48,367 research outputs found

    Computing the permanent of (some) complex matrices

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    We present a deterministic algorithm, which, for any given 0< epsilon < 1 and an nxn real or complex matrix A=(a_{ij}) such that | a_{ij}-1| < 0.19 for all i, j computes the permanent of A within relative error epsilon in n^{O(ln n -ln epsilon)} time. The method can be extended to computing hafnians and multidimensional permanents.Comment: 12 pages, results extended to hafnians and multidimensional permanents, minor improvement

    Approximating the Permanent of a Random Matrix with Vanishing Mean

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    We show an algorithm for computing the permanent of a random matrix with vanishing mean in quasi-polynomial time. Among special cases are the Gaussian, and biased-Bernoulli random matrices with mean 1/lnln(n)^{1/8}. In addition, we can compute the permanent of a random matrix with mean 1/poly(ln(n)) in time 2^{O(n^{\eps})} for any small constant \eps>0. Our algorithm counters the intuition that the permanent is hard because of the "sign problem" - namely the interference between entries of a matrix with different signs. A major open question then remains whether one can provide an efficient algorithm for random matrices of mean 1/poly(n), whose conjectured #P-hardness is one of the baseline assumptions of the BosonSampling paradigm

    Simply Exponential Approximation of the Permanent of Positive Semidefinite Matrices

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    We design a deterministic polynomial time cnc^n approximation algorithm for the permanent of positive semidefinite matrices where c=eγ+1≃4.84c=e^{\gamma+1}\simeq 4.84. We write a natural convex relaxation and show that its optimum solution gives a cnc^n approximation of the permanent. We further show that this factor is asymptotically tight by constructing a family of positive semidefinite matrices

    The Computational Complexity of Linear Optics

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    We give new evidence that quantum computers -- moreover, rudimentary quantum computers built entirely out of linear-optical elements -- cannot be efficiently simulated by classical computers. In particular, we define a model of computation in which identical photons are generated, sent through a linear-optical network, then nonadaptively measured to count the number of photons in each mode. This model is not known or believed to be universal for quantum computation, and indeed, we discuss the prospects for realizing the model using current technology. On the other hand, we prove that the model is able to solve sampling problems and search problems that are classically intractable under plausible assumptions. Our first result says that, if there exists a polynomial-time classical algorithm that samples from the same probability distribution as a linear-optical network, then P^#P=BPP^NP, and hence the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level. Unfortunately, this result assumes an extremely accurate simulation. Our main result suggests that even an approximate or noisy classical simulation would already imply a collapse of the polynomial hierarchy. For this, we need two unproven conjectures: the "Permanent-of-Gaussians Conjecture", which says that it is #P-hard to approximate the permanent of a matrix A of independent N(0,1) Gaussian entries, with high probability over A; and the "Permanent Anti-Concentration Conjecture", which says that |Per(A)|>=sqrt(n!)/poly(n) with high probability over A. We present evidence for these conjectures, both of which seem interesting even apart from our application. This paper does not assume knowledge of quantum optics. Indeed, part of its goal is to develop the beautiful theory of noninteracting bosons underlying our model, and its connection to the permanent function, in a self-contained way accessible to theoretical computer scientists.Comment: 94 pages, 4 figure

    No imminent quantum supremacy by boson sampling

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    It is predicted that quantum computers will dramatically outperform their conventional counterparts. However, large-scale universal quantum computers are yet to be built. Boson sampling is a rudimentary quantum algorithm tailored to the platform of photons in linear optics, which has sparked interest as a rapid way to demonstrate this quantum supremacy. Photon statistics are governed by intractable matrix functions known as permanents, which suggests that sampling from the distribution obtained by injecting photons into a linear-optical network could be solved more quickly by a photonic experiment than by a classical computer. The contrast between the apparently awesome challenge faced by any classical sampling algorithm and the apparently near-term experimental resources required for a large boson sampling experiment has raised expectations that quantum supremacy by boson sampling is on the horizon. Here we present classical boson sampling algorithms and theoretical analyses of prospects for scaling boson sampling experiments, showing that near-term quantum supremacy via boson sampling is unlikely. While the largest boson sampling experiments reported so far are with 5 photons, our classical algorithm, based on Metropolised independence sampling (MIS), allowed the boson sampling problem to be solved for 30 photons with standard computing hardware. We argue that the impact of experimental photon losses means that demonstrating quantum supremacy by boson sampling would require a step change in technology.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Comments welcom
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