3 research outputs found

    Distributed Feature Screening via Componentwise Debiasing

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    Feature screening is a powerful tool in the analysis of high dimensional data. When the sample size NN and the number of features pp are both large, the implementation of classic screening methods can be numerically challenging. In this paper, we propose a distributed screening framework for big data setup. In the spirit of "divide-and-conquer", the proposed framework expresses a correlation measure as a function of several component parameters, each of which can be distributively estimated using a natural U-statistic from data segments. With the component estimates aggregated, we obtain a final correlation estimate that can be readily used for screening features. This framework enables distributed storage and parallel computing and thus is computationally attractive. Due to the unbiased distributive estimation of the component parameters, the final aggregated estimate achieves a high accuracy that is insensitive to the number of data segments mm specified by the problem itself or to be chosen by users. Under mild conditions, we show that the aggregated correlation estimator is as efficient as the classic centralized estimator in terms of the probability convergence bound; the corresponding screening procedure enjoys sure screening property for a wide range of correlation measures. The promising performances of the new method are supported by extensive numerical examples.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Randomized maximum-contrast selection: subagging for large-scale regression

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    We introduce a very general method for sparse and large-scale variable selection. The large-scale regression settings is such that both the number of parameters and the number of samples are extremely large. The proposed method is based on careful combination of penalized estimators, each applied to a random projection of the sample space into a low-dimensional space. In one special case that we study in detail, the random projections are divided into non-overlapping blocks; each consisting of only a small portion of the original data. Within each block we select the projection yielding the smallest out-of-sample error. Our random ensemble estimator then aggregates the results according to new maximal-contrast voting scheme to determine the final selected set. Our theoretical results illuminate the effect on performance of increasing the number of non-overlapping blocks. Moreover, we demonstrate that statistical optimality is retained along with the computational speedup. The proposed method achieves minimax rates for approximate recovery over all estimators using the full set of samples. Furthermore, our theoretical results allow the number of subsamples to grow with the subsample size and do not require irrepresentable condition. The estimator is also compared empirically with several other popular high-dimensional estimators via an extensive simulation study, which reveals its excellent finite-sample performance

    Descent-to-Delete: Gradient-Based Methods for Machine Unlearning

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    We study the data deletion problem for convex models. By leveraging techniques from convex optimization and reservoir sampling, we give the first data deletion algorithms that are able to handle an arbitrarily long sequence of adversarial updates while promising both per-deletion run-time and steady-state error that do not grow with the length of the update sequence. We also introduce several new conceptual distinctions: for example, we can ask that after a deletion, the entire state maintained by the optimization algorithm is statistically indistinguishable from the state that would have resulted had we retrained, or we can ask for the weaker condition that only the observable output is statistically indistinguishable from the observable output that would have resulted from retraining. We are able to give more efficient deletion algorithms under this weaker deletion criterion