492,502 research outputs found

    Minimax Optimality of CUSUM for an Autoregressive Model

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    Different change point models for AR(1) processes are reviewed. For some models, the change is in the distribution conditional on earlier observations. For others the change is in the unconditional distribution. Some models include an observation before the first possible change time — others not. Earlier and new CUSUM type methods are given and minimax optimality is examined. For the conditional model with an observation before the possible change there are sharp results of optimality in the literature. The unconditional model with possible change at (or before) the first observation is of interest for applications. We examined this case and derived new variants of four earlier suggestions. By numerical methods and Monte Carlo simulations it was demonstrated that the new variants dominate the original ones. However, none of the methods is uniformly minimax optimal.Autoregressive; Change point; Monitoring; Online detection

    Correlation Structures of Correlated Binomial Models and Implied Default Distribution

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    We show how to analyze and interpret the correlation structures, the conditional expectation values and correlation coefficients of exchangeable Bernoulli random variables. We study implied default distributions for the iTraxx-CJ tranches and some popular probabilistic models, including the Gaussian copula model, Beta binomial distribution model and long-range Ising model. We interpret the differences in their profiles in terms of the correlation structures. The implied default distribution has singular correlation structures, reflecting the credit market implications. We point out two possible origins of the singular behavior.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Effects of correlation between merging steps on the global halo formation

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    The excursion set theory of halo formation is modified by adopting the fractional Brownian motion, to account for possible correlation between merging steps. We worked out analytically the conditional mass function, halo merging rate and formation time distribution in the spherical collapse model. We also developed an approximation for the ellipsoidal collapse model and applied it to the calculation of the conditional mass function and the halo formation time distribution. For models in which the steps are positively correlated, the halo merger rate is enhanced when the accreted mass is less than ∌25M∗\sim 25M^*, while for the negatively correlated case this rate is reduced. Compared with the standard model in which the steps are uncorrelated, the models with positively correlated steps produce more aged population in small mass halos and more younger population in large mass halos, while for the models with negatively correlated steps the opposite is true. An examination of simulation results shows that a weakly positive correlation between successive merging steps appears to fit best. We have also found a systematic effect in the measured mass function due to the finite volume of simulations. In future work, this will be included in the halo model to accurately predict the three point correlation function estimated from simulations.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Modeling Inter-Dependence Between Time and Mark in Multivariate Temporal Point Processes

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    Temporal Point Processes (TPP) are probabilistic generative frameworks. They model discrete event sequences localized in continuous time. Generally, real-life events reveal descriptive information, known as marks. Marked TPPs model time and marks of the event together for practical relevance. Conditioned on past events, marked TPPs aim to learn the joint distribution of the time and the mark of the next event. For simplicity, conditionally independent TPP models assume time and marks are independent given event history. They factorize the conditional joint distribution of time and mark into the product of individual conditional distributions. This structural limitation in the design of TPP models hurt the predictive performance on entangled time and mark interactions. In this work, we model the conditional inter-dependence of time and mark to overcome the limitations of conditionally independent models. We construct a multivariate TPP conditioning the time distribution on the current event mark in addition to past events. Besides the conventional intensity-based models for conditional joint distribution, we also draw on flexible intensity-free TPP models from the literature. The proposed TPP models outperform conditionally independent and dependent models in standard prediction tasks. Our experimentation on various datasets with multiple evaluation metrics highlights the merit of the proposed approach

    Non-Gaussian buoyancy statistics in fingering convection

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    We examine the statistics of active scalar fluctuations in high-Rayleigh number fingering convection with high-resolution three-dimensional numerical experiments. The one-point distribution of buoyancy fluctuations is found to present significantly non-Gaussian tails. A modified theory based on an original approach by Yakhot (1989) is used to model the active scalar distributions as a function of the conditional expectation values of scalar dissipation and fluxes in the flow. Simple models for these two quantities highlight the role of blob-like coherent structures for scalar statistics in fingering convection

    Local identification in nonseparable models

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    Conditions are derived under which there is local nonpara metric identification of values of structural functions and of their derivatives in potentially nonlinear nonseparable models. The attack on this problem is via conditional quantile functions and exploits local quantile independence conditions. The identification conditions include local analogues of the order and rank conditions familiar in the analysis of linear simultaneous equations models. The derivatives whose identification is sought are derivatives of structural equations at a point defined by values of covariates and quantiles of the distributions of the stochastic drivers of the system. These objects convey information about the distribution of the exogenous impact of changes in variables potentially endogenous in the data generating process. The identification conditions point directly to analogue estimators of derivatives of structural functions which are functionals of quantile regression function estimators
