2 research outputs found

    Acyclic coloring of special digraphs

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    An acyclic r-coloring of a directed graph G=(V,E) is a partition of the vertex set V into r acyclic sets. The dichromatic number of a directed graph G is the smallest r such that G allows an acyclic r-coloring. For symmetric digraphs the dichromatic number equals the well-known chromatic number of the underlying undirected graph. This allows us to carry over the W[1]-hardness and lower bounds for running times of the chromatic number problem parameterized by clique-width to the dichromatic number problem parameterized by directed clique-width. We introduce the first polynomial-time algorithm for the acyclic coloring problem on digraphs of constant directed clique-width. From a parameterized point of view our algorithm shows that the Dichromatic Number problem is in XP when parameterized by directed clique-width and extends the only known structural parameterization by directed modular width for this problem. Furthermore, we apply defineability within monadic second order logic in order to show that Dichromatic Number problem is in FPT when parameterized by the directed clique-width and r. For directed co-graphs, which is a class of digraphs of directed clique-width 2, and several generalizations we even show linear time solutions for computing the dichromatic number. Furthermore, we conclude that directed co-graphs and the considered generalizations lead to subclasses of perfect digraphs. For directed cactus forests, which is a set of digraphs of directed tree-width 1, we conclude an upper bound of 2 for the dichromatic number and we show that an optimal acyclic coloring can be computed in linear time.Comment: 17 pages; 1 figur

    On Characterizations for Subclasses of Directed Co-Graphs

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    Undirected co-graphs are those graphs which can be generated from the single vertex graph by disjoint union and join operations. Co-graphs are exactly the P_4-free graphs (where P_4 denotes the path on 4 vertices). Co-graphs itself and several subclasses haven been intensively studied. Among these are trivially perfect graphs, threshold graphs, weakly quasi threshold graphs, and simple co-graphs. Directed co-graphs are precisely those digraphs which can be defined from the single vertex graph by applying the disjoint union, order composition, and series composition. By omitting the series composition we obtain the subclass of oriented co-graphs which has been analyzed by Lawler in the 1970s and the restriction to linear expressions was recently studied by Boeckner. There are only a few versions of subclasses of directed co-graphs until now. By transmitting the restrictions of undirected subclasses to the directed classes, we define the corresponding subclasses for directed co-graphs. We consider directed and oriented versions of threshold graphs, simple co-graphs, co-simple co-graphs, trivially perfect graphs, co-trivially perfect graphs, weakly quasi threshold graphs and co-weakly quasi threshold graphs. For all these classes we provide characterizations by finite sets of minimal forbidden induced subdigraphs. Further we analyze relations between these graph classes.Comment: 25 page