1 research outputs found

    Concave surround optics for rapid multiview imaging

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    Figure 1: Rapid viewpoint change is shown in a high-speed video of splashing milk. The video was captured at 2000 frames per second with the stationary camera virtually rotating 360 degrees around the scene four times per second using the surround mirror system. Every 50th frame of the video is shown. Many image-based computer graphics techniques involve photographing a subject from many different viewpoints. This is usually accomplished by moving the camera, moving the subject, or using an array of cameras. In this work, we use a system of mirrors to create the appearance of camera movement around the subject while both the camera and subject are fixed. Our first use of the system produces slow-motion video of a dynamic subject with smooth rotational camera motion during the event. While high speed photography has long been used for the analysis of complex motions such as turbulent liquids, speeding bullets, and human movement, such video is typically restricted to a static viewpoint, limiting the sense of three-dimensional structure. The simplest way to photographing a subject from many views is t