefer to read using physical methods. Having multiple formats to choose from has introduced a hybrid reading experience, where one might read physically at home and digitally whilst commuting, for example. We explore this experience, and the chapter follows a human-centred design approach to investigate, design, develop, and evaluate a digital bookmark system to switch between digital and physical books seamlessly

    Physical sketching tools and techniques for customized sensate surfaces

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    Sensate surfaces are a promising avenue for enhancing human interaction with digital systems due to their inherent intuitiveness and natural user interface. Recent technological advancements have enabled sensate surfaces to surpass the constraints of conventional touchscreens by integrating them into everyday objects, creating interactive interfaces that can detect various inputs such as touch, pressure, and gestures. This allows for more natural and intuitive control of digital systems. However, prototyping interactive surfaces that are customized to users' requirements using conventional techniques remains technically challenging due to limitations in accommodating complex geometric shapes and varying sizes. Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the context in which customized surfaces are utilized, as relocating them to fabrication labs may lead to the loss of their original design context. Additionally, prototyping high-resolution sensate surfaces presents challenges due to the complex signal processing requirements involved. This thesis investigates the design and fabrication of customized sensate surfaces that meet the diverse requirements of different users and contexts. The research aims to develop novel tools and techniques that overcome the technical limitations of current methods and enable the creation of sensate surfaces that enhance human interaction with digital systems.Sensorische Oberflächen sind aufgrund ihrer inhärenten Intuitivität und natürlichen Benutzeroberfläche ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um die menschliche Interaktionmit digitalen Systemen zu verbessern. Die jüngsten technologischen Fortschritte haben es ermöglicht, dass sensorische Oberflächen die Beschränkungen herkömmlicher Touchscreens überwinden, indem sie in Alltagsgegenstände integriert werden und interaktive Schnittstellen schaffen, die diverse Eingaben wie Berührung, Druck, oder Gesten erkennen können. Dies ermöglicht eine natürlichere und intuitivere Steuerung von digitalen Systemen. Das Prototyping interaktiver Oberflächen, die mit herkömmlichen Techniken an die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer angepasst werden, bleibt jedoch eine technische Herausforderung, da komplexe geometrische Formen und variierende Größen nur begrenzt berücksichtigt werden können. Darüber hinaus ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, den Kontext, in dem diese individuell angepassten Oberflächen verwendet werden, zu berücksichtigen, da eine Verlagerung in Fabrikations-Laboratorien zum Verlust ihres ursprünglichen Designkontextes führen kann. Zudem stellt das Prototyping hochauflösender sensorischer Oberflächen aufgrund der komplexen Anforderungen an die Signalverarbeitung eine Herausforderung dar. Diese Arbeit erforscht dasDesign und die Fabrikation individuell angepasster sensorischer Oberflächen, die den diversen Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Nutzer und Kontexte gerecht werden. Die Forschung zielt darauf ab, neuartigeWerkzeuge und Techniken zu entwickeln, die die technischen Beschränkungen derzeitigerMethoden überwinden und die Erstellung von sensorischen Oberflächen ermöglichen, die die menschliche Interaktion mit digitalen Systemen verbessern

