5 research outputs found

    Group algebras of Kleinian type and groups of units

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    The algebras of Kleinian type are finite dimensional semisimple rational algebras AA such that the group of units of an order in AA is commensurable with a direct product of Kleinian groups. We classify the Schur algebras of Kleinian type and the group algebras of Kleinian type. As an application, we characterize the group rings RGRG, with RR an order in a number field and GG a finite group, such that RGRG^* is virtually a direct product of free-by-free groups.Comment: 12 page

    On idempotents and the number of simple components of semisimple group algebra

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    We describe the primitive central idempotents of the group algebra over a number field of finite monomial groups. We give also a description of the Wedderburn decomposition of the group algebra over a number field for finite strongly monomial groups. Further, for this class of group algebras, we describe when the number of simple components agrees with the number of simple components of the rational group algebra. Finally, we give a formula for the rank of the central units of the group ring over the ring of integers of a number field for a strongly monomial group

    Group rings of finite strongly monomial groups: central units and primitive idempotents

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    We compute the rank of the group of central units in the integral group ring ZG\Z G of a finite strongly monomial group GG. The formula obtained is in terms of the strong Shoda pairs of GG. Next we construct a virtual basis of the group of central units of ZG\Z G for a class of groups GG properly contained in the finite strongly monomial groups. Furthermore, for another class of groups GG inside the finite strongly monomial groups, we give an explicit construction of a complete set of orthogonal primitive idempotents of \Q G. Finally, we apply these results to describe finitely many generators of a subgroup of finite index in the group of units of ZG\Z G, this for metacyclic groups GG of the form G=CqmCpnG=C_{q^m}\rtimes C_{p^n} with pp and qq different primes and the cyclic group CpnC_{p^n} of order pnp^n acting faithfully on the cyclic group CqmC_{q^m} of order qmq^m

    On the Congruence Subgroup Problem for integral group rings

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    Let GG be a finite group, ZG\Z G the integral group ring of GG and \U(\Z G) the group of units of ZG\Z G. The Congruence Subgroup Problem for \U(\Z G) is the problem of deciding if every subgroup of finite index of \U(\Z G) contains a congruence subgroup, i.e. the kernel of the natural homomorphism \U(\Z G) \rightarrow \U(\Z G/m\Z G) for some positive integer mm. The congruence kernel of \U(\Z G) is the kernel of the natural map from the completion of \U(\Z G) with respect to the profinite topology to the completion with respect to the topology defined by the congruence subgroups. The Congruence Subgroup Problem has a positive solution if and only if the congruence kernel is trivial. We obtain an approximation to the problem of classifying the finite groups for which the congruence kernel of \U(\Z G) is finite. More precisely, we obtain a list LL formed by three families of finite groups and 19 additional groups such that if the congruence kernel of \U(\Z G) is infinite then GG has an epimorphic image isomorphic to one of the groups of LL. About the converse of this statement we at least know that if one of the 19 additional groups in LL is isomorphic to an epimorphic image of GG then the congruence kernel of \U(\Z G) is infinite. However, to decide for the finiteness of the congruence kernel in case GG has an epimorphic image isomorphic to one of the groups in the three families of LL one needs to know if the congruence kernel of the group of units of an order in some specific division algebras is finite and this seems a difficult problem.Comment: 28 page


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    Abstract. We present an alternative constructive proof of the Brauer–Witt theorem using the so-called strongly monomial characters that gives rise to an algorithm for computing the Wedderburn decomposition of semisimple group algebras of finite groups. 1