164 research outputs found

    Chabauty-Coleman experiments for genus 3 hyperelliptic curves

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    We describe a computation of rational points on genus 3 hyperelliptic curves CC defined over Q\mathbb{Q} whose Jacobians have Mordell-Weil rank 1. Using the method of Chabauty and Coleman, we present and implement an algorithm in Sage to compute the zero locus of two Coleman integrals and analyze the finite set of points cut out by the vanishing of these integrals. We run the algorithm on approximately 17,000 curves from a forthcoming database of genus 3 hyperelliptic curves and discuss some interesting examples where the zero set includes global points not found in C(Q)C(\mathbb{Q}).Comment: 18 page

    Linear quadratic Chabauty

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    We present a new quadratic Chabauty method to compute the integral points on certain even degree hyperelliptic curves. Our approach relies on a nontrivial degree zero divisor supported at the two points at infinity to restrict the pp-adic height to a linear function; we can then express this restriction in terms of holomorphic Coleman integrals under the standard quadratic Chabauty assumption. Then we use this linear relation to extract the integral points on the curve. We also generalize our method to integral points over number fields. Our method is significantly simpler and faster than all other existing versions of the quadratic Chabauty method. We give examples over \Q and \Q(\sqrt{7}).Comment: 20 page

    The arithmetic of Prym varieties in genus 3

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    Given a curve of genus 3 with an unramified double cover, we give an explicit description of the associated Prym-variety. We also describe how an unramified double cover of a non-hyperelliptic genus 3 curve can be mapped into the Jacobian of a curve of genus 2 over its field of definition and how this can be used to do Chabauty- and Brauer-Manin type calculations for curves of genus 5 with an unramified involution. As an application, we determine the rational points on a smooth plane quartic with no particular geometric properties and give examples of curves of genus 3 and 5 violating the Hasse-principle. We also show how these constructions can be used to design smooth plane quartics with specific arithmetic properties. As an example, we give a smooth plane quartic with all 28 bitangents defined over Q(t).Comment: 21 page