1 research outputs found

    Diameter and Coherence of Monotone Path Graph

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2015. Major: Mathematics. Advisor: Victor Reiner. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 93 pages.A Zonotope ZZ is the linear projection of an nn-cube into Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Given a generic linear function ff, an ff-monotone path on ZZ is a path along edges from the ff-minimizing vertex βˆ’z-z to its opposite vertex zz. The monotone paths of ZZ are the vertices of the monotone path graph in which two ff-monotone paths are adjacent when they differ in a face of ZZ. In our illustration the two red paths are adjacent in the monotone path graph because they differ in the highlighted face. An ff-monotone path is coherent if it lies on the boundary of a polygon obtained by projecting ZZ to 2 dimensions. The dotted, thick, red path in Figure 0.1 (see pdf) is coherent because it lies on the boundary after projecting ZZ to the page. However, there is no equivalent projection for the blue double path. The alternate red path may be coherent or incoherent based on the choice of ff. The coherent ff-monotone paths of ZZ are a set of geometrically distinguished galleries of the monotone path graph. Classifying when incoherent ff-monotone paths exist is the central question of this thesis. We provide a complete classification of all monotone path graphs in corank 1 and 2, finding all families in which every ff-monotone path is coherent and showing that all other zonotopes contain at least one incoherent ff-monotone path. For arrangements of corank 1, we prove that the monotone path graph has diameter equal to the lower bound suggested by Reiner and Roichman using methods of L2L_2-accessibility and illustrate that L2L_2 methods cannot work in corank 2 by finding a monotone path graph which has no L2L_2-accessible nodes. We provide examples to illustrate the monotone path graph and obtain a variety of computational results, of which some are new while others confirm results obtained through different methods. Our primary methods use duality to reformulate coherence as a system of linear inequalities. We classify monotone path graphs using single element liftings and extensions, proving for when ZZ has incoherent ff-monotone paths, then any lifting or extension of ZZ has incoherent ff-monotone paths too. We complete our classification by finding all monotone path graphs with only coherent ff-monotone paths and finding a set of minimal obstructions which always have incoherent ff-monotone paths