    Design and fabrication by inkjet printing of electrodes for electromyography

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013A utilização de impressoras de jacto de tinta (inkjet printers) tem dado um enorme contributo na indústria eletrónica reduzindo as dimensões dos componentes e introduzindo processos de fabricação mais rápidos e menos dispendiosos. Uma das grandes vantagens deste método de fabricação é a facilidade de design dos circuitos, a deposição de materiais directamente no substrato sem haver contacto, a sobreposição de desenhos impressos e a versatilidade de materiais utilizados, tirando o maior partido das suas características. Duas formas de tirar partido das funcionalidades de uma impressora inkjet, em engenharia biomédica, é, por um lado, desenvolver circuitos elétricos desenhados especialmente para aquisição de sinais fisiológicos. Esses circuitos, aliados às capacidades da impressão por jacto de tinta, poderão resultar em eletrónica flexível com materiais com elevada biocompatibilidade, promovendo desta forma uma próxima interacção com o corpo humano. Por outro lado, as aplicações da impressora inkjet podem levar ao desenvolvimento de eletródios impressos enquadrando-os no conceito de pele eletrónica, isto é, integrar dispositivos eletrónicos utilizando características da pele humana (flexibilidade, extensibilidade e compatibilidade). Assim, o principal objectivo deste trabalho é fabricar, utilizando esta técnica, elétrodos com a capacidade de medir sinais electromiográficos dos músculos responsáveis pelo movimento da mão e dedos. A fim de utilizar as potencialidades da tecnologia inkjet, os eléctrodos devem obter medições congruentes do ponto de visto fisiológico e devem se mostrar vantajosos face aos, já convencionais, eléctrodos descartáveis. A finalidade da construção destes eléctrodos deverá preencher a carência que os eléctrodos convencionais possuem, de não serem flexíveis e de não serem utilizados durante largos períodos de tempo. As vantagens extraídas de eléctrodos impressos poderão ainda ser mais vastas não só a nível económico, pela construção de eléctrodos low-cost, mas também a nível de desempenho, biocompatibilidade e design, com o desenvolvimento de eléctrodos finos, paper-like e passiveis de acoplarem circuitos eletrónicos também impressos. O desenvolvimento do trabalho apresentou uma variedade de tarefas, com inicio na aprendizagem dos conceitos e métodos de funcionamento da impressora FujiFilm Dimatrix 2831 Materials Printer. Esta impressora, utilizada para obtenção de todos os eléctrodos e circuitos aqui referidos, possui uma tecnologia drop-on-deman coordenada por material piezoeléctrico, conseguindo uma resolução até -5 um. As voltagens induzidas a este material tem um enorme impacto na formação das gotas de tinta, e por isso a uma boa qualidade de impressão. No entanto, outros factores como a viscosidade da tinta e a tensão de superfície também desempenham importantes papeis para aumento da qualidade de impressão. As tarefas seguintes incluíram a otimização dos procedimentos para tratamento dos substratos de forma a que a deposição da tinta de prata fosse óptima. Os substratos utilizados neste trabalho foram: papel fotográfico, biocelulose e polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS). Também os métodos de impressão tiveram que ser optimizados controlando a velocidade e a direcção da deposição das gotas de tinta. Uma vez que foi apenas utilizado um tipo de tinta prata, uma dispersão de nanopartículas de prata, foi utilizada a mesma velocidade de deposição das gotas, 10 m/s com temperatura do tinteiro constante, de 30ºC. Por fim, houve necessidade de melhorar o processo de sinterização que visa a remoção do solvente e outras substâncias presentes na tinta de prata, e que tem enorme impacto na resistividade final do padrão impresso. Um bom processo de sinterização faz com que as nanopartículas de prata tenham um forte contacto entre elas, aumentando consideravelmente a conductividade do material. Para este fim, foi testada a sinterização térmica padrão e introduzida um novo método, a sinterização elétrica cuja aplicação de uma diferença de potencial permite a passagem de corrente elétrica gerando calor localmente. Para impressão de eléctrodos, os seus designs foram adaptados às características dos materiais, sendo que, por exemplo, para materiais mais flexíveis foram implementadas conexões serpenteadas entre pequenos eléctrodos. Para outros substratos, como o papel fotográfico, foi optado um design semelhante ao dos eléctrodos convencionais para obter melhor termo de comparação. Já para aplicação de sinterização elétrica, optou-se por um design que consiste num único filamento para que seja possível a aplicação de uma diferença de potencial em ambas as extremidades. Durante o aperfeiçoamento