1,173 research outputs found

    Multi-Granular Optical Cross-Connect: Design, Analysis, and Demonstration

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    A fundamental issue in all-optical switching is to offer efficient and cost-effective transport services for a wide range of bandwidth granularities. This paper presents multi-granular optical cross-connect (MG-OXC) architectures that combine slow (ms regime) and fast (ns regime) switch elements, in order to support optical circuit switching (OCS), optical burst switching (OBS), and even optical packet switching (OPS). The MG-OXC architectures are designed to provide a cost-effective approach, while offering the flexibility and reconfigurability to deal with dynamic requirements of different applications. All proposed MG-OXC designs are analyzed and compared in terms of dimensionality, flexibility/reconfigurability, and scalability. Furthermore, node level simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of MG-OXCs under different traffic regimes. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed architectures is demonstrated on an application-aware, multi-bit-rate (10 and 40 Gbps), end-to-end OBS testbed

    Stochastische Analyse und lernbasierte Algorithmen zur Ressourcenbereitstellung in optischen Netzwerken

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    The unprecedented growth in Internet traffic has driven the innovations in provisioning of optical resources as per the need of bandwidth demands such that the resource utilization and spectrum efficiency could be maximized. With the advent of the next generation flexible optical transponders and switches, the flexible-grid-based elastic optical network (EON) is foreseen as an alternative to the widely deployed fixed-grid-based wavelength division multiplexing networks. At the same time, the flexible resource provisioning also raises new challenges for EONs. One such challenge is the spectrum fragmentation. As network traffic varies over time, spectrum gets fragmented due to the setting up and tearing down of non-uniform bandwidth requests over aligned (i.e., continuous) and adjacent (i.e., contiguous) spectrum slices, which leads to a non-optimal spectrum allocation, and generally results in higher blocking probability and lower spectrum utilization in EONs. To address this issue, the allocation and reallocation of optical resources are required to be modeled accurately, and managed efficiently and intelligently. The modeling of routing and spectrum allocation in EONs with the spectrum contiguity and spectrum continuity constraints is well-investigated, but existing models do not consider the fragmentation issue resulted by these constraints and non-uniform bandwidth demands. This thesis addresses this issue and considers both the constraints to computing exact blocking probabilities in EONs with and without spectrum conversion, and with spectrum reallocation (known as defragmentation) for the first time using the Markovian approach. As the exact network models are not scalable with respect to the network size and capacity, this thesis proposes load-independent and load-dependent approximate models to compute approximate blocking probabilities in EONs. Results show that the connection blocking due to fragmentation can be reduced by using a spectrum conversion or a defragmentation approach, but it can not be eliminated in a mesh network topology. This thesis also deals with the important network resource provisioning task in EONs. To this end, it first presents algorithmic solutions to efficiently allocate and reallocate spectrum resources using the fragmentation factor along spectral, time, and spatial dimensions. Furthermore, this thesis highlights the role of machine learning techniques in alleviating issues in static provisioning of optical resources, and presents two use-cases: handling time-varying traffic in optical data center networks, and reducing energy consumption and allocating spectrum proportionately to traffic classes in fiber-wireless networks.Die flexible Nutzung des Spektrums bringt in Elastischen Optischen Netze (EON) neue Herausforderungen mit sich, z.B., die Fragmentierung des Spektrums. Die Fragmentierung entsteht dadurch, dass die Netzwerkverkehrslast sich im Laufe der Zeit ändert und so wird das Spektrum aufgrund des Verbindungsaufbaus und -abbaus fragmentiert. Das für eine Verbindung notwendige Spektrum wird durch aufeinander folgende (kontinuierliche) und benachbarte (zusammenhängende) Spektrumsabschnitte (Slots) gebildet. Dies führt nach den zahlreichen Reservierungen und Freisetzungen des Spektrums zu einer nicht optimalen Zuordnung, die in einer höheren Blockierungs-wahrscheinlichkeit der neuen Verbindungsanfragen und einer geringeren Auslastung von EONs resultiert. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, müssen die Zuweisung und Neuzuordnung des Spektrums in EONs genau modelliert und effizient sowie intelligent verwaltet werden. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Fragmentierungsproblem und berücksichtigt dabei die beiden Einschränkungen: Kontiguität und Kontinuität. Unter diesen Annahmen wurden analytische Modelle zur Berechnung einer exakten Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeit in EONs mit und ohne Spektrumskonvertierung erarbeitet. Außerdem umfasst diese Arbeit eine Analyse der Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeit im Falle einer Neuzuordnung des Sprektrums (Defragmentierung). Diese Blockierungsanalyse wird zum ersten Mal mit Hilfe der Markov-Modelle durchgeführt. Da die exakten analytischen Modelle hinsichtlich der Netzwerkgröße und -kapazität nicht skalierbar sind, werden in dieser Dissertation verkehrslastunabhängige und verkehrslastabhängige Approximationsmodelle vorgestellt. Diese Modelle bieten eine Näherung der Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeiten in EONs. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeit einer Verbindung aufgrund von einer Fragmentierung des Spektrums durch die Verwendung einer Spektrumkonvertierung oder eines Defragmentierungsverfahrens verringert werden kann. Eine effiziente Bereitstellung der optischen Netzwerkressourcen ist eine wichtige Aufgabe von EONs. Deswegen befasst sich diese Arbeit mit algorithmischen Lösungen, die Spektrumressource mithilfe des Fragmentierungsfaktors von Spektral-, Zeit- und räumlichen Dimension effizient zuweisen und neu zuordnen. Darüber hinaus wird die Rolle des maschinellen Lernens (ML) für eine verbesserte Bereitstellung der optischen Ressourcen untersucht und das ML basierte Verfahren mit der statischen Ressourcenzuweisung verglichen. Dabei werden zwei Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt und analysiert: der Umgang mit einer zeitveränderlichen Verkehrslast in optischen Rechenzentrumsnetzen, und eine Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs und die Zuweisung des Spektrums proportional zu Verkehrsklassen in kombinierten Glasfaser-Funknetzwerken

