5 research outputs found

    Inheritance hierarchies: Semantics and unification

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    Inheritance hierarchies are introduced as a means of representing taxonomicallyorganized data. The hierarchies are built up from so-called feature types that are ordered by subtyping and whose elements are records. Every feature type comes with a set of features prescribing fields of its record elements. So-called feature terms are available to denote subsets of feature types. Feature unification is introduced as an operation that decides whether two feature terms have a nonempty intersection and computes a feature term denoting the intersection.We model our inheritance hierarchies as algebraic specifications in ordersortedequational logic using initial algebra semantics. Our framework integrates feature types whose elements are obtained as records with constructor types whose elements are obtained by constructor application. Unification in these hierarchies combines record unification with order-sorted term unification and is presented as constraint solving. We specify a unitary unification algorithm by a set of simplification rules and prove its soundness and completeness with respect to the model-theoretic semantics

    Anti-Pattern Matching Modulo

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    International audienceNegation is intrinsic to human thinking and most of the time when searching for something, we base our patterns on both positive and negative conditions. In a previous work, we have extended the notion of term to the one of anti-term that may contain complement symbols. Matching such anti-terms against terms has the nice property of being unitary. Here we generalize the syntactic anti-pattern matching to anti-pattern matching modulo an arbitrary equational theory E, and we study the specific and practically very useful case of associativity, possibly with a unity (AU). To this end, based on the syntacticness of associativity, we present a rule-based associative matching algorithm, and we extend it to AU. This algorithm is then used to solve AU anti-pattern matching problems. This allows us to be generic enough so that for instance, the AllDiff standard predicate of constraint programming becomes simply expressible in this framework. AU anti-patterns are implemented in the Tom language and we show some examples of their usage

    Unification of Higher-order Patterns modulo Simple Syntactic Equational Theories

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    We present an algorithm for unification of higher-order patterns modulo simple syntactic equational theories as defined by Kirchner [14]. The algorithm by Miller [17] for pattern unification, refined by Nipkow [18] is first modified in order to behave as a first-order unification algorithm. Then the mutation rule for syntactic theories of Kirchner [13,14] is adapted to pattern E-unification. If the syntactic algorithm for a theory E terminates in the first-order case, then our algorithm will also terminate for pattern E-unification. The result is a DAG-solved form plus some equations of the form λ øverlinex.F(øverlinex) = λ øverlinex. F(øverlinex^π ) where øverlinex^π is a permutation of øverlinex When all function symbols are decomposable these latter equations can be discarded, otherwise the compatibility of such equations with the solved form remains open

    Complete Sets of Transformations for General \u3cem\u3eE\u3c/em\u3e-Unification

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    This paper is concerned with E-unification in arbitrary equational theories. We extend the method of transformations on systems of terms, developed by Martelli-Montanari for standard unification, to E-unification by giving two sets of transformations, BT and T, which are proved to be sound and complete in the sense that a complete set of E-unifiers for any equational theory E can be enumerated by either of these sets. The set T is an improvement of BT, in that many E-unifiers produced by BT will be weeded out by T. In addition, we show that a generalization of surreduction (also called narrowing) combined with the computation of critical pairs is complete. A new representation of equational proofs as certain kinds of trees is used to prove the completeness of the set BT in a rather direct fashion that parallels the completeness of the transformations in the case of (standard) unification. The completeness of T and the generalization of surreduction is proved by a method inspired by the concept of unfailing completion, using an abstract (and simpler) notion of the completion of a set of equations

    Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Unification

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    Swiss National Science Foundation; Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 314); Christ Church, Oxford; Oxford University Computing Laborator