11 research outputs found

    On the expected exit time of planar Brownian motion from simply connected domains

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    This paper presents some results on the expected exit time of Brownian motion from simply connected domains in \CC. We indicate a way in which Brownian motion sees the identity function and the Koebe function as the smallest and largest analytic functions, respectively, in the Schlicht class. We also give a sharpening of a result of McConnell's concerning the moments of exit times of Schlicht domains. We then show how a simple formula for expected exit time can be applied in a series of examples. Included in the examples given are the expected exit times from given points of a cardioid and regular mm-gon, as well as bounds on the expected exit time of an infinite wedge. We also calculate the expected exit time of an infinite strip, and in the process obtain a probabilistic derivation of Euler's result that \zeta(2)=\sum_{n=1}^\ff \frac{1}{n^2}= \frac{\pi^2}{6}. We conclude by showing how the formula can be applied to some domains which are not simply connected

    Bounding Option Prices Using SDP With Change Of Numeraire

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    Recently, given the first few moments, tight upper and lower bounds of the no arbitrage prices can be obtained by solving semidefinite programming (SDP) or linear programming (LP) problems. In this paper, we compare SDP and LP formulations of the European-style options pricing problem and prefer SDP formulations due to the simplicity of moments constraints. We propose to employ the technique of change of numeraire when using SDP to bound the European type of options. In fact, this problem can then be cast as a truncated Hausdorff moment problem which has necessary and sufficient moment conditions expressed by positive semidefinite moment and localizing matrices. With four moments information we show stable numerical results for bounding European call options and exchange options. Moreover, A hedging strategy is also identified by the dual formulation.moments of measures, semidefinite programming, linear programming, options pricing, change of numeraire

    The Euler-Maruyama approximation for the absorption time of the CEV diffusion

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    A standard convergence analysis of the simulation schemes for the hitting times of diffusions typically requires non-degeneracy of their coefficients on the boundary, which excludes the possibility of absorption. In this paper we consider the CEV diffusion from the mathematical finance and show how a weakly consistent approximation for the absorption time can be constructed, using the Euler-Maruyama scheme

    Bounding stationary averages of polynomial diffusions via semidefinite programming

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    We introduce an algorithm based on semidefinite programming that yields increasing (resp. decreasing) sequences of lower (resp. upper) bounds on polynomial stationary averages of diffusions with polynomial drift vector and diffusion coefficients. The bounds are obtained by optimising an objective, determined by the stationary average of interest, over the set of real vectors defined by certain linear equalities and semidefinite inequalities which are satisfied by the moments of any stationary measure of the diffusion. We exemplify the use of the approach through several applications: a Bayesian inference problem; the computation of Lyapunov exponents of linear ordinary differential equations perturbed by multiplicative white noise; and a reliability problem from structural mechanics. Additionally, we prove that the bounds converge to the infimum and supremum of the set of stationary averages for certain SDEs associated with the computation of the Lyapunov exponents, and we provide numerical evidence of convergence in more general settings

    Bounding Mean First Passage Times in Population Continuous-Time Markov Chains

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    We consider the problem of bounding mean first passage times and reachability probabilities for the class of population continuous-time Markov chains, which capture stochastic interactions between groups of identical agents. The quantitative analysis of such models is notoriously difficult since typically neither state-based numerical approaches nor methods based on stochastic sampling give efficient and accurate results. Here, we propose a novel approach that leverages techniques from martingale theory and stochastic processes to generate constraints on the statistical moments of first passage time distributions. These constraints induce a semi-definite program that can be used to compute exact bounds on reachability probabilities and mean first passage times without numerically solving the transient probability distribution of the process or sampling from it. We showcase the method on some test examples and tailor it to models exhibiting multimodality, a class of particularly challenging scenarios from biology

    Numerical methods for the exit time of a piecewise-deterministic Markov process

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    We present a numerical method to compute the survival function and the moments of the exit time for a piecewise-deterministic Markov process (PDMP). Our approach is based on the quantization of an underlying discrete-time Markov chain related to the PDMP. The approximation we propose is easily computable and is even flexible with respect to the exit time we consider. We prove the convergence of the algorithm and obtain bounds for the rate of convergence in the case of the moments. An academic example and a model from the reliability field illustrate the paper