    Improving Routing Efficiency, Fairness, Differentiated Servises And Throughput In Optical Networks

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    Wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks are rapidly becoming the technology of choice in next-generation Internet architectures. This dissertation addresses the important issues of improving four aspects of optical networks, namely, routing efficiency, fairness, differentiated quality of service (QoS) and throughput. A new approach for implementing efficient routing and wavelength assignment in WDM networks is proposed and evaluated. In this approach, the state of a multiple-fiber link is represented by a compact bitmap computed as the logical union of the bitmaps of the free wavelengths in the fibers of this link. A modified Dijkstra\u27s shortest path algorithm and a wavelength assignment algorithm are developed using fast logical operations on the bitmap representation. In optical burst switched (OBS) networks, the burst dropping probability increases as the number of hops in the lightpath of the burst increases. Two schemes are proposed and evaluated to alleviate this unfairness. The two schemes have simple logic, and alleviate the beat-down unfairness problem without negatively impacting the overall throughput of the system. Two similar schemes to provide differentiated services in OBS networks are introduced. A new scheme to improve the fairness of OBS networks based on burst preemption is presented. The scheme uses carefully designed constraints to avoid excessive wasted channel reservations, reduce cascaded useless preemptions, and maintain healthy throughput levels. A new scheme to improve the throughput of OBS networks based on burst preemption is presented. An analytical model is developed to compute the throughput of the network for the special case when the network has a ring topology and the preemption weight is based solely on burst size. The analytical model is quite accurate and gives results close to those obtained by simulation. Finally, a preemption-based scheme for the concurrent improvement of throughput and burst fairness in OBS networks is proposed and evaluated. The scheme uses a preemption weight consisting of two terms: the first term is a function of the size of the burst and the second term is the product of the hop count times the length of the lightpath of the burst

