30,787 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient and Trustworthy AI Through Hardware-Algorithm-Communication Co-Design

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms based on neural networks have been designed for decades with the goal of maximising some measure of accuracy. This has led to two undesired effects. First, model complexity has risen exponentially when measured in terms of computation and memory requirements. Second, state-of-the-art AI models are largely incapable of providing trustworthy measures of their uncertainty, possibly `hallucinating' their answers and discouraging their adoption for decision-making in sensitive applications. With the goal of realising efficient and trustworthy AI, in this paper we highlight research directions at the intersection of hardware and software design that integrate physical insights into computational substrates, neuroscientific principles concerning efficient information processing, information-theoretic results on optimal uncertainty quantification, and communication-theoretic guidelines for distributed processing. Overall, the paper advocates for novel design methodologies that target not only accuracy but also uncertainty quantification, while leveraging emerging computing hardware architectures that move beyond the traditional von Neumann digital computing paradigm to embrace in-memory, neuromorphic, and quantum computing technologies. An important overarching principle of the proposed approach is to view the stochasticity inherent in the computational substrate and in the communication channels between processors as a resource to be leveraged for the purpose of representing and processing classical and quantum uncertainty

    Multicore Quantum Computing

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    Any architecture for practical quantum computing must be scalable. An attractive approach is to create multiple cores, computing regions of fixed size that are well-spaced but interlinked with communication channels. This exploded architecture can relax the demands associated with a single monolithic device: the complexity of control, cooling and power infrastructure as well as the difficulties of cross-talk suppression and near-perfect component yield. Here we explore interlinked multicore architectures through analytic and numerical modelling. While elements of our analysis are relevant to diverse platforms, our focus is on semiconductor electron spin systems in which numerous cores may exist on a single chip. We model shuttling and microwave-based interlinks and estimate the achievable fidelities, finding values that are encouraging but markedly inferior to intra-core operations. We therefore introduce optimsed entanglement purification to enable high-fidelity communication, finding that 99.5%99.5\% is a very realistic goal. We then assess the prospects for quantum advantage using such devices in the NISQ-era and beyond: we simulate recently proposed exponentially-powerful error mitigation schemes in the multicore environment and conclude that these techniques impressively suppress imperfections in both the inter- and intra-core operations.Comment: 26 pages, 16 Figure

    Quantum Information Complexity and Amortized Communication

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    We define a new notion of information cost for quantum protocols, and a corresponding notion of quantum information complexity for bipartite quantum channels, and then investigate the properties of such quantities. These are the fully quantum generalizations of the analogous quantities for bipartite classical functions that have found many applications recently, in particular for proving communication complexity lower bounds. Our definition is strongly tied to the quantum state redistribution task. Previous attempts have been made to define such a quantity for quantum protocols, with particular applications in mind; our notion differs from these in many respects. First, it directly provides a lower bound on the quantum communication cost, independent of the number of rounds of the underlying protocol. Secondly, we provide an operational interpretation for quantum information complexity: we show that it is exactly equal to the amortized quantum communication complexity of a bipartite channel on a given state. This generalizes a result of Braverman and Rao to quantum protocols, and even strengthens the classical result in a bounded round scenario. Also, this provides an analogue of the Schumacher source compression theorem for interactive quantum protocols, and answers a question raised by Braverman. We also discuss some potential applications to quantum communication complexity lower bounds by specializing our definition for classical functions and inputs. Building on work of Jain, Radhakrishnan and Sen, we provide new evidence suggesting that the bounded round quantum communication complexity of the disjointness function is \Omega (n/M + M), for M-message protocols. This would match the best known upper bound.Comment: v1, 38 pages, 1 figur
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