867 research outputs found

    Pyramid: Enhancing Selectivity in Big Data Protection with Count Featurization

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    Protecting vast quantities of data poses a daunting challenge for the growing number of organizations that collect, stockpile, and monetize it. The ability to distinguish data that is actually needed from data collected "just in case" would help these organizations to limit the latter's exposure to attack. A natural approach might be to monitor data use and retain only the working-set of in-use data in accessible storage; unused data can be evicted to a highly protected store. However, many of today's big data applications rely on machine learning (ML) workloads that are periodically retrained by accessing, and thus exposing to attack, the entire data store. Training set minimization methods, such as count featurization, are often used to limit the data needed to train ML workloads to improve performance or scalability. We present Pyramid, a limited-exposure data management system that builds upon count featurization to enhance data protection. As such, Pyramid uniquely introduces both the idea and proof-of-concept for leveraging training set minimization methods to instill rigor and selectivity into big data management. We integrated Pyramid into Spark Velox, a framework for ML-based targeting and personalization. We evaluate it on three applications and show that Pyramid approaches state-of-the-art models while training on less than 1% of the raw data

    Hierarchical and Decentralised Federated Learning

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    Federated learning has shown enormous promise as a way of training ML models in distributed environments while reducing communication costs and protecting data privacy. However, the rise of complex cyber-physical systems, such as the Internet-of-Things, presents new challenges that are not met with traditional FL methods. Hierarchical Federated Learning extends the traditional FL process to enable more efficient model aggregation based on application needs or characteristics of the deployment environment (e.g., resource capabilities and/or network connectivity). It illustrates the benefits of balancing processing across the cloud-edge continuum. Hierarchical Federated Learning is likely to be a key enabler for a wide range of applications, such as smart farming and smart energy management, as it can improve performance and reduce costs, whilst also enabling FL workflows to be deployed in environments that are not well-suited to traditional FL. Model aggregation algorithms, software frameworks, and infrastructures will need to be designed and implemented to make such solutions accessible to researchers and engineers across a growing set of domains. H-FL also introduces a number of new challenges. For instance, there are implicit infrastructural challenges. There is also a trade-off between having generalised models and personalised models. If there exist geographical patterns for data (e.g., soil conditions in a smart farm likely are related to the geography of the region itself), then it is crucial that models used locally can consider their own locality in addition to a globally-learned model. H-FL will be crucial to future FL solutions as it can aggregate and distribute models at multiple levels to optimally serve the trade-off between locality dependence and global anomaly robustness.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 25 reference

    Robust and Fair Machine Learning under Distribution Shift

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    Machine learning algorithms have been widely used in real world applications. The development of these techniques has brought huge benefits for many AI-related tasks, such as natural language processing, image classification, video analysis, and so forth. In traditional machine learning algorithms, we usually assume that the training data and test data are independently and identically distributed (iid), indicating that the model learned from the training data can be well applied to the test data with good prediction performance. However, this assumption is quite restrictive because the distribution shift can exist from the training data to the test data in many scenarios. In addition, the goal of traditional machine learning model is to maximize the prediction performance, e.g., accuracy, based on the historical training data, which may tend to make unfair predictions for some particular individual or groups. In the literature, researchers either focus on building robust machine learning models under data distribution shift or achieving fairness separately, without considering to solve them simultaneously. The goal of this dissertation is to solve the above challenging issues in fair machine learning under distribution shift. We start from building an agnostic fair framework in federated learning as the data distribution is more diversified and distribution shift exists from the training data to the test data. Then we build a robust framework to address the sample selection bias for fair classification. Next we solve the sample selection bias issue for fair regression. Finally, we propose an adversarial framework to build a personalized model in the distributed setting where the distribution shift exists between different users. In this dissertation, we conduct the following research for fair machine learning under distribution shift. • We develop a fairness-aware agnostic federated learning framework (AgnosticFair) to deal with the challenge of unknown testing distribution; • We propose a framework for robust and fair learning under sample selection bias; • We develop a framework for fair regression under sample selection bias when dependent variable values of a set of samples from the training data are missing as a result of another hidden process; • We propose a learning framework that allows an individual user to build a personalized model in a distributed setting, where the distribution shift exists among different users

    Systematizing Genome Privacy Research: A Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Perspective