dos eléctrodos, foi elaborado uma série de estudos acerca das características dos mesmos (resistividade e impedância) e as suas medições foram comparadas com os resultados obtidos, em condições semelhantes, aos eléctrodos tipicamente utilizados em ambiente clínico. Como resultados de medições de sinais electrocardiográficos, os eléctrodos impressos em papel fotográfico mostraram-me vantajosos quanto à morfologia do traçado, pois o termo de comparação foi similar aos obtidos por eléctrodos convencionais. No estudo de sinais electromiográficos, os eléctrodos impressos em biocelulose e papel fotográfico tiveram taxas de sinal-ruído abaixo das obtidas pelos tradicionais eléctrodos de uso clínico. Ainda assim, os dados dos eléctrodos impressos podem ser utilizados para captação de sinais fisiológicos pois foi possível demonstrar a extração de informações acerca do movimento dos músculos esqueléticos e cardíaco. Contudo, não foi possível a obtenção de sinais fisiológicos utilizando eléctrodos impressos em PDMS. Devido a uma fraca adesão da tinta de prata à superfície do substrato, a tinta era removida do eléctrodo quando havia contacto entre o eléctrodo e a pele. Tarefas intermédias incluíram a impressão de pequenos circuitos eletrónicos, nomeadamente um circuito impresso cuja principal função é a leitura e tratamento (amplificação e filtragem) de sinais electrocardiográficos. Dois outros circuitos, mais simples, foram impressos: um díodo emissor de luz e um sensor de luz. Todas as pistas de condução de ambas as camadas foram impressas com prata em papel fotográfico e os componentes eletrónicos foram colados com cola de prata. A otimização deste processo poderá trazer enormes vantagens pela possibilidade de construção de circuitos eletrónicos flexíveis e finos com eléctrodos incorporados. Por fim, a última tarefa inclui processamento de sinal a qual inclui a implementação de algoritmos em ambiente MatLab para extracção de movimentos dos músculos do antebraço. Com a informação extraída por três movimentos distintos da mão foi provado que os eléctrodos impressos podem ser usados para posterior reconhecimento de padrões. A distinção dos três movimentos foi feita com sucesso, sobretudo para os eléctrodos impressos em biocelulose e para os eléctrodos de baixa resistividade em papel fotográfico. Este trabalho também abriu portas para investigações futuras em que mais substratos e tintas podem ser testadas e mais componentes podem ser integrados aos já aqui desenvolvidos. Desta forma, a tecnologia inkjet pode contribuir com a sua versatilidade para a inovação nos campos electrofisiologia e das interacções homem-máquina.Inkjet technology has advantages as a fabrication method when compared to other conventional procedures. Inkjet technology allows the deposition of several materials directly with non contact with it, mask-less and the possibility of printing over a previous printed pattern. Due its versatility of inks (conductive, polymers and organic) and substrates, direct deposition of materials with high precision (-5 um) using simple methods, this technique shows a high potential as a fabrication method. Despite the wide range of applications of inkjet printing in electronics, a lack of intend for printing devices for collecting biosignals. The subject of the work presented was the first step towards the development of a inkjet device for a close contact with skin for collecting biosignals. One way to apply the functionalities of an inkjet printer, in biomedical engineering, is developing printed electrodes introducing electronic skin concept, i.e., implement electronic devices using features of electronic skin (exibility, extensibility and compatibility). Thus, the major goal of this work was develop, using this technique, electrodes capable of measuring electromyographic signals from the forearm's muscles responsible to move hand and fingers. In order to use the potentials of inkjet technology, these electrodes must obtain congruent measurements and should prove advantageous when compared to the standard electrodes. The versatility of inkjet printing allowed to print electrodes, using a inkjet printer DMP-2831, onto substrates that included photographic paper, biocellulose and PDMS and test the performance of different designs: standard at discs, spiked, filamentary and serpentine array of small electrodes. This thesis presents the development of tasks that includes the design and choice of materials, optimization of printing and sintering procedures, printing electronic circuits and ends with signal processing. During the optimization of the electrodes measurements of resistivity and impedance were performed to understand the behavior and characteristics of them. Finally, a linear discriminant analysis was used to successfully distinguish between three hand movements

