8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Smartphone on Adolescents Desire to Marry Early in Pasuruan Regency

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    Smartphone become something inseparable with adolescents. Like a double-edged knife, Smartphone can give good or bad effect for adolescents, one of them is on teenage sexual behavior. This study aims to determine the effect of Smartphone on adolescents desire to marry early. The population is all Senior High School (SMA) and Vocational School (SMK) in Pasuruan Regency. Data were collected by questionnaire. The obtained data is analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The results showed that ease access to internet and parental controls have no significant effect on adolescents desire to marry early. The adolescents desire to marry early more affected by peers milieu and religious activities. The positive peers milieu and religious activity followed have a positive effect on mindset of adolescents to choose a way of life in accordance with religious advice, namely getting married. Considering these results, it is advisable for parents and teachers to lead adolescents to a more positive association, such as come to religious environments, following groups of youth information and counseling centers (PIK-Adolescents) and not forget to apply 8 family functions Keywords: BKKBN, adolescents desire to marry early, Smartphone

    Learning Object Oriented Programming Using Augmented Reality - A Case Study with Elementary School Students

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    abstract: There is a demanding need to empower students from kindergarten through high school to learn computer science and be equipped with the computational thinking skills that they need in today's technology driven world. However, introducing computer programming to students can be challenging, especially for those who aren't familiar with the nuances of code. Several popular tools are used in curriculum for K-12 students which utilize interactive and visualization approaches to engage young kids in learning computational concepts. Possibilities of using Augmented Reality (AR) in teaching programming to novices are explored in this work. In this thesis Ogmented, an AR application is designed which includes interactive learning material that covers a range of fundamental Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. This work aims to exploit the idea to learn abstract concepts via AR by capitalizing the strength of visual-aided and interactive elements. A user study with a group of elementary school students is conducted. It explored how students operated the AR application with the interactive elements and how they wrote codes to solve programming problems. It was observed that students who followed instructions while taking tutorials were successfully able to write fragments of codes in exercise modules. Irrespective of their knowledge about programming, majority of students were able to write executable code snippets for concepts they were taught with use of Ogmented. This shares an initial insight on using AR in classroom to teach abstract programming concepts.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Best Strategies for Mitigating Choice Overload

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    Objectives of the study As the growth in product variety and assortment continues to soar, consumers nowadays are more susceptible to choice overload. In order to attract and retain customers, retailers must take actions to mitigate the choice overload problem in their product assortments. Hence, this study aims to find out best strategies that enterprises can employ to mitigate choice overload. Academic background and methodology Prior research has mainly concentrated on proving the existence of choice overload problem as well as the effects of assortment size reduction on mitigating the problem. However, little research has been done on examining additional mitigation strategies for choice overload. Therefore, this study aims to identify further approaches that enterprises can adopt to mitigate choice overload problem by examining different assortment strategies as well as the consumer groups in experienced choice overload level. The assortment strategies examined in the study are Assortment Size Reduction, Categorization, Provision of a Default Option and Unconscious Information Processing. As for consumer groups, different groups classified by Gender, Age, Education and Continent were compared. The thesis employed a behavioral experiment to examine participants’ degree of experienced choice overload when making their decisions in different assortment conditions. Participants were assigned to 9 different assortment scenarios corresponding to different combinations of mitigation approaches. After making their decision in the assortment, they were asked to evaluate their choice overload based on a set of statements. The experiment results revealed the effectiveness of different mitigation approaches and the differences among consumer groups in experienced choice overload. Findings and conclusion First, the experiment confirmed the existence of choice overload effect. Second, the experiment suggested the effectiveness of assortment strategies. Third, we uncovered that most effective mitigation strategies are Reduction of Assortment Size and Unconscious Information Processing. Fourth, the mitigation strategies were discovered to be more effective when being in combination with each other instead of being stand-alone. Finally, regarding the differences among consumer groups in experienced choice overload, those who demonstrated low levels of choice overload are men, elders and highly educated people. These results suggest various actions that enterprises should consider to mitigate choice overload in their product assortments

    Prediction of Student Final Exam Performance in an Introductory Programming Course: Development and Validation of the Use of a Support Vector Machine-Regression Model

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    This paper presents a Support Vector Machine predictive model to determine if prior programming knowledge and completion of in-class and take home formative assessment tasks might be suitable predictors of examination performance. Student data from the academic years 2012 - 2016 for an introductory programming course was captured via ViLLE e-learning tool for analysis. The results revealed that student prior programming knowledge and assessment scores captured in a predictive model, is a good fit of the data. However, while overall success of the model is significant, predictions on identifying at-risk students is neither high nor low and that persuaded us to include two more research questions. However, our preliminary post analysis on these test results show that on average students who secured less than 70% in formative assessment scores with little or basic prior programming knowledge in programming may fail in the final programming exam and increase the prediction accuracy in identifying at-risk students from 46% to nearly 63%. Hence, these results provide immediate information for programming course instructors and students to enhance teaching and learning process.</p

    Os futuros professores e os professores do futuro. Os desafios da introdução ao pensamento computacional na escola, no currículo e na aprendizagem

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    "O artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado com o objetivo de explorar alguns dos desafios da introdução ao pensamento computacional no contexto da formação inicial de professores dos ensinos básico e secundário. Um dos principais diz respeito à avaliação das aprendizagens dos estudantes relativas à aquisição e ao desenvolvimento dos princípios do pensamento computacional. Para este efeito foi adotado um quadro de referência baseado na avaliação de artefactos digitais enquanto produtos resultantes do desenvolvimento de projetos no ambiente computacional Scratch.A amostra foi constituída por 44 alunos de licenciatura e mestrado de diferentes cursos de ensino. Foi adotada uma metodologia qualitativa que teve como principais fontes de informação os artefactos digitais programados, os relatórios e entrevistas focus-group. Os resultados são apresentados e discutida a importância de proporcionar experiências de aprendizagem aos futuros professores, para que estes, como futuros profissionais da educação, possam estar preparados para uma utilização pedagógica inovadora dos ambientes computacionais destinados a crianças e jovens. Palavras-chave: Formação inicial de professores, pensamento computacional, ensino da computação. The future teachers and the teachers of the future. Challenges from the introduction of computational thinking into the school, curriculum and learning Abstract: The text describes and analyses the introduction of computational thinking in the context of initial teacher education in a university context through the use of Scracth programming language. The approach is based in theorethical and practical framework in order to study and evaluate the development of computational thinking. We designed a study aimed to investigate the adequacy of the dimensions present in the referred framework, in the context of initial teacher training, as well as evaluating the attributed relevance to the development of computational thinking by future teachers as part of their training process. A total sample of 44 students participated in the research selected from undergraduate and master's courses. A qualitative research methodology was adopted, using Scratch programming language and multimedia projects, reports and focus-group interviews as main data collection techniques. Results shows the importance of providing experiences and learning opportunities to the initial teacher training students, appropriate to the development of computational thinking so that students can, as future professionals, to prepare for an increasingly demanding and complex society and to take fully advantage of the educational potential of computers and particularly the computacional environments for children. Keywords: computational thinking; initial teacher education; and teaching computing.