111 research outputs found

    The Structure of Differential Invariants and Differential Cut Elimination

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    The biggest challenge in hybrid systems verification is the handling of differential equations. Because computable closed-form solutions only exist for very simple differential equations, proof certificates have been proposed for more scalable verification. Search procedures for these proof certificates are still rather ad-hoc, though, because the problem structure is only understood poorly. We investigate differential invariants, which define an induction principle for differential equations and which can be checked for invariance along a differential equation just by using their differential structure, without having to solve them. We study the structural properties of differential invariants. To analyze trade-offs for proof search complexity, we identify more than a dozen relations between several classes of differential invariants and compare their deductive power. As our main results, we analyze the deductive power of differential cuts and the deductive power of differential invariants with auxiliary differential variables. We refute the differential cut elimination hypothesis and show that, unlike standard cuts, differential cuts are fundamental proof principles that strictly increase the deductive power. We also prove that the deductive power increases further when adding auxiliary differential variables to the dynamics

    Synthesizing Switching Controllers for Hybrid Systems by Continuous Invariant Generation

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    We extend a template-based approach for synthesizing switching controllers for semi-algebraic hybrid systems, in which all expressions are polynomials. This is achieved by combining a QE (quantifier elimination)-based method for generating continuous invariants with a qualitative approach for predefining templates. Our synthesis method is relatively complete with regard to a given family of predefined templates. Using qualitative analysis, we discuss heuristics to reduce the numbers of parameters appearing in the templates. To avoid too much human interaction in choosing templates as well as the high computational complexity caused by QE, we further investigate applications of the SOS (sum-of-squares) relaxation approach and the template polyhedra approach in continuous invariant generation, which are both well supported by efficient numerical solvers

    Forward Invariant Cuts to Simplify Proofs of Safety

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    The use of deductive techniques, such as theorem provers, has several advantages in safety verification of hybrid sys- tems; however, state-of-the-art theorem provers require ex- tensive manual intervention. Furthermore, there is often a gap between the type of assistance that a theorem prover requires to make progress on a proof task and the assis- tance that a system designer is able to provide. This paper presents an extension to KeYmaera, a deductive verification tool for differential dynamic logic; the new technique allows local reasoning using system designer intuition about per- formance within particular modes as part of a proof task. Our approach allows the theorem prover to leverage for- ward invariants, discovered using numerical techniques, as part of a proof of safety. We introduce a new inference rule into the proof calculus of KeYmaera, the forward invariant cut rule, and we present a methodology to discover useful forward invariants, which are then used with the new cut rule to complete verification tasks. We demonstrate how our new approach can be used to complete verification tasks that lie out of the reach of existing deductive approaches us- ing several examples, including one involving an automotive powertrain control system.Comment: Extended version of EMSOFT pape

    Abstraction of Elementary Hybrid Systems by Variable Transformation

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    Elementary hybrid systems (EHSs) are those hybrid systems (HSs) containing elementary functions such as exp, ln, sin, cos, etc. EHSs are very common in practice, especially in safety-critical domains. Due to the non-polynomial expressions which lead to undecidable arithmetic, verification of EHSs is very hard. Existing approaches based on partition of state space or over-approximation of reachable sets suffer from state explosion or inflation of numerical errors. In this paper, we propose a symbolic abstraction approach that reduces EHSs to polynomial hybrid systems (PHSs), by replacing all non-polynomial terms with newly introduced variables. Thus the verification of EHSs is reduced to the one of PHSs, enabling us to apply all the well-established verification techniques and tools for PHSs to EHSs. In this way, it is possible to avoid the limitations of many existing methods. We illustrate the abstraction approach and its application in safety verification of EHSs by several real world examples

    Set-Based Invariants over Polynomial Systems

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    Dynamical systems model the time evolution of both natural and engineered processes. The automatic analysis of such models relies on different techniques ranging from reachability analysis, model checking, theorem proving, and abstractions. In this context, invariants are subsets of the state space containing all the states reachable from themself. The verification and synthesis of invariants is still a challenging problem over many classes of dynamical systems, since it involves the analysis of an infinite time horizon. In this paper we propose a method for computing invariants through sets of trajectories propagation. The method has been implemented and tested in the tool Sapo which provides reachability methods over discrete time polynomial dynamical systems
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