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    Rapid advances in human genomics are enabling researchers to gain a better understanding of the role of the genome in our health and well-being, stimulating hope for more effective and cost efficient healthcare. However, this also prompts a number of security and privacy concerns stemming from the distinctive characteristics of genomic data. To address them, a new research community has emerged and produced a large number of publications and initiatives. In this paper, we rely on a structured methodology to contextualize and provide a critical analysis of the current knowledge on privacy-enhancing technologies used for testing, storing, and sharing genomic data, using a representative sample of the work published in the past decade. We identify and discuss limitations, technical challenges, and issues faced by the community, focusing in particular on those that are inherently tied to the nature of the problem and are harder for the community alone to address. Finally, we report on the importance and difficulty of the identified challenges based on an online survey of genome data privacy expertsComment: To appear in the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), Vol. 2019, Issue

    A Survey of Data Security: Practices from Cybersecurity and Challenges of Machine Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being deployed in critical systems. The data dependence of ML makes securing data used to train and test ML-enabled systems of utmost importance. While the field of cybersecurity has well-established practices for securing information, ML-enabled systems create new attack vectors. Furthermore, data science and cybersecurity domains adhere to their own set of skills and terminologies. This survey aims to present background information for experts in both domains in topics such as cryptography, access control, zero trust architectures, homomorphic encryption, differential privacy for machine learning, and federated learning to establish shared foundations and promote advancements in data security

    A Study on Privacy Preserving Data Publishing With Differential Privacy

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    In the era of digitization it is important to preserve privacy of various sensitive information available around us, e.g., personal information, different social communication and video streaming sites' and services' own users' private information, salary information and structure of an organization, census and statistical data of a country and so on. These data can be represented in different formats such as Numerical and Categorical data, Graph Data, Tree-Structured data and so on. For preventing these data from being illegally exploited and protect it from privacy threats, it is required to apply an efficient privacy model over sensitive data. There have been a great number of studies on privacy-preserving data publishing over the last decades. Differential Privacy (DP) is one of the state of the art methods for preserving privacy to a database. However, applying DP to high dimensional tabular data (Numerical and Categorical) is challenging in terms of required time, memory, and high frequency computational unit. A well-known solution is to reduce the dimension of the given database, keeping its originality and preserving relations among all of its entities. In this thesis, we propose PrivFuzzy, a simple and flexible differentially private method that can publish differentially private data after reducing their original dimension with the help of Fuzzy logic. Exploiting Fuzzy mapping, PrivFuzzy can (1) reduce database columns and create a new low dimensional correlated database, (2) inject noise to each attribute to ensure differential privacy on newly created low dimensional database, and (3) sample each entry in the database and release synthesized database. Existing literatures show the difficulty of applying differential privacy over a high dimensional dataset, which we overcame by proposing a novel fuzzy based approach (PrivFuzzy). By applying our novel fuzzy mapping technique, PrivFuzzy transforms a high dimensional dataset to an equivalent low dimensional one, without losing any relationship within the dataset. Our experiments with real data and comparison with the existing privacy preserving models, PrivBayes and PrivGene, show that our proposed approach PrivFuzzy outperforms existing solutions in terms of the strength of privacy preservation, simplicity and improving utility. Preserving privacy of Graph structured data, at the time of making some of its part available, is still one of the major problems in preserving data privacy. Most of the present models had tried to solve this issue by coming up with complex solution, as well as mixed up with signal and noise, which make these solutions ineffective in real time use and practice. One of the state of the art solution is to apply differential privacy over the queries on graph data and its statistics. But the challenge to meet here is to reduce the error at the time of publishing the data as mechanism of Differential privacy adds a large amount of noise and introduces erroneous results which reduces the utility of data. In this thesis, we proposed an Expectation Maximization (EM) based novel differentially private model for graph dataset. By applying EM method iteratively in conjunction with Laplace mechanism our proposed private model applies differentially private noise over the result of several subgraph queries on a graph dataset. Besides, to ensure expected utility, by selecting a maximal noise level θ\theta, our proposed system can generate noisy result with expected utility. Comparing with existing models for several subgraph counting queries, we claim that our proposed model can generate much less noise than the existing models to achieve expected utility and can still preserve privacy
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