39,211 research outputs found

    Our relationship with knowledge : its role in education

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Quelle place pour les rapports aux savoirs en Ă©ducation ?"Relationships with knowledge lie at the heart of the teaching profession. Although this statement may seem excessive, in both the English- and French-speaking world such relationships are increasingly associated with teaching strategies, assessment methods, types of learning, didactic contracts, students’ role, learning approaches, persistence to graduation, academic success, and so on. To enlighten readers on this subject, this article delves deeper into the concept of relationships with knowledge in order to identify useful benchmarks with respect to the teaching stance and education response. First, the author stipulates that relationships with knowledge form part of epistemology in education. After classifying the different relationships with knowledge, he presents a summary table that attempts to establish connections between various epistemological stances and the related teaching-learning dynamics

    Understanding of the Mole Concept Achieved by Students in a Constructivist General Chemistry Course

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    The purpose of this research project was to study the conceptual understanding achieved in a general chemistry course based on a constructivist approach. A group of 28 students participated in repeated measures obtained by means of conceptual maps about the mole concept prepared three times during the course: at the beginning the course, immediately after the concept was studied, and after studying other related concepts. In addition, eight students selected from the group of 28 were interviewed. The interviews were carried out focusing on their conceptual maps. The analysis of the repeated measures indicated signiïŹcant differences among the three times, especially between the ïŹrst two. It was evidenced, therefore, that these students obtained a signiïŹcantly higher level of understanding of the mole concept. The qualitative analysis carried out with students identiïŹed a broad range of responses that represent different levels of hierarchical organization, of progressive differentiation, and of formation of signiïŹcant relations of the mole concept. Some recommendations offered are to develop and implement teaching methods that promote understanding of scientiïŹc concepts, and to prepare science professors and teachers to emphasize teaching for conceptual understanding

    DIGITAL: multidisciplinary and multidimensional in the classrooms

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    In this paper our aim is to analyse and present some pedagogical paths that prefigure and guide the teaching-learning devices developed "around" the digital tools. In this context issues related to the implementation with teaching methodologies and teaching techniques acquire a new dimension due to the need of transpose them into online learning environments (technologies to teach to technologies to learn). This starting point is a deep understanding from the analysis of actors in the online learning process: student, teacher, platform and e- contents. Thus, it is our goal in this chapter to promote digital education, think of teaching methods, tools and learning processes, to adapted to eLearninginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Why it is important to build robots capable of doing science

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    Science, like any other cognitive activity, is grounded in the sensorimotor interaction of our bodies with the environment. Human embodiment thus constrains the class of scientific concepts and theories which are accessible to us. The paper explores the possibility of doing science with artificial cognitive agents, in the framework of an interactivist-constructivist cognitive model of science. Intelligent robots, by virtue of having different sensorimotor capabilities, may overcome the fundamental limitations of human science and provide important technological innovations. Mathematics and nanophysics are prime candidates for being studied by artificial scientists

    Creativity vs. Structure: A Challenge in Discovery Chemistry

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    Design and anticipation: towards an organisational view of design systems

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    Teaching science and technology at primary school level: theoretical and practical considerations for primary school teachers' professional training.

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    This paper focuses on the importance of starting science and technology education at a young age and at the consequential importance of providing primary school teachers with enough professional background to be able to effectively incorporate science and technology into their teaching. We will discuss a large-scale program in The Netherlands that is aimed at the professionalization of elementary school teachers in the field of science and technology. Theoretical and practical considerations will be provided for the three pillars that ideally should be included in teacher training programs in this domain: (1) Primary school teachers’ knowledge of and competency in scientific concepts and scientific reasoning; (2) Primary school teachers’ attitude towards science (in terms of cognitive, affective, and behavioural dimensions of attitude); and (3) Primary school teachers’ pedagogical competency to enhance inquiry-based learning