    Recent advances in upscalable wet methods and ink formulations for printed electronics

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    This review deals with the use of solution processing approaches for organic electronics with a focus on material ink formulations as well as on their applicability. The solution processing techniques include methods like gravure printing, screen printing and ink-jet printing. Basic principles of each approach are understood and fundamental correlations between material (metals, semiconductors, and dielectrics) ink properties and final device performances can be drawn. Nevertheless, solution processing methods have the potential to evolve as the most promising tools in organic device fabrication techniques and have already been applied successfully in the fields of organic thin film transistors, solar cells and biosensing devices

    Liquid cooled micro-scale gradient system for magnetic resonance

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    Schaltbare magnetische Feldgradientspulen sind ein geeignetes Werkzeug für die Modulation der Kernspinpräzession in der gepulsten Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie und Bildgebung. Die Magnetresonanztomographie von mikroskopischen Proben benötigt starke, schnell schaltbare Magnetfeldgradienten, um diffusionsbedingte Artefakte zu unterdrücken, Suszeptibilitätseffekte abzuschwächen und um die Messzeit zu verkürzen. Verschiedene Techniken können eingesetzt werden, um eine hohe Gradientenintensität zu erreichen, wie zum Beispiel die Erhöhung der Stromstärke oder die Steigerung der Windungsdichte der Feldspule. Ein weiterer, geeigneter technischer Ansatz besteht darin, die Gradientenspulen näher an der Probe zu platzieren. Als Konsequenz wird aber die durch die Joule-Erwärmung verursachte Wärmeentwicklung zu einem zentralen Problem. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiges Design, ein Mikroherstellungsprozess und eine Kernspin-Evaluierung eines Feldgradientenchips präsentiert. Die Gradientenspulen wurden besonders hoch miniaturisiert und durch den Einsatz von verbesserten und neuartigen Strukturierungsverfahren entwickelt. Zuerst wird ein Fertigungsverfahren zur Herstellung einer kompakten Hochfrequenzspule vorgestellt. Durch den Einsatz einer maskenlosen Rückseitenlithographie konnte die Prozesskomplexität reduziert werden. Dieses Verfahren wurde durch Tintenstrahldruck mit Nanopartikeln realisiert, wobei die gedruckten Strukturen selbst als lithographische Maske für die Herstellung einer galvanischen Form dienen. Somit werden die Seitenwände der galvanischen Form durch die gedruckte Seed-Schicht optimal selbst ausgerichtet. Dies ermöglichte eine anisotrope Galvanisierung, um eine höhere elektrische Leitfähigkeit der gedruckten Leiterbahnen zu erzielen. Aus den Erkenntnissen der ausgearbeiteten Herstellungsprozesse wurde ein optimiertes Spulendesign für ein-axiale sowie drei-axiale linearen Gradientenchips entwickelt. Die einachsige lineare zz-Gradientenspule wurde mit der Stream-Function-Methode berechnet, wobei die Optimierung darauf abgestimmt wurde, eine minimale Verlustleistung zu erzielen. Die Gradientenspulen wurden auf zwei Doppellagen implementiert, die mittels Cu-Galvanik in Kombination mit fotodefinierbaren Trockenfilm-Laminaten aufgebracht wurden. Bei dem hier vorgestellten Herstellungsverfahren diente die erste Metallisierungschicht gleichzeitig dazu, Widerstands-Temperaturdetektoren zu integrieren. Um niederohmige Spulen zu realisieren wurde der Galvanisierungsprozess soweit angepasst, um eine hohe Schichtdicke zu erzielen. Die Chipstruktur beinhaltet ein aktives Kühlsystem, um dem Aufheizen der Spulen entgegenzuwirken. Thermographische Aufnahmen in Kombination mit den eingebetteten Temperatursensoren ermöglichen es, die Erhitzung der Spule zu analysieren, um die Strombelastbarkeit zu ermitteln. Die Gradientenspule wurde mit einer Hochfrequenz-Mikrospule in einer Flip-Chip-Konfiguration zusammengebaut, und mit diesem Aufbau wurde ein eindimensionales Kernspinexperiment durchgeführt. Es wurde eine Gradienteneffizienz von 3.15 Tm1A1T\,m^{−1}\,A^{−1} bei einer Profillänge von 1.2 mmmm erreicht

    Development of flexible, durable and ionic materials based on poly(acrylamide) hydrogels for soft conducting and sensing applications

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    Soft ionic hydrogels have garnered significant interest for their applications in soft electronics and tissue engineering. However, further demands are still on the rise for developing these materials to possess flexibility, durability, low cost, non-toxic and reliable conductivity. In this work, a poly(acrylamide) (PAAm) hydrogel containing salt was utilised for its significant features such as high flexibility and excellent conductivity. Therefore, several hydrogels were prepared from the polymerisation reaction of the mononer acrylamide (AAm) to produce different polymers networks of PAAm hydrogels by the use of different crosslinking materials and methods aiming to optimise their mechanical and electrical characteristics, with the aim of applying these hydrogels in different applications such as soft sensing and conducting devices. Ionic-covalent entanglement hydrogels were prepared by mixing cross-linked gellan gum (GG) and CaCl2 ionically with PAAm and methylenbis(acrylamide) (MBAAm) covalently. The mechanical behaviour was modified by altering the ionic and the covalent polymers ratio. The electrical properties were investigated with varying hydrogel ratios which displayed optimised mechanical properties for use in conducting and sensing applications. It was observed that gels prepared with 0.1 M CaCl2 and 1.11 % (w/v) GG with PAAm consisting of 4.44 % (w/v) and AAm with 3 % (w/v) MBAAm exhibited optimum mechanical characteristics reporting 216±12 kPa (compressive stress to failure) for the compression test analysis and 264±5kPa (shear modulus) for the oscillatory rheology demonstration. The electrical conductivity and the water content for the optimised ICE gel displayed a noticeable increase from 3.3±0.5 mS.cm-1 to 127±15 mS.cm-1 and from 78 % to 85 %, respectively, after it was immersed in 2.7 M NaCl solution

    Toward New Ecologies of Cyberphysical Representational Forms, Scales, and Modalities

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    Research on tangible user interfaces commonly focuses on tangible interfaces acting alone or in comparison with screen-based multi-touch or graphical interfaces. In contrast, hybrid approaches can be seen as the norm for established mainstream interaction paradigms. This dissertation describes interfaces that support complementary information mediations, representational forms, and scales toward an ecology of systems embodying hybrid interaction modalities. I investigate systems combining tangible and multi-touch, as well as systems combining tangible and virtual reality interaction. For each of them, I describe work focusing on design and fabrication aspects, as well as work focusing on reproducibility, engagement, legibility, and perception aspects

