37 research outputs found

    Leveraging study of robustness and portability of spoken language understanding systems across languages and domains: the PORTMEDIA corpora

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    International audienceThe PORTMEDIA project is intended to develop new corpora for the evaluation of spoken language understanding systems. The newly collected data are in the field of human-machine dialogue systems for tourist information in French in line with the MEDIA corpus. Transcriptions and semantic annotations, obtained by low-cost procedures, are provided to allow a thorough evaluation of the systems' capabilities in terms of robustness and portability across languages and domains. A new test set with some adaptation data is prepared for each case: in Italian as an example of a new language, for ticket reservation as an example of a new domain. Finally the work is complemented by the proposition of a new high level semantic annotation scheme well-suited to dialogue data

    A Survey on Semantic Processing Techniques

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    Semantic processing is a fundamental research domain in computational linguistics. In the era of powerful pre-trained language models and large language models, the advancement of research in this domain appears to be decelerating. However, the study of semantics is multi-dimensional in linguistics. The research depth and breadth of computational semantic processing can be largely improved with new technologies. In this survey, we analyzed five semantic processing tasks, e.g., word sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, named entity recognition, concept extraction, and subjectivity detection. We study relevant theoretical research in these fields, advanced methods, and downstream applications. We connect the surveyed tasks with downstream applications because this may inspire future scholars to fuse these low-level semantic processing tasks with high-level natural language processing tasks. The review of theoretical research may also inspire new tasks and technologies in the semantic processing domain. Finally, we compare the different semantic processing techniques and summarize their technical trends, application trends, and future directions.Comment: Published at Information Fusion, Volume 101, 2024, 101988, ISSN 1566-2535. The equal contribution mark is missed in the published version due to the publication policies. Please contact Prof. Erik Cambria for detail

    Modeling Users' Information Needs in a Document Recommender for Meetings

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    People are surrounded by an unprecedented wealth of information. Access to it depends on the availability of suitable search engines, but even when these are available, people often do not initiate a search, because their current activity does not allow them, or they are not aware of the existence of this information. Just-in-time retrieval brings a radical change to the process of query-based retrieval, by proactively retrieving documents relevant to users' current activities, in an easily accessible and non-intrusive manner. This thesis presents a novel set of methods intended to improve the relevance of a just-in-time retrieval system, specifically a document recommender system designed for conversations, in terms of precision and diversity of results. Additionally, we designed an evaluation protocol to compare the proposed methods in the thesis with other ones using crowdsourcing. In contrast to previous systems, which model users' information needs by extracting keywords from clean and well-structured texts, this system models them from the conversation transcripts, which contain noise from automatic speech recognition (ASR) and have a free structure, often switching between several topics. To deal with these issues, we first propose a novel keyword extraction method which preserves both the relevance and the diversity of topics of the conversation, to properly capture possible users' needs with minimum ASR noise. Implicit queries are then built from these keywords. However, the presence of multiple unrelated topics in one query introduces significant noise into the retrieval results. To reduce this effect, we separate users' needs by topically clustering keyword sets into several subsets or implicit queries. We introduce a merging method which combines the results of multiple queries which are prepared from users' conversation to generate a concise, diverse and relevant list of documents. This method ensures that the system does not distract its users from their current conversation by frequently recommending them a large number of documents. Moreover, we address the problem of explicit queries that may be asked by users during a conversation. We introduce a query refinement method which leverages the conversation context to answer the users' information needs without asking for additional clarifications and therefore, again, avoiding to distract users during their conversation. Finally, we implemented the end-to-end document recommender system by integrating the ideas proposed in this thesis and then proposed an evaluation scenario with human users in a brainstorming meeting

    Automatic Image Captioning with Style

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    This thesis connects two core topics in machine learning, vision and language. The problem of choice is image caption generation: automatically constructing natural language descriptions of image content. Previous research into image caption generation has focused on generating purely descriptive captions; I focus on generating visually relevant captions with a distinct linguistic style. Captions with style have the potential to ease communication and add a new layer of personalisation. First, I consider naming variations in image captions, and propose a method for predicting context-dependent names that takes into account visual and linguistic information. This method makes use of a large-scale image caption dataset, which I also use to explore naming conventions and report naming conventions for hundreds of animal classes. Next I propose the SentiCap model, which relies on recent advances in artificial neural networks to generate visually relevant image captions with positive or negative sentiment. To balance descriptiveness and sentiment, the SentiCap model dynamically switches between two recurrent neural networks, one tuned for descriptive words and one for sentiment words. As the first published model for generating captions with sentiment, SentiCap has influenced a number of subsequent works. I then investigate the sub-task of modelling styled sentences without images. The specific task chosen is sentence simplification: rewriting news article sentences to make them easier to understand. For this task I design a neural sequence-to-sequence model that can work with limited training data, using novel adaptations for word copying and sharing word embeddings. Finally, I present SemStyle, a system for generating visually relevant image captions in the style of an arbitrary text corpus. A shared term space allows a neural network for vision and content planning to communicate with a network for styled language generation. SemStyle achieves competitive results in human and automatic evaluations of descriptiveness and style. As a whole, this thesis presents two complete systems for styled caption generation that are first of their kind and demonstrate, for the first time, that automatic style transfer for image captions is achievable. Contributions also include novel ideas for object naming and sentence simplification. This thesis opens up inquiries into highly personalised image captions; large scale visually grounded concept naming; and more generally, styled text generation with content control

    Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021

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    The eighth edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021) was held at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca from 26th to 28th January 2022. After the edition of 2020, which was held in fully virtual mode due to the health emergency related to Covid-19, CLiC-it 2021 represented the first moment for the Italian research community of Computational Linguistics to meet in person after more than one year of full/partial lockdown

    Low Resource Efficient Speech Retrieval

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    Speech retrieval refers to the task of retrieving the information, which is useful or relevant to a user query, from speech collection. This thesis aims to examine ways in which speech retrieval can be improved in terms of requiring low resources - without extensively annotated corpora on which automated processing systems are typically built - and achieving high computational efficiency. This work is focused on two speech retrieval technologies, spoken keyword retrieval and spoken document classification. Firstly, keyword retrieval - also referred to as keyword search (KWS) or spoken term detection - is defined as the task of retrieving the occurrences of a keyword specified by the user in text form, from speech collections. We make advances in an open vocabulary KWS platform using context-dependent Point Process Model (PPM). We further accomplish a PPM-based lattice generation framework, which improves KWS performance and enables automatic speech recognition (ASR) decoding. Secondly, the massive volumes of speech data motivate the effort to organize and search speech collections through spoken document classification. In classifying real-world unstructured speech into predefined classes, the wildly collected speech recordings can be extremely long, of varying length, and contain multiple class label shifts at variable locations in the audio. For this reason each spoken document is often first split into sequential segments, and then each segment is independently classified. We present a general purpose method for classifying spoken segments, using a cascade of language independent acoustic modeling, foreign-language to English translation lexicons, and English-language classification. Next, instead of classifying each segment independently, we demonstrate that exploring the contextual dependencies across sequential segments can provide large classification performance improvements. Lastly, we remove the need of any orthographic lexicon and instead exploit alternative unsupervised approaches to decoding speech in terms of automatically discovered word-like or phoneme-like units. We show that the spoken segment representations based on such lexical or phonetic discovery can achieve competitive classification performance as compared to those based on a domain-mismatched ASR or a universal phone set ASR

    Data sensitivity detection in chat interactions for privacy protection

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    In recent years, there has been exponential growth in using virtual spaces, including dialogue systems, that handle personal information. The concept of personal privacy in the literature is discussed and controversial, whereas, in the technological field, it directly influences the degree of reliability perceived in the information system (privacy ‘as trust’). This work aims to protect the right to privacy on personal data (GDPR, 2018) and avoid the loss of sensitive content by exploring sensitive information detection (SID) task. It is grounded on the following research questions: (RQ1) What does sensitive data mean? How to define a personal sensitive information domain? (RQ2) How to create a state-of-the-art model for SID?(RQ3) How to evaluate the model? RQ1 theoretically investigates the concepts of privacy and the ontological state-of-the-art representation of personal information. The Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) is the taxonomic resource taken as an authoritative reference for the definition of the knowledge domain. Concerning RQ2, we investigate two approaches to classify sensitive data: the first - bottom-up - explores automatic learning methods based on transformer networks, the second - top-down - proposes logical-symbolic methods with the construction of privaframe, a knowledge graph of compositional frames representing personal data categories. Both approaches are tested. For the evaluation - RQ3 – we create SPeDaC, a sentence-level labeled resource. This can be used as a benchmark or training in the SID task, filling the gap of a shared resource in this field. If the approach based on artificial neural networks confirms the validity of the direction adopted in the most recent studies on SID, the logical-symbolic approach emerges as the preferred way for the classification of fine-grained personal data categories, thanks to the semantic-grounded tailor modeling it allows. At the same time, the results highlight the strong potential of hybrid architectures in solving automatic tasks

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018 : 10-12 December 2018, Torino

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Recognising Biomedical Names: Challenges and Solutions

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    The growth rate in the amount of biomedical documents is staggering. Unlocking information trapped in these documents can enable researchers and practitioners to operate confidently in the information world. Biomedical Named Entity Recognition (NER), the task of recognising biomedical names, is usually employed as the first step of the NLP pipeline. Standard NER models, based on sequence tagging technique, are good at recognising short entity mentions in the generic domain. However, there are several open challenges of applying these models to recognise biomedical names: ● Biomedical names may contain complex inner structure (discontinuity and overlapping) which cannot be recognised using standard sequence tagging technique; ● The training of NER models usually requires large amount of labelled data, which are difficult to obtain in the biomedical domain; and, ● Commonly used language representation models are pre-trained on generic data; a domain shift therefore exists between these models and target biomedical data. To deal with these challenges, we explore several research directions and make the following contributions: (1) we propose a transition-based NER model which can recognise discontinuous mentions; (2) We develop a cost-effective approach that nominates the suitable pre-training data; and, (3) We design several data augmentation methods for NER. Our contributions have obvious practical implications, especially when new biomedical applications are needed. Our proposed data augmentation methods can help the NER model achieve decent performance, requiring only a small amount of labelled data. Our investigation regarding selecting pre-training data can improve the model by incorporating language representation models, which are pre-trained using in-domain data. Finally, our proposed transition-based NER model can further improve the performance by recognising discontinuous mentions