1 research outputs found

    A Conditional Privacy Preserving Authentication and Multi Party Group Key Establishment Scheme for Real-Time Application in VANETs

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a cardinal part of intelligent transportation system (ITS) which render various services in terms of traffic and transport management. The VANET is used to manage growing traffic and manage data about traffic conditions, weather, road conditions, speed of the vehicle, etc. Even though, VANETs are self-sufficient and effective networks but they still suffer from various security and privacy issues. VANETs need to ensure that an adversary should not be able to breach user associated data and delete or modify the exchanged messages for its gains, as these messages comprise of sensitive data. In this paper, we have proposed an authentication and key-agreement protocol based on cryptographic hash functions which makes it lightweight in nature and also suitable for VANET environment. Moreover, to enhance the security and reliability of the entire system, the proposed key-agreement protocol makes use of random session modulus to compute a dynamic session key i.e. for every session, vehicles generate their session specific secret modulus which are then converged to form a common group session key. The formal verification of the proposed work is done using Real - or - Random oracle model, AVISPA and BAN Logic while informal security analysis shows that the proposed protocol can withstand various attacks. The simulation results and analysis prove that the proposed work is efficient and has a real-time application in VANET environment