    Conception, development and evaluation of polymer-based screen-printed textile electrodes for biopotential monitoring

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    Wearable technologies represent the new frontier of vital signs monitoring in different applications, from fitness to health. With the progressive miniaturization of the electronic components, enabling the implementation of portable and hand-held acquisition and recording devices, the research focus has shifted toward the development of effective and unobtrusive textile electrodes. This work deals with the study, development and characterization of organic-polymer-based electrodes for biopotentials. After an overview of the main materials and fabrication technologies presented so far in the scientific literature, the possibility to use these electrodes as an alternative to the Ag/AgCl disposable gelled electrodes usually adopted in clinical practice was tested. For this purpose, several textile electrode realization techniques were studied and optimized, in order to create electrodes with adequate features to detect two fundamental physiological signals: the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the electromyogram (EMG). The electrodes were obtained by depositing on the fabric the organic bio-compatible polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) with three deposition procedures: dipcoating, ink-jet printing and screen printing. The physical\u2013chemical properties of the polymer solution were varied for each procedure to obtain an optimal and reproducible result. For what concerns the ECG signal, the research activity focused on screen-printed textile electrodes and their performance was first assessed by benchtop measurements and then by human trials. The first tests demonstrated that, by adding solid or liquid electrolytes the electrodes, the largest part of the characteristics required by the ANSI/AAMI EC12:2000 standard for gelled ECG electrodes can be achieved. Tests performed in different conditions showed that the skin contact impedance and the ECG morphological features are highly similar to those obtainable with disposable gelled Ag/AgCl electrodes (\u3c1 > 0.99). A trial with ten subjects revealed also the capability of the proposed electrodes to accurately capture with clinical instruments an ECG morphology with performance comparable to off-the-shelf disposable electrodes. Furthermore, the proposed textile electrodes preserve their electrical properties and functionality even after several mild washing cycles, while they suffered physical stretching. Similar tests were performed on screen-printed textile electrodes fabricated in two different sizes to test them as EMG sensors, with and without electrolytes. After a series of controlled acquisitions performed by electro-stimulating the muscles in order to analyze the waveform morphologu of the M-wave, the statistical analysis showed a high similarity in terms of rms of the noise and electrode-skin impedance between conventional and textile electrodes with the addition of solid hydrogel and saline solution. Furthermore, the M-wave recorded on the tibialis anterior muscle during the stimulation of the peroneal nerve was comparatively analyzed between conventional and textile electrodes. The comparison provided an R2 value higher than 97% in all measurement conditions. These results opened their use in smart garments for real application scenarios and for this purpose were developed a couple of smart shirts able to detect the EGC and the EMG signal. The results indicated that this approach could be adopted in the future for the development of smart garments able to comfortably detect physiological signals

    Inkjet printing of resistive-type humidity sensor for harsh environments

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    A flexible resistive-type humidity sensor for harsh environments is successfully designed and fabricated by an inkjet printing method using a Dimatix materials printer (DMP-2800 series from Fujifilm). Construction of the sensors is based on inkjet printed interdigitated silver electrodes on a polyimide flexible substrate along with an inkjet printable polyaniline (PANi) as humidity sensitive material. A copolymer of ethylene and vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is used as sensor protective coating. Double strand water- soluble PANi ink is synthesized by polymerization of aniline monomers with poly(4- styrenesulfonic acid) (PSSA) as a template. Manufactured devices showed high sensitivity (/% @ 45%RH) to humidity with good linearity (R-squared correlation value of 0.99) and fast absorption and desorption responses over a broad range of humidity (/5-95%RH). The response time for the sensors without EVOH coating on top is around 5 and /5 seconds for absorption and desorption, respectively. The response time for the coated sensors is about 40 and //0 seconds for absorption and desorption, respectively. Sensors showed small hysteresis (about 3%) while a protective polymer coating provided a barrier to damage or false signals due to solvents and chemicals. Fabricated sensors are characterized in order to investigate the structure and morphology of the thin films. UV-Visible spectroscopy is used to obtain information on PANi in solution form and to confirm that PANi in the form of emeraldine salt is obtained. FT-IR spectroscopy is used to verify the incorporation of the PSSA into PANi. SEM microscopy method is used to characterize the PANi-PSSA in powder form and the AFM method is used to show the morphology of the thin films