4 research outputs found

    Concrete data structures as games

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    AbstractA result by Curien establishes that filiform concrete data structures can be viewed as games. We extend the idea to cover all stable concrete data structures. This necessitates a theory of games with an equivalence relation on positions. We present a faithful functor from the category of concrete data structures to this new category of games, allowing a game-like reading of the former. It is possible to restrict to a cartesian closed subcategory of these games, where the function space does not decompose and the product is given by the usual tensor product construction. There is a close connection between these games and graph games

    CTCS 2004 Preliminary Version Concrete Data Structures as Games

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    Abstract A result by Curien establishes that filiform concrete data structures can be viewed as games. We extend the idea to cover all stable concrete data structures. This necessitates a theory of games with an equivalence relation on positions. We present a faithful functor from the category of concrete data structures to this new category of games, allowing a game-like reading of the former. It is possible to restrict to a cartesian closed subcategory of these games, where the function space does not decompose and the product is given by the usual tensor product construction. There is a close connection between these games and graph games