391 research outputs found

    On Fuzzy Concepts

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    In this paper we try to combine two approaches. One is the theory of knowledge graphs in which concepts are represented by graphs. The other is the axiomatic theory of fuzzy sets (AFS). The discussion will focus on the idea of fuzzy concept. It will be argued that the fuzziness of a concept in natural language is mainly due to the difference in interpretation that people give to a certain word. As different interpretations lead to different knowledge graphs, the notion of fuzzy concept should be describable in terms of sets of graphs. This leads to a natural introduction of membership values for elements of graphs. Using these membership values we apply AFS theory as well as an alternative approach to calculate fuzzy decision trees, that can be used to determine the most relevant elements of a concept

    On the relation between the base of an EI algebra and word graphs

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    This paper is an attempt to investigate the possibilities to link algebraic fuzzy set theory with the theory of word graphs. In both theories concepts are studied and concepts can be set in correspondence. This enables to use algebraic results in the context of word graph theory

    On the Notion of Proposition in Classical and Quantum Mechanics

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    The term proposition usually denotes in quantum mechanics (QM) an element of (standard) quantum logic (QL). Within the orthodox interpretation of QM the propositions of QL cannot be associated with sentences of a language stating properties of individual samples of a physical system, since properties are nonobjective in QM. This makes the interpretation of propositions problematical. The difficulty can be removed by adopting the objective interpretation of QM proposed by one of the authors (semantic realism, or SR, interpretation). In this case, a unified perspective can be adopted for QM and classical mechanics (CM), and a simple first order predicate calculus L(x) with Tarskian semantics can be constructed such that one can associate a physical proposition (i.e., a set of physical states) with every sentence of L(x). The set PfP^{f} of all physical propositions is partially ordered and contains a subset PTfP^{f}_{T} of testable physical propositions whose order structure depends on the criteria of testability established by the physical theory. In particular, PTfP^{f}_{T} turns out to be a Boolean lattice in CM, while it can be identified with QL in QM. Hence the propositions of QL can be associated with sentences of L(x), or also with the sentences of a suitable quantum language LTQ(x)L_{TQ}(x), and the structure of QL characterizes the notion of testability in QM. One can then show that the notion of quantum truth does not conflict with the classical notion of truth within this perspective. Furthermore, the interpretation of QL propounded here proves to be equivalent to a previous pragmatic interpretation worked out by one of the authors, and can be embodied within a more general perspective which considers states as first order predicates of a broader language with a Kripkean semantics.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in "The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Historical Analysis and Open Questions-Cesena 2004", C. Garola, A. Rossi and S. Sozzo Eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 200

    Quantum Chains of Hopf Algebras with Quantum Double Cosymmetry

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    Given a finite dimensional C^*-Hopf algebra H and its dual H^ we construct the infinite crossed product A=... x H x H^ x H ... and study its superselection sectors in the framework of algebraic quantum field theory. A is the observable algebra of a generalized quantum spin chain with H-order and H^-disorder symmetries, where by a duality transformation the role of order and disorder may also appear interchanged. If H=\CC G is a group algebra then A becomes an ordinary G-spin model. We classify all DHR-sectors of A --- relative to some Haag dual vacuum representation --- and prove that their symmetry is described by the Drinfeld double D(H). To achieve this we construct localized coactions \rho: A \to (A \otimes D(H)) and use a certain compressibility property to prove that they are universal amplimorphisms on A. In this way the double D(H) can be recovered from the observable algebra A as a universal cosymmetrty.Comment: Latex, 48 pages, no figures, extended version of hep-th/9507174, but without the field algebra construction, contains full proofs of the slightly shortened article published in Commun.Math.Phys., the revision only concerns some misprints and an update of the literatur
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