    Symmetric rearrangeable networks and algorithms

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    A class of symmetric rearrangeable nonblocking networks has been considered in this thesis. A particular focus of this thesis is on Benes networks built with 2 x 2 switching elements. Symmetric rearrangeable networks built with larger switching elements have also being considered. New applications of these networks are found in the areas of System on Chip (SoC) and Network on Chip (NoC). Deterministic routing algorithms used in NoC applications suffer low scalability and slow execution time. On the other hand, faster algorithms are blocking and thus limit throughput. This will be an acceptable trade-off for many applications where achieving ”wire speed” on the on-chip network would require extensive optimisation of the attached devices. In this thesis I designed an algorithm that has much lower blocking probabilities than other suboptimal algorithms but a much faster execution time than deterministic routing algorithms. The suboptimal method uses the looping algorithm in its outermost stages and then in the two distinct subnetworks deeper in the switch uses a fast but suboptimal path search method to find available paths. The worst case time complexity of this new routing method is O(NlogN) using a single processor, which matches the best known results reported in the literature. Disruption of the ongoing communications in this class of networks during rearrangements is an open issue. In this thesis I explored a modification of the topology of these networks which gives rise to what is termed as repackable networks. A repackable topology allows rearrangements of paths without intermittently losing connectivity by breaking the existing communication paths momentarily. The repackable network structure proposed in this thesis is efficient in its use of hardware when compared to other proposals in the literature. As most of the deterministic algorithms designed for Benes networks implement a permutation of all inputs to find the routing tags for the requested inputoutput pairs, I proposed a new algorithm that can work for partial permutations. If the network load is defined as ρ, the mean number of active inputs in a partial permutation is, m = ρN, where N is the network size. This new method is based on mapping the network stages into a set of sub-matrices and then determines the routing tags for each pair of requests by populating the cells of the sub-matrices without creating a blocking state. Overall the serial time complexity of this method is O(NlogN) and O(mlogN) where all N inputs are active and with m < N active inputs respectively. With minor modification to the serial algorithm this method can be made to work in the parallel domain. The time complexity of this routing algorithm in a parallel machine with N completely connected processors is O(log^2 N). With m active requests the time complexity goes down to (logmlogN), which is better than the O(log^2 m + logN), reported in the literature for 2^0.5((log^2 -4logN)^0.5-logN)<= ρ <= 1. I also designed multistage symmetric rearrangeable networks using larger switching elements and implement a new routing algorithm for these classes of networks. The network topology and routing algorithms presented in this thesis should allow large scale networks of modest cost, with low setup times and moderate blocking rates, to be constructed. Such switching networks will be required to meet the bandwidth requirements of future communication networks

    Performance issues in optical burst/packet switching

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-01524-3_8This chapter summarises the activities on optical packet switching (OPS) and optical burst switching (OBS) carried out by the COST 291 partners in the last 4 years. It consists of an introduction, five sections with contributions on five different specific topics, and a final section dedicated to the conclusions. Each section contains an introductive state-of-the-art description of the specific topic and at least one contribution on that topic. The conclusions give some points on the current situation of the OPS/OBS paradigms

    A heuristic for placement of limited range wavelength converters in all-optical networks

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    Wavelength routed optical networks have emerged as a technology that can effectively utilize the enormous bandwidth of the optical fiber. Wavelength converters play an important role in enhancing the fiber utilization and reducing the overall call blocking probability of the network. As the distortion of the optical signal increases with the increase in the range of wavelength conversion in optical wavelength converters, limited range wavelength conversion assumes importance. Placement of wavelength converters is a NP complete problem [K.C. Lee, V.O.K. Li, IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 11 (1993) 962-970] in an arbitrary mesh network. In this paper, we investigate heuristics for placing limited range wavelength converters in arbitrary mesh wavelength routed optical networks. The objective is to achieve near optimal placement of limited range wavelength converters resulting in reduced blocking probabilities and low distortion of the optical signal. The proposed heuristic is to place limited range wavelength converters at the most congested nodes, nodes which lie on the long lightpaths and nodes where conversion of optical signals is significantly high. We observe that limited range converters at few nodes can provide almost the entire improvement in the blocking probability as the full range wavelength converters placed at all the nodes. Congestion control in the network is brought about by dynamically adjusting the weights of the channels in the link thereby balancing the load and reducing the average delay of the traffic in the entire network. Simulations have been carried out on a 12-node ring network, 14-node NSFNET, 19-node European Optical Network (EON), 28-node US long haul network, hypothetical 30-node INET network and the results agree with the analysis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved

    Optimization in Telecommunication Networks

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    Network design and network synthesis have been the classical optimization problems intelecommunication for a long time. In the recent past, there have been many technologicaldevelopments such as digitization of information, optical networks, internet, and wirelessnetworks. These developments have led to a series of new optimization problems. Thismanuscript gives an overview of the developments in solving both classical and moderntelecom optimization problems.We start with a short historical overview of the technological developments. Then,the classical (still actual) network design and synthesis problems are described with anemphasis on the latest developments on modelling and solving them. Classical results suchas Menger’s disjoint paths theorem, and Ford-Fulkerson’s max-flow-min-cut theorem, butalso Gomory-Hu trees and the Okamura-Seymour cut-condition, will be related to themodels described. Finally, we describe recent optimization problems such as routing andwavelength assignment, and grooming in optical networks.operations research and management science;
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