17,000 research outputs found

    Computing communities in large networks using random walks

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    Dense subgraphs of sparse graphs (communities), which appear in most real-world complex networks, play an important role in many contexts. Computing them however is generally expensive. We propose here a measure of similarities between vertices based on random walks which has several important advantages: it captures well the community structure in a network, it can be computed efficiently, it works at various scales, and it can be used in an agglomerative algorithm to compute efficiently the community structure of a network. We propose such an algorithm which runs in time O(mn^2) and space O(n^2) in the worst case, and in time O(n^2log n) and space O(n^2) in most real-world cases (n and m are respectively the number of vertices and edges in the input graph). Experimental evaluation shows that our algorithm surpasses previously proposed ones concerning the quality of the obtained community structures and that it stands among the best ones concerning the running time. This is very promising because our algorithm can be improved in several ways, which we sketch at the end of the paper.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Two betweenness centrality measures based on Randomized Shortest Paths

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    This paper introduces two new closely related betweenness centrality measures based on the Randomized Shortest Paths (RSP) framework, which fill a gap between traditional network centrality measures based on shortest paths and more recent methods considering random walks or current flows. The framework defines Boltzmann probability distributions over paths of the network which focus on the shortest paths, but also take into account longer paths depending on an inverse temperature parameter. RSP's have previously proven to be useful in defining distance measures on networks. In this work we study their utility in quantifying the importance of the nodes of a network. The proposed RSP betweenness centralities combine, in an optimal way, the ideas of using the shortest and purely random paths for analysing the roles of network nodes, avoiding issues involving these two paradigms. We present the derivations of these measures and how they can be computed in an efficient way. In addition, we show with real world examples the potential of the RSP betweenness centralities in identifying interesting nodes of a network that more traditional methods might fail to notice.Comment: Minor updates; published in Scientific Report
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