48,847 research outputs found

    Conditional Density Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction via Squared-Loss Conditional Entropy Minimization

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    Regression aims at estimating the conditional mean of output given input. However, regression is not informative enough if the conditional density is multimodal, heteroscedastic, and asymmetric. In such a case, estimating the conditional density itself is preferable, but conditional density estimation (CDE) is challenging in high-dimensional space. A naive approach to coping with high-dimensionality is to first perform dimensionality reduction (DR) and then execute CDE. However, such a two-step process does not perform well in practice because the error incurred in the first DR step can be magnified in the second CDE step. In this paper, we propose a novel single-shot procedure that performs CDE and DR simultaneously in an integrated way. Our key idea is to formulate DR as the problem of minimizing a squared-loss variant of conditional entropy, and this is solved via CDE. Thus, an additional CDE step is not needed after DR. We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method through extensive experiments on various datasets including humanoid robot transition and computer art

    High-Dimensional Density Ratio Estimation with Extensions to Approximate Likelihood Computation

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    The ratio between two probability density functions is an important component of various tasks, including selection bias correction, novelty detection and classification. Recently, several estimators of this ratio have been proposed. Most of these methods fail if the sample space is high-dimensional, and hence require a dimension reduction step, the result of which can be a significant loss of information. Here we propose a simple-to-implement, fully nonparametric density ratio estimator that expands the ratio in terms of the eigenfunctions of a kernel-based operator; these functions reflect the underlying geometry of the data (e.g., submanifold structure), often leading to better estimates without an explicit dimension reduction step. We show how our general framework can be extended to address another important problem, the estimation of a likelihood function in situations where that function cannot be well-approximated by an analytical form. One is often faced with this situation when performing statistical inference with data from the sciences, due the complexity of the data and of the processes that generated those data. We emphasize applications where using existing likelihood-free methods of inference would be challenging due to the high dimensionality of the sample space, but where our spectral series method yields a reasonable estimate of the likelihood function. We provide theoretical guarantees and illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method with numerical experiments.Comment: With supplementary materia

    A Generic Path Algorithm for Regularized Statistical Estimation

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    Regularization is widely used in statistics and machine learning to prevent overfitting and gear solution towards prior information. In general, a regularized estimation problem minimizes the sum of a loss function and a penalty term. The penalty term is usually weighted by a tuning parameter and encourages certain constraints on the parameters to be estimated. Particular choices of constraints lead to the popular lasso, fused-lasso, and other generalized l1l_1 penalized regression methods. Although there has been a lot of research in this area, developing efficient optimization methods for many nonseparable penalties remains a challenge. In this article we propose an exact path solver based on ordinary differential equations (EPSODE) that works for any convex loss function and can deal with generalized l1l_1 penalties as well as more complicated regularization such as inequality constraints encountered in shape-restricted regressions and nonparametric density estimation. In the path following process, the solution path hits, exits, and slides along the various constraints and vividly illustrates the tradeoffs between goodness of fit and model parsimony. In practice, the EPSODE can be coupled with AIC, BIC, CpC_p or cross-validation to select an optimal tuning parameter. Our applications to generalized l1l_1 regularized generalized linear models, shape-restricted regressions, Gaussian graphical models, and nonparametric density estimation showcase the potential of the EPSODE algorithm.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Robust and Sparse Regression via γ\gamma-divergence

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    In high-dimensional data, many sparse regression methods have been proposed. However, they may not be robust against outliers. Recently, the use of density power weight has been studied for robust parameter estimation and the corresponding divergences have been discussed. One of such divergences is the γ\gamma-divergence and the robust estimator using the γ\gamma-divergence is known for having a strong robustness. In this paper, we consider the robust and sparse regression based on γ\gamma-divergence. We extend the γ\gamma-divergence to the regression problem and show that it has a strong robustness under heavy contamination even when outliers are heterogeneous. The loss function is constructed by an empirical estimate of the γ\gamma-divergence with sparse regularization and the parameter estimate is defined as the minimizer of the loss function. To obtain the robust and sparse estimate, we propose an efficient update algorithm which has a monotone decreasing property of the loss function. Particularly, we discuss a linear regression problem with L1L_1 regularization in detail. In numerical experiments and real data analyses, we see that the proposed method outperforms past robust and sparse methods.Comment: 25 page

    On the use of robust regression in econometrics

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    The use of robust regression estimators has gained popularity among applied econometricians. The main argument invoked to justify the use of the robust estimators is that they provide efficiency gains in the presence of outliers or non-normal errors. Unfortunately, most practitioners seem to be unaware of the fact that heteroskedastic and skewed errors can dramatically affect the properties of these estimators. In this paper we reconsider the interpretation of the specific robust estimator that has become popular in applied econometrics, and conclude that its use in this context cannot be generally recommended.