22 research outputs found

    Conditional bounds for the least quadratic non-residue and related problems

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    This paper studies explicit and theoretical bounds for several interesting quantities in number theory, conditionally on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Specifically, we improve the existing explicit bounds for the least quadratic non-residue and the least prime in an arithmetic progression. We also refine the classical conditional bounds of Littlewood for LL-functions at s=1s=1. In particular, we derive explicit upper and lower bounds for L(1,χ)L(1,\chi) and ζ(1+it)\zeta(1+it), and deduce explicit bounds for the class number of imaginary quadratic fields. Finally, we improve the best known theoretical bounds for the least quadratic non-residue, and more generally, the least kk-th power non-residue.Comment: We thank Emanuel Carneiro and Micah Milinovich for drawing our attention to an error in Lemma 6.1 of the previous version, which affects the asymptotic bounds in Theorems 1.2 and 1.3 there. These results are corrected in this updated versio

    Squarefree smooth numbers and Euclidean prime generators

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    We show that for each prime p > 7, every residue mod p can be represented by a squarefree number with largest prime factor at most p. We give two applications to recursive prime generators akin to the one Euclid used to prove the infinitude of primes.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the AM

    Bounding zeta on the 1-line under the partial Riemann hypothesis

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    We provide explicit bounds in the theory of the Riemann zeta-function at the line s=1\Re{s}=1, assuming that the Riemann hypothesis holds until the height TT. In particular, we improve some bounds, in finite regions, for the logarithmic derivative and the reciprocal of the Riemann zeta-function.Comment: Typos corrected. To appear in the Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Societ

    On the distribution of Atkin and Elkies primes for reductions of elliptic curves on average

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    For an elliptic curve E/Q without complex multiplication we study the distribution of Atkin and Elkies primes l, on average, over all good reductions of E modulo primes p. We show that, under the Generalised Riemann Hypothesis, for almost all primes p there are enough small Elkies primes l to ensure that the Schoof-Elkies-Atkin point-counting algorithm runs in (log p)^(4+o(1)) expected time.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in LMS J. Comput. Mat

    An explicit upper bound for L(1,χ)L(1, \chi) when χ\chi is quadratic

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    We consider Dirichlet LL-functions L(s,χ)L(s, \chi) where χ\chi is a non-principal quadratic character to the modulus qq. We make explicit a result due to Pintz and Stephens by showing that L(1,χ)12logq|L(1, \chi)|\leq \frac{1}{2}\log q for all q21023q\geq 2\cdot 10^{23} and L(1,χ)920logq|L(1, \chi)|\leq \frac{9}{20}\log q for all q51050q\geq 5\cdot 10^{50}.Comment: 17 page

    Supersolvability and nilpotency in terms of the commuting probability and the average character degree

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    Let pp be a prime and let GG be a finite group such that the smallest prime that divides G|G| is pp. We find sharp bounds, depending on pp, for the commuting probability and the average character degree to guarantee that GG is nilpotent or supersolvable.Comment